Chapter 3 - The awaited Lunch

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"Okay, you know I can hear you both right? How about you two just tell me what you are on about because I'm about to lose my mind." Skyler hissed.

It was then Gabriella finally nodded towards Peter and he could finally share his words to the world.

"Well you remember me telling you that we were in contact with you biological family?"

He got the nod he awaited and continued.

"I talked to your biological mother and she helped me set up a small reunion. We are all going for lunch tomorrow, we three, your biological mother Edith and your brother Phil."

Peter's face lit up as he had realized something. He awkwardly stood up a little, sat down and handed Skyler photo of two people that he had fished out of his pocket.

"It's them we're meeting tomorrow."

She was gob smacked.

"Could their surname possibly be Lester?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

The girl panicked but luckily enough noticed that Phil carried a name tag on his shirt that had his full name.

"Well I assumed so because he has a name tag. Right there 'Phil Lester'" Skyler said and pointed at the name tag which saved her.

They finished of dinner and she went back into her room. Skyler didn't know how to tell her parents that she had a massive obsession with her the man in the picture. It wasn't like a mayor obsession but she sure was dedicated. She ran fan accounts, more than one. She probably had every Phan encounter ever saved up somewhere, either saved as a GIF on her computer or somewhere on her tumblr.

Ever since her "small" One Direction phase she had a couple of years back she had learnt her lesson. For example: that she shouldn't ask for merchandise 'because it was a waste of money and to not have any posters up on the wall because it would leave stains or just ruin the walls'. So she simply didn't have a reason to ever discuss them. And what she remembers has she probably never mentioned them either or any other youtubers at all.

Skyler's thoughts started to wander. She thought of every time she had imagined meeting Phil. And how hypnotic his eyes were and how his dark hair and fair skin complimented them so much. And how attractive she thought he was and that they one day would meet, and then fall in love and get married and have two children named Anthony and Zoe, after two of her favourite youtubers.

Phil had always been her favourite of them two and it made it so hard to comprehend. If it had been Dan it would've been shocking but she'd find it exciting. But it wasn't Dan who ended up being her brother, Phil did. Now it's just disgusting because not only are they related, they are full on siblings.

Well she shouldn't have been so hard on herself since she didn't find out until just hours ago. But a part of her wished she knew about it, or maybe had a feeling. So she wouldn't feel the way she's feeling. She was so deep in the phandom it was ridiculous.

But then it hit her, she was actually going to meet Phil. And not at a meet and greet or at a convention, they were going to have a lunch. This is was true excitement at its finest. What was she going to wear? She didn't want to be too fancy since it just would be awkward, but she did want to make a good impression too, and not only to Phil but her biological mother too.

Skyler looked into her closet and just stared at it for a while. She tried to figure out what to wear. To starters are dresses not her thing and they're only worn at very special events. She could obviously not wear her school uniform since it's only meant for school. So that only left her with a bundle of skinnies and t-shirts, a great way to make a good first impression. So she just ended up choosing her favourite midnight blue t-shirt and a pair of washed out dark skinnies. Perfect.

Then she went on back to her desk to once again write some questions. But this time meant for her mother. She didn't want to be too harsh since it was her first time meeting her since she abandoned her roughly sixteen years ago. But the fact that she actually abandoned her made her very angry.

She woke up the next morning on her bed, which she didn't remember at all. She must've fallen asleep by her desk and someone had probably moved her to her bed. Skyler's face lit up and she jumped up out of bed, but not for the obvious reason. Her notebook, it was neither where she sat nor where she usually keeps it, hidden. She looked everywhere, but only came to one conclusion; her parents must've taken it. And she was right. Because next to where her mother slept, on her night side table, was the book. She was not getting out of this easily.

Instead of waiting for her to be yelled out she started breakfast. She has taken the book though just in case they had forgotten about it. And soon did the house smell like pancakes. But that didn't wake them up. And before they actually did had she managed to eat half of them while watching Dan's latest video. Hashtag morning goals.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's just a filler but the next couple of chapters I have in mind are going to be super exciting to write so I hope they'll just as exciting to read. Keep voting and commenting !! Lots of love!

Q: what do you think will happen at the lunch?

Phil Lester is my brother? - Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now