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Driving home, Cassy could not stand the tension of not knowing what was going on. She put a call across to her father, determined to find out at once.

She anticipated his response as his voice came on the line.

"That was fast?" He said observantly, thinking she was home already.

"I'm still on my way." She clarified.

"Oh, thought as much. Hey are you driving and making a call?" His tone was mildly disapproving.

"That's because I can't wait to know what's going on."

"Get home and I will tell you."

"No, Dad, at least give me a hint. Do you want anxiety to kill your child?"

He sighed, used to her manipulations. But he could not help it.

"It's about the National Youth Service Corps Program."

Cassy's heart skipped a beat.

"Dad, what is it? Should I be concerned? I mean, my NYSC batch was three years ago."

"Exactly. Something came up."

"Daddy, please explain."

"Look I gave you the hint. Get home first." He said and ended the call.

Cassy didn't push it. At least she had the idea now.


Inara sat on the balcony of her home watching Lemuel read a story to their children in the garden.

Her phone rang with Zee's call.

Zee was on the bed with her youngest child. Who was sleeping soundly.

"Mrs. Ray." Greeted Inara.

"Mrs.Armold." Zee responded.

Both girls chuckled in amusement.

"Hey, I was wondering if you got Cassy's invitation to her birthday." Said Zee.

"Oh, I just got mine. You did too?" Inara asked. "I was going to call and ask."

"Yeah, I did, like moments ago." Zee replied. "Are you attending?"

"No." Inara said outrightly. "But are you attending?"

"No." Zee said firmly. "I mean,we are not even close. Last time we parted was at that damn shed. And I really want to stay away from Cassy as much as possible. She's a pain."

"Exactly." Said Inara. "I'm glad we see things thesame way."

"Even her friends and her have parted. The three are no longer as close as before." Said Zee.

"I know. Nothing lasts forever." Inara stated.

"Yeah." Zee agreed. "Meanwhile, she has been calling me a lot after that time, saying thanks and asking for a kind of, let's be friends thing but, I mostly ignore her."

"Oh my God, she's been doing thesame thing with me but I ignore her too." Inara revealed.

"I will just make an excuse because even if I want to attend, Michael may have a problem with it, knowing it's Cassy's invitation."

"Lemuel may not mind me attending though. He would just tell me to be careful. He has really loosened up."

"That's great."

"Yeah. Anyway, let's just make up excuses and she will get the message." Inara suggested.

"I agree." Zee concurred. "See you, bye."


"Hey, wait." Said Zee.


"Have you seen the trending news? The National paper has just released a list of names of people who failed to serve in the National Youth Service and it's from our batch."

"Oh. Gosh, how did they manage to escape it? I mean, we served.'

"Some persons with connection try to beat the system and guess who is on the list."

"Just tell me." Inara was impatient in her curiousity.'

Zee chuckled. "It's Cassandra Blake."

'Oh my God, looks like she has her hands full."

"You can say that again. At least she will no longer have time to look for trouble."

"Serves her right."



Cassy reached home and met her father in the study.

As she sat in her father's opulent study, she realized that her charmed life had hit a jarring snag.

"Cassandra, look at this!" Her father, John Blake, an influential accountant general, shoved a government notice from the page of a newspaper across the desk toward her.

His usually composed face was etched with frustration and concern.Cassy glanced at the paper, her blue eyes narrowing as she read the contents.

The list was unmistakable. It contained the names of those who had stealthily avoided the compulsory national youth service. And there, among the names glaring back at her, was her name.

"How could they find out?" Cassy muttered, her voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of defiance.

Her father ran a hand through his graying hair. "They have their ways, Cassy. Also, the new Director General of the NYSC was adamant about thoroughly checking old records. Seems there has been too much reports of corruption in the system. They worked with the universities and well, truth was uncovered. They decided to pardon only those that fall below three years ago."

"This is serious." Cassy was troubled by the news.

"Yes. All culprits have been added to the first batch of new Corps Members. So you must report to the camp immediately. Check your university website for the state you were posted to and print out your call up letter. You know the procedure. I served years ago before you were born. I should not be telling you about today's process."

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