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It's the third period and Y/n has just taken her seat at the back of the class. Jungkook was moved closer to the front because Mr. Park apparently 'had some issues.' They were barely even talking that day. She is so bored without her best friend being next to her. Mr. Park's voice seriously seems to bore her to death and she cannot, for the life of her, pay any attention to what he's saying.

Jungkook turns around and mouths, "I'm way too tired for this," to which she nods in response, her eyes almost closing.

Her phone vibrates underneath her thigh and the text from her brother is brief: Can I bring my m8s over for dinner ?

She picks her phone up and replies to her brother, not bothering to hide her distaste for the idea. She keeps it simple: Why don't you ask Ma ?

She gets a response almost instantly: Because she's not home rn. You're gonna need to prepare the food. There's 2 of them coming.

"Miss Y/N,"

She looks up and finds her teacher towering over her. "Texting during class isn't good,"

"Sorry about that, Mr. Park," She offers with a weak smile. "I was talking to my brother. It won't happen again,"

"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes. Pretty difficult to do register check when you don't answer isn't it?"

"Sorry Mr. Park," She looks down and her eyes meet a few girls who are fawning over this mans behind.

"That's okay. I'll just be taking that," He grabs her phone out of her hands and she gasps, exasperated. "Let Y/n be an example for anyone who tries using their phone while I'm talking. That's one thing I hate; phones being used during class,"

She rolls her eyes and folds her arms when she catches her best friend staring at her, snickering at the whole ordeal. Huh. He wouldn't like it if that happened to him.

Now she must try her best to listen to Mr. Park and make sure to not get on his bad side. It seems she's already made an enemy this early in his teaching career.


Y/n just got home and she sets her bag on her bed before going into the bathroom to take a shower. Jungkook waits patiently on her bed while scrolling on his phone, a luxury she does not have right now. All thanks to Mr. Park.

"What?" He chortles. "Jealous ?"

"You're not funny, Jungkook," She reminds him and pulls him off her bed and into the kitchen. "Can you help me ?"

He sets his phone down on the counter and he nods, "Sure... with what ?"

"I need to cook,"

He bursts out into a guffaw. "You? Cook? I never thought this day would come,"

She pinches his thigh and that immediately gets him to shut up. "I've cooked before mind you and yes, the day has come so you'll need to help your wonderful and amazing best friend,"

"Okay," He rolls his eyes. "What are we making?"

"Pizza? See, Taehyung's friends are coming over so I want to make them something easy because they don't deserve special food," She starts. "And my parents are at a work meeting that's running a bit late,"

"Pizza?" He taps his chin. "I don't think that'll work because they could just order it. Why don't we make some pasta ? I think we could nail that,"

"Okay," She hums in agreement and takes out the pasta and he sets it in a pot to boil while she rinses off the chicken, cuts it into cubes, making sure to only get the white meat and avoid the fat. She seasons the chicken and hand mixes that before cooking that in a separate pot. "Now we need to make the sauce,"

"Mhm," He licks his lips and grates a few tomatoes before adding a few spices and some other things. She doesn't really pay attention. Once everything is cooked, they combine the pasta, chicken and sauce and stir the pot before turning the stove off. "And... we're done,"

They high-five each other and she's sitting on the counter, peacefully inhaling the aroma of their masterpiece. They call it the, 'Kim and Jeon magic!'

He smiles and steps closer to her, glancing at her lips. There it is. She saw it with her own two eyes this time. He exhales nervously before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers.

She pulls away, "Jungkook, do friends do this?"

"Definitely not," He mumbles and leans in again, pulling her in by her waist and kissing her more passionately. She finds herself kissing him back, or trying her best to anyway. He giggles before pulling away, "I'm your first kiss right ?"

She licks her lips, sheepishly, and looks down. He tilts her chin upwards to look at him, "Don't be embarrassed. I'll teach you and you just need to go with the flow," He kisses her again and wraps her legs around his waist.

The door latch clicks and he pulls away quickly, clearing his throat and wiping his lips to remove any traces of lipgloss. He stirs the pot and she hops off the counter.

"Y/n, Jungkook... meet Jimin and Namjoon,"

"Mr. Park??" They both say in unison which causes the red haired boy to smirk at the girl.

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