no texts, yes... severe angst

130 2 69


Tears ran down from his eyes as he slowly tightened a knot, pulling the rope so much that it burned his hands. He paused for a couple seconds, as his body shook uncontrollably, his mind repeating one thought over and over again.

So this is how it ends...?

He closed his eyes for a split second, hearing a voice that had beem communicating with him whenever he was alone ever since his best friend died speak again.

"Go on, you're almost there!"

Trembling as he wrapped the rope around a small lamp attached to the ceiling, he looked up at it, his vision blurred with his crying. Despite all of this, no noise was made at all, except for a few short moments where he would be muttering to himself... like this one.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Taking in a deep breath, he proceeded to wrap it around himself, before glancing around his small room, his vision focusing in on two picture frames - one of which happened to be cracked.

That one was of him and his best friend, taken almost six years ago - back before that friend started a business that became really well-known, and back before he himself reunited with some of his siblings...

But as he looked at the other one... he realized something.

Right... them... my partner. I can't just do this to them, it wouldn't be fair... I'm acting selfish by trying to do it, not even worrying about how they'd feel...

Trying to pull the rope off of himself, he began to mutter to nobody, repeating that he couldn't do this to them. But no matter how hard he pulled... the rope wasn't going anywhere - something was holding it in place.

"Don't back out now; you might as well keep going. And don't worry about your partner, you know they deserve someone far better than you. They'll be fine without you."

"Wh-" he was about to begin, before looking up at the figure that was holding the rope in place, noticing that it had a small pattern of four multi-coloured squares, them being yellow, red, blue, and green. "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!"

The figure didn't respond, it just laughed while he stared in confusion, shaking on top of a chair. It looked back up at him, sighing.

"You're keeping them away from me."

"Wh-What do you mean...?"

"They're the only one who cares..." the figure said quietly, its eyes welling up before it wiped them with its arm. "They're the only one who cares about me. Everyone else just fawns over my brother... what about me?" it added, its eyes welling up again - even faster this time.

"H-Hey..." he began in response, as the figure looked up at him. "I understand how you feel... I've been there too, feeling like nobody cares about you... but you shouldn't be-"

"BUT YOU'RE KEEPING THEM AWAY FROM ME!" it suddenly yelled out, as he nearly fell onto the chair he stood onto. "They've left me on read so much more lately, is my brother taking them too? He's already taken enough from me..."

"You're being selfish by continuing to live. I need them too, it isn't just you, you know." it snapped, letting go of the rope. "You know what to do now, so do it."

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