Ash's Pikachu & Ash's Roggenrola/Boldore

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Ash's Pikachu & Ash's Roggenrola/Boldore

First conversation:

Pikachu: Roggenrola is over there, so I'm going to say hello to him.

(Roggenrola unexpectedly turns around)

Roggenrola: Hello, Pikachu! How are you?

Pikachu: Bu-but-but what? Uh... H-hi, Roggenrola.

Roggenrola: You'll wonder why I say hello to you before you did, right?

Pikachu: I'm really surprised, how did you know that I was going to say hello before?

Roggenrola: Very simple, do you see the eye that I have on front?

Pikachu: Yeah, I see it. It's hexagonal, yellow, and with a hole in the middle.

Roggenrola: Well, it isn't really an eye, but an ear.

Pikachu: An ear?

Roggenrola: Yes, that ear is very sensitive, it can even hear very low frequency waves that no human can hear.

Pikachu: Wow, it's incredible. So with your ear you could hear when I was talking before going to say hello.

Roggenrola: Exactly, Isn't it cool? I can hear any conversation around me, although I'm not one hundred percent round.

Pikachu: Heh, heh. And what is there inside of the hole of the ear?

Roggenrola: That heads to the core where I have stored energy.

Pikachu: Oh, can I touch it?

Roggenrola: No, or otherwise I'll have to attack you until you faint.

Pikachu: Geez...

Roggenrola: It doesn't matter. Everything is alright and calm.

Pikachu: Yeah, you were very helpful to solve that case of the missing Audino.

Roggenrola: Ha, it seems that it's the only thing that I'm useful here.

Pikachu: What did you say?

Roggenrola: Nothing, It's time to lunch, right?

Pikachu: You're right, let's eat.

Second conversation:

Roggenrola: What's up, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Hi, Roggenrola. Today is a beautiful day, don't you think?

Roggenrola: I haven't noticed, it's really beautiful day!

Pikachu: Yeah.

Roggenrola: Is the sky so light blue? It's great! Look those clouds, they are so white! They look small from here. It must be wonderful being on one of them!

Pikachu: Roggenrola, is something wrong with you?

Roggenrola: What, Pikachu? I wasn't paying attention.

Pikachu: That there is something wrong with you.

Roggenrola: Why do you say so?

Pikachu: Well, you were much amazed as you observed the sky.

Roggenrola: Yeah, it's very beautiful see it from here. It's incredible! Don't you think, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Yeah... well... the truth is I don't get amazed by observing something common like the sky. Have you never seen the sky like that?

Roggenrola: ...

Pikachu: Roggenrola?

Roggenrola: Well, if you want to know the truth, I'll tell you. I was in my cave for a very long time that... I almost never went outside.

Pikachu: Didn't you go outside?

Roggenrola: Yeah, this is like my first time that I went out of the cave to see my surroundings. I only did that if there was an emergency. Maybe it's because that I get amazed with the things from the outside, like the sky, the vegetation, the Pokémon, the human-made structures, etc.

Pikachu: Roggenrola...

Roggenrola: In the cave where I lived, I had all what I need to live there, like the rocks' minerals. There is no other reason to go outside. I was fine together with my partners, although... I miss them so much.

Pikachu: Don't you worry, Roggenrola, they're going to be fine. We've solved the problem we had with Team Rocket. Now your partners live in peace.

Roggenrola: I hope so...

Pikachu: From what you told me, you don't know so much about the outside world. Would you like that I teach you somethings about that subject?

Roggenrola: Yeah! I would be delighted!

Pikachu: Very well, where do I begin?

Third conversation:

Pikachu: And that was the journey that we had in Sinnoh, to then travel some time later to Unova.

Boldore: ...

Pikachu: Boldore?

Boldore: Oh, excuse me. I was thinking about something.

Pikachu: Did you like everything about what I told you?

Boldore: Well, the truth is yes.

Pikachu: You were very interested in the whole conversation, or didn't you hear me everything what I said?

Boldore: No, Pikachu, I heard everything. I'm really fascinated by everything what you said.

Pikachu: Yeah, and that's a fraction of what this world has.

Boldore: Wow, it would be cool to travel around de world and knowing many things that it can offer. I would like that so much! I could tell them to my... partners...

Pikachu: Do you still miss your partners of the cave, Boldore?

Boldore: Yeah... It seems that I'm in a point where I will never see them again.

Pikachu: Boldore...

Boldore: But... I have to accept that they are fine without me. Now I started a new life with Ash. I have to be happy, maybe someday I see them again.

Pikachu: That's right, don't feel discourage, you have new partners that are going to accompanying you from now on.

Boldore: You're right, Pikachu. Thank you.

Pikachu: You're welcome. Ah! One more thing: What subject that I talked did you like more?

Boldore: Well, I liked that you talked about music.

Pikachu: Seriously? Well, I could ask you: do you like rock?

Boldore: ...You said that because I'm a rock type, didn't you?

Pikachu: Uh... this...

Boldore: Keep in mind that I like rock like the steel type Pokémon like metal.

Pikachu: Really? In other words, do you rock 'n' roll?

Boldore: ...Really, Pikachu? Pikachu, please, don't be silly. I was messing with you.

Pikachu: Oh right. Sorry about that.

Boldore: You're forgiven, Pikachu.

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