Ep. 9

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I felt the gun at my back as the girl walked forward

I felt so annoyed, though I was a bit scared 

But the thing was I was think about stuff that made me mad earlier

Instead of fear I felt more rage than before

It's not my fault I'm my stupid ass dads daughter

The one who needs to be rescued 24/7

The one who can't have a dream

A family

A life

I lunged back, hitting the gun with my back, the girl holding the gun didn't have a quick enough reaction before I had her pinned to the ground, the gun was on the hard concrete Out of the girls reach 

She struggled but I was a lot stronger than her

When I was younger i would secretly train myself

After some time my dad found out and decided to help me, so I would get kidnapped less often

And I have to say, I've gotten pretty strong 

When she realized she was trapped she let out a psychopathic laugh that sent shivers down my spine

I wondered if she needed therapy before pressing down harder on her, her laugh slowly turned into a cry of pain

That was a relief, she was too creepy just being near me, slowly I decided to cut the silence

"Why did you try to kill me?! Who do you work for?!"

The girl grunted, trying to get out of my death grip, which I tightened again, causing her to let out another cry, before she spot, smirking despite being in pain 

"b-Bosses orders little girl... a-As for who I work for... a-A brat like you d-Doesn't need to know that.."

" 'little girl?!' You bastard! You look like you're younger than me!"

The girl let another cry out, muffled because her head was being pushed into the hard pavement 

"So what are you going t-To do? k-Kill me? t-Torture me? I can h-Handle anything you throw!"

I stared emptily At her, me eyes wanted to grab the gun next to her and end her here and now but something stopped me, my emotionless eyes stared at her as I was lost in thoughts, loosening me grip on her arms which were now bruised 

The girl saw this as an advantage, she kicked her legs up, pushing me down, as she rolled over on to her back as I stumbled to the ground

She quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it at me, I dodged it, grabbing the knife from my pocket and tried to slice her leg but she kicked me I'm the face, pushing me away and grabbing my knife 

Before I could react agains she bent down and quickly stabbed me in the stomach with my own knife, I coughed out some blood

I leaned against the alley wall, clenching my stomach as I attempted to keep out the pain in my head, I felt like screaming but didn't have the energy, 'well.. I guess this is the end..' I thought silently

I thought of my dad


My mom 

My friends

My enemy's 

My kidnappers

I the girl raised her gun and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain that I was about to experience 

But suddenly I heard the sound of a knife slicing something 

I heard a thud and slowly opened my eyes

Not knowing if I should be sad, happy, terrified, or all of the above

I saw a girl, about my age, thought she was drop dead gorgeous, I would have been tongue tied if I wasn't in so much pain, she had dark purple eyes, black hair, and a soft face

She was wearing a white sweatshirt, now covered in blood, a cute skirt, Followed by some black tennis shoes

She had her thin hair in a braid and was glancing down worried

Slowly calling out my name

Blood dripped from the knife she was holding, I tried to speak but felt my consciousness slip away as I fell down from my sitting position, hitting the hard ground surprisingly softly

The girl ran to my side she yelled out something, but I blacked out before I could see what she was saying, As I entered the endless darkness of my mind

Hoping I could be trapped forever and block out the never ending pain

(✨✨Authors reaction to this chapter✨✨) ... well that happen..

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