Ep. 5

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I Was tied to the same uncomfortable chair I was in only a few hours ago, though this time I wasn't blindfolded, I felt a hot pain in my arm, as if the chair was hot metal, burning my skin, I let out a cry for help, hopping someone would hear me, but my voice just echoed across the room, silence replying

Suddenly a door opened, a man with orangish-brown hair walked in, smirking, he was tall, wearing a similar suit to my dad, but it was more of a brown than a dark blue

He caressed my face with cold gloved hands, before leaning over to my ear and whispering

"Awww.. how cute.. you want to be a detective but can't because of your dad.. you weak thing... hopefully soon enough I'll teach you to submit to me.."

He laughed darkly, I let out a scream, throwing up my hands, trying to push him away

I woke up, I wasn't tied up but in my bed, I guess I fell asleep when I was trying to calm down, I rubbed my eye and put a hand to my heart, I felt it thumping at an unormal speed, I sighed and slowly got out of my bed

"Damn... who was that freak in my dream anyway..?" I thought silently, what did he mean by "making me submit to him?" Like blud, this ain't a mind control fairy princess movie where I get brainwashed by him and during a fight with my dad that has terrible CGI, with the power of love and friendship he breaks the mind control spell, and I live happily ever after

I got into some clean clothes and did my skin care and makeup (cuz slay every day👁👄👁) 

Finally I came downstairs and made some cereal, of course my dad wasn't home, he never is, I finished my cereal and packed my bag for school, I finally exited the house, yayyy time for me to get kidnapped again and smell so much freaking sedative!!✨✨✨ 

I started to walk to school, since I didn't really like the stinky old bus, I mean, it smells like a McDonald's play zone, do they even wash it?

I was walking along a busy street , as I was crossing the road, I looked over and saw a black figure, at first I thought it was just some cosplayer, I ignored it, but I looked back, I didn't really want to go to school, but my dad would get mad at me if I didn't, but still.. the detective side of me wanted to find out what it was

So I did a pretty stupid thing, I decided to follow the figure, running after it as it went down a dark alley, I entered the alley, looking around, suddenly someone or something grabbed my head and shoved it down to the floor, I had only one thought as my head was about to hit the hard concrete 

                                                          "This was going to hurt.." 

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