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Max went down on his knees, managing the space they had in the theater. His action drew a small audience that began to look their way. She had to rise to face him, in awe of his actions. She had not expected this at all, but she was starting to like everything that was happening.

"Cassandra Blake," he said. "I got this ring a couple of days back. I thought to do this much later when our foundation was stronger with our trust rebuilding but hearing of your departure, I could no longer wait. I love you and I promise to stand by you and do my best to make you happy. Please, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Cassy was breathless with emotions. Considering her feelings of loneliness and dejection, especially in recent times, this was coming as a beautiful surprise and relief. If this had happened sooner, perhaps she would not have played the dark game. Now it was too late. She didn't know what it had in store for her. Perhaps if she had a little patience, she would not have anything to worry about.

But then, here she was in a beautiful place at a beautiful time. She would not be in her right mind if she did not appreciate or seize the moment.

"Yes, Max . I will marry you." She responded, eliciting applause from the audience around them. They were aware of some spectators taking photos.

Max, retrieved the ring and slipped it onto her finger, then kissed it. He rose and enveloped her in a warm hug. Cassy felt a rush of happiness and peace. Afterward, Max asked for the pictures from their audience and happily received them on his phone. He also sent the photos to her. They left the theater, unable to keep their hands off each other and she spent the night at his apartment. There, overwhelmed by their intense feelings of love and reunion, they shared physical intimacy. Realizing their time together was quite short, it was a night of passion for the both of them. And while Cassy was happy, feeling fulfilled, the thoughts of the last dare would hit her, keeping her pensive even in her new found joy.

In the middle of the night, Cassy woke up beside Max's sleeping form. She rose, feeling exhausted. She thought it was due to the lovemaking and stepped down from the bed. In the dimness, she made her way to the bathroom to relieve herself. Nature had called. She had to answer. Getting inside the bathroom, she stood frozen in shock as a strange reflection of herself stared back at her from the mirror.

She gasped and quickly closed the door, appalled at the sight of her sixty something years old reflection in the mirror.

She turned the lock on the door, afraid of Max waking up and coming to find her in her current state. She began to pace the floor, momentarily forgetting her need to pee. Oh, No! what would she do? Calling Inara and Zee was not an option. Her phone was not with her but on the bedside table. If she got out there, the risk of Max seeing her like this was strong. He would freak out. Who wouldn't?

Why was this happening to her? If only she had been patient, life was already getting better. Now she went to go and play that game. Just a day, and she would have found peace. Now she had complicated her life unnecessarily.

He fingers scratched her hair as she thought of a quick solution. Why would the game start hunting her when she didn't even have a dare yet.

She stared at her strange reflection. Her blond hair was now grey. Her features were ageing. This was not her. Her energy level had depreciated. Her back ached a bit. "Why are you doing this to me?" she demanded under her breath, her eyes shut tightly. "I do not even have a dare yet. It's not like I was given a dare and I refused to do it. Please stop this. Stop. Or just give me the damn dare."

She waited a bit before opening her eyes. Her reflection remained unchanged. She turned away from the mirror and decided to do her business as the urge returned. When she was done, she slowly rose, her eyes, cautiously directed towards the mirror. She was hoping there was a change, but her reflection remained the same.

She stood there, pacing, afraid. She heard shuffling sounds coming from the room. She knew Max was up. Oh no! Panic enveloped her.

"Babe? Where are you?" he asked sleepily. "Babe?"

"Um, hold on please." She said.

Max was at the door and started to knock on it.

"Babe, are you okay? You don't sound so good."

"I'm...fine." She fought to control the tension from her voice.

"Ok, dear, I'm waiting. I need to take a leak."

She turned to the mirror, fervently whispering pleas for a restoration from the game. She shut her eyes tightly, hoping, begging. Then opening them, she was greeted with her true reflection. She gasped and sat up on the bed with a small cry. Her hands flew to her chest as she realized it was a bad dream, a nightmare.

She looked at Max. He was a deep sleeper and was still asleep. Thankful that it was a dream, she lay back on the bed, her eyes on the ceiling as she could not go back to sleep. Was she being paranoid, she wondered or had the hunting begun even when she had not been given a dare yet? What exactly was going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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