Chapter 10

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The next two days, everything went pretty well, and I was finally able to sleep a couple of hours a night. My friends continued to study sign language every chance we got, even the twins popped up, and showed me what they've learned. Today is now Friday, also known as the day mail is delivered. My friends are awaiting their family or personal owls to get their letters and mail.

I decided to dip out and go to see Harry as I know I won't be getting anything. As I go to sit down next to him, I wave to his friend group. "Ah. Mail's here!" Ron says as the owls soar by, dropping parcels to students. Harry and I get nothing at first but end up getting a letter from Hagrid, addressed to us both, asking us to visit his hut later today.

Harry then sees the newspaper Ron has put down. "Can I borrow this?" He asks. When Ron nods, he takes it and thanks him. Besides me, Neville is unwrapping his mail. It seems to be a clear glass ball with a gold banner around it. "Hey, look! Neville's got a Remembrall!" A Gryffindor boy says.

"I've read about those. When the smoke turns red," Hermione starts saying, and funnily enough, the smoke turns red. "it means you've forgotten something." She finishes. I laugh, "The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Neville says, making me laugh at more. My laugh attracts the twins' attention, making them look down the table at me. I wave and write, 'Hello!' To them, adding a small smiley face.

"Hey, Ron! Somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen." Harry says, gaining my attention after the boys wave. He reads the article aloud, "Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had, in fact, been emptied earlier that same day.' That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid took us to." He says as I nod, agreeing.

We agree to head over to Hagrid's at noon, so I say goodbye and head back to my group. My group agrees to head separate ways and do our own things, I decide to head to the kitchen and see if I'm allowed to bake something. I only know the way because I remember seeing it on the map the twins showed me.

As I arrive, I spot a tiny creature that reminds me of an elf. "Hally Potter, what can I do for you today?" The elf asks, I kneel down. 'Is there any way I can bake some cookies?' I ask, tilting my head. The elf thing hesitates, 'please? It's what I used to do at home. A hobby.' I say smiling softly to the elf. The elf thinks for only a moment more before nodding, 'and may I ask what you are?' I ask, trying to be as polite as I can be.

"Ms Potter, I'm a house elf. We clean and cook here." It says, I nod. 'And what's your name?' I ask, standing up. "No one's ever asked that before... my name's Cooky," Cooky says. I smile and follow him to a wall with a painting of a bowl of fruits. Cooky tickles a pear, the pear giggles, and suddenly turns into a large green door handle. My jaw drops as Cooky leads me into the hogwarts kitchen.

I thank Cooky before asking if they can gather me ingredients, Cooky does swiftly. I thank them before getting lost in another universe as I bake.

Sometimes, while baking, the twins appeared. "Saw you here on the map," Fred says as George helps me clean as I wait for the cookies to be finished in the oven. After everything is clean, I sit down, and the twins follow. 'When's your next class?' I ask seeing it's about 11.

"Not til 1, mind if we stay?" George asks, 'you are always welcome around me,' I say before we start conversing. We talk for a little while before the cookie timer dings. I jumped up excidley and put an oven mitt on before pulling the cookie tray from the oven. I set them on the counter before setting a five minute timer. "What kind of cookies did you make?" Fred asks.

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