Chapter 2 - The hunt

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Skyler walked out of the hospital angry like she'd never been before. She felt the anger and the adrenaline pumping though her veins, all at once. She was not having any of this. During her 16 years on this planet had she never ever felt this betrayed ever. On top that, finding out that her whole life basically had been a big lie through some blimey blood test was just the icing on the cake or the cherry on the pie if you would like that.

All the different medications they had given to her, started to hit her hard. Her eyelids started to feel heavy and she didn't remember much after that. Her parents must have taken the situation in their own hands and sat her in the backseat and driven her home.

It wasn't until several hours later she woke up. And when she did, she had a moment of calmness and feeling secure. She also had a wave of feeling that she needed to throw up really bad but let's not discuss that. But it didn't last long. Because instead she noticed the pain in her arm and she realized what had happened earlier that day. Right after that she jumped up to look for the first best parent. Because she wasn't going to let that one slide.

The closest room from her room was the kitchen. All she had to do was to step right out and turn to her left. Reading the newspaper she found her mom in the kitchen, with a cup of tea in her right hand. Her mom must have been too focused on the reading and tea drinking because she didn't even flinch when Skyler entered the room. Skyler took another step stomping the ground to get her mom's attention. She realized that stomping wouldn't do it so she ripped the newspaper out of her hand.

"Hey, I was reading that." Gabriella exclaimed

"I don't care about what you WERE doing, I want answers, and that's now!" Skyler practically yelled in her mom's face.

She had always been a good girl. So the behavior didn't only shock her mom but herself too. But Skyler wasn't having it anymore, she was done. As done as one can be with all the lies and excuses. She had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. Her right foot was tapping to stress her mom out even more.

"Can we at least wait for your father?"

It had happened before when she would ask about something and they would tell her to wait. Sadly it wouldn't be until much later that she would realize that she never received an answer. Now everything like that kind of made some sense. Like why she had different eye colour compared to her parents. Or why all of her older relatives always gave her the same sad looks of pity at every family reunion.

"Yeah, so you two can figure out an excuse to not explain anything else to her and that we can continue things like 'normal'. Because let her tell you something, that isn't happening any time soon."

For once she didn't feel too bad about ranting. She felt the opposite of that. She felt relieved and happy. Even though she really shouldn't feel that good, but who could blame her, right?

The clock continued to tick and her dad had still to return. It wasn't like him to arrive late and he had never missed dinner. It was 20 minutes to dinner.

Skyler had it all lined out. She had written down her thoughts from the last couple of hours in a notebook. It was three full pages filled with questions to them, answers the might give her and even questions they might've would want to ask her. Because in the end of the day did they actually care about her. And she did really appreciate it did indeed love them just as much as they loved her.

She had spent most of the time just watching YouTube videos and at that time rewatching Dan and Phil's videos on the SuperAmazingProject. Just as she was to give up the waiting he arrived. The only man and father figure in her life. With all the waiting she'd been through the last couple of hours had her will powers slowly turned into self-doubt. Part of her was saying that it wasn't worth it and that she shouldn't make a big deal of it all. Since she already knew the whole story about how they found her on the porch. What else is there for her to know?


The name came out of the mouth of her father. It wasn't harsh it was more towards the demanding way. Skyler debated whether to bring the notes or not but ended up not doing it. She then left her room to face her parents who were facing each other.

"Are you sure?" Her mom asked still facing her husband. He nodded and then they both looked at Skyler.

He gestured towards the kitchen and all three of them sat down on their regular seats. Her parents sat next to each other, with Skyler on the other side. The table was set up extra nice today and her parents were acting even nicer towards her and saying things like:

"Would you want some more water, maybe with ice?"

And even say things like:

"Is your food cold, would you want me to reheat it a bit? We know how picky you are with your food. "

Later when the dessert was put on the table was when things started to get even more awkward and stiff. Skyler thought that it was impossible by that point. Her father silently asked her mother whether it was "time" or not and she would just simply shake her head.

"Okay, you know I can hear you both right? How about you two just tell me what you two are on about because I'm about to lose my mind." Skyler hissed.

It was then Gabriella finally nodded towards Peter and he could finally share his words to the world.

A/N: Hello! Thumbs up for sassy Skyler. It has been a while since I last updated. As some of you maybe have noticed I changed the point of view to third person (her, she), I did that for a reason. And thanks a lot for all the support it has made me very excited about writing. Keep voting and commenting!!

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