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"These bugs are so annoying," Y/n slaps her skin and kills the fly in the process. "I've been mauled to death by the mosquitoes in the tent and I don't understand how you haven't been bitten,"

"I have been," Jungkook slides his sleeve up to his elbows, pointing at the inflamed surfaces. "I have like six on this arm and another two on the other,"

"Why did you pick camping ? Actually, why did you suggest we stay here for an entire week ?" She groans and whines before taking a sip of water. "I'm so bored out here and there's nothing for me to do,"

"Relax," He pats her lower back. "I'm sure your mother will find something for us to do. If not, we can always tell eerie stories before bed,"

"Let's rather not," She interjects and walks ahead of him, finally lying down in their tent. "It's so peaceful and cool in here. I could spend all day in this tent,"

"Yep. Me too," He replies and lies down next to her, staring at the blue hue of the tent.

"Can I steal her ?" Jimin pokes his head through the small gap and Y/n stands up, following him into his tent. He zips it up and her heart starts racing. "I wanted to apologize... for expecting you to give your best friend up just so I could sleep better at night, so that I could have peace of mind. That was wrong of me. I'm also sorry for how I've treated you. I really hope you can find it in you to forgive me,"

"I do forgive you," She smiles softly and he leans in to give her a hug. He pulls away rather slowly and leans in to kiss her.

"I want to be with you," He whispers and pulls away. "I really want to be with you. I don't care about the consequences because I love you," He kisses her again. "I really do,"

"People get caught up in the moment," She brushes it off before standing up. "Don't say things you don't mean," She attempts to leave but he grabs her wrist, pulling her back.

"I love you. I'm not saying it in the heat of the moment or whatever you think it is. I really love you," He repeats, making sure she hears him loud and clear this time. He gently slips a loose arm around her waist and pulls her in for a kiss. "I love you, Y/n,"

"I love you too," She whispers softly and kisses him back. He giggles and pulls her onto his lap.

"Y/n?" Jungkook's voice is heard and she quickly moves off him and clears her throat awkwardly. "You coming ? I have a game we can play," He smiles and she stands up to follow him into the tent. Jimin joins with Taehyung. "I'm really bored out here so we're playing would you rather,"

"Fine. I feel like we always play it but we don't have any other suggestions right now." She sighs and locks eyes with Jimin. "Let's start with you, Jeon. Would you rather go on a date wearing mismatched shoes or have your hair undone?"

"Hair. Definitely. I think I could still pull it off." He snickers and turns to Jimin. "Mr. Park, would you rather go out or spend the night in ?"

"Spending the night in is my tradition. I love the late nights," He explains. "Y/n, would you rather have someone - anyone- expose your deepest secrets or take a bite out of your last piece of dessert?"

"Ooh. Easily the dessert," She whispers. "Tae, would you rather have Samsung or apple ?"

"Apple," he replies. "Jimin, my sister or my cousin?"

Things are taking a turn. Jimin clears his throat awkwardly and licks his lips, "Your sister,"

Tae raises his brows and almost throws a punch but his mother intervenes. He is sullen as they all stand up to help set the barbecue up. Jeon sneaks in a few kisses on her nape and she shivers. "Are you okay here ?"

"Yeah ," She replies softly. "I've just got to finish making the kimchi,"

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