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Cassandra Blake forced a smile as she stood at the center of her birthday party, surrounded by laughter and chatter. The room was filled with people, many of whom she barely knew, yet they were here, celebrating her twenty-fifth birthday. She had orchestrated the event meticulously, ensuring everything appeared perfect on the surface.

Cassy was the epitome of the classic cheerleader archetype. Her long, blonde hair cascaded in soft waves down her back, catching the light and adding a golden halo to her head.

Her bright blue eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and frustration, framed by perfectly arched brows that highlighted her expressive features.

She had a petite yet athletic build, honed from years of cheerleading, which she carried with an air of confidence.

Her sense of fashion was impeccable; she always dressed to impress. Tonight was no different. She wore a stunning, form-fitting dress that accentuated her curves and showcased her tanned, toned legs.

Designer heels added a few extra inches to her height, giving her an elegant, statuesque appearance.

Her makeup was flawlessly applied, with a touch of shimmer on her eyelids and a bold red lipstick that highlighted her pout.

Elegant jewelry adorned her neck and wrists, complementing her ensemble without overshadowing it.

Cassy had an aura of effortless glamour, the kind that turned heads and drew admiration wherever she went. But then they later disliked her saying she was a bully, she was haughty and selfish. Cassy did not believe any of that. People bullied her in the past especially in third grade. So she grew a thick skin and decided to be strong and defend herself. To lead instead of to be led. What was wrong with that?

Since she became that way, she commanded respect. She was the leader of her friends until they deserted her, calling her names, saying she was selfish. Well, she would surprise everyone with the calibre of man she would marry.

Cassy tore hee thoughts away from her troubles and focused on the party.

The Artists she hired were performing, making the celebration grand. Her father and Emma greeted the people. Before he left, he said to them-

"Alright, youngsters, enjoy yourselves."

Everyone cheered.

"With Wisdom." He added and they cheered again before he waved them off and left with Emma.

Cassy loves her Dad. Sometimes he was trying to be tough on her but most times, she won. After all she was special. She was his only child. She was practically a princess. She hoped her future husband would be like her father in character.

Cassy smiles as the man beside her teased her. This was her hired date, a handsome man she had paid to pose as a wealthy admirer. He was playing his part flawlessly. He presented her with an extravagant gift, a piece of jewelry so dazzling it caught everyone's attention.

Cassy had bought it herself, but it was all part of the illusion. As the crowd oohed and aahed, she feigned delight, feeling a hollowness gnawing at her from within.

Her phone buzzed, drawing her attention away from the forced festivities. Two messages flashed on the screen, one from Inara and the other from Zee. Cassy’s smile faltered as she read them.

Inara: "Sorry I can’t make it, Cassy. I have some obligations to prepare for Amara’s wedding. Hope you have a great birthday!"

Zee: "Wish I could be there, but the nanny's on leave, and we haven’t found a replacement yet. Have an amazing birthday, Cassy!"

Anger flared in her chest. Obligations? Nanny issues? Cassy clenched her phone, her fingers turning white. How dare they? She felt abandoned, neglected, their excuses fueling her resentment.

Her thoughts churned with old wounds. She was still furious about the fallout she’d had with her closest friends, Eve and Amy.

Inara and Zee had saved her once from Violet May, the former keeper of the dark book. That was why she had invited them tonight—she was trying to befriend them, to rebuild some semblance of companionship. But they always made excuses not to hang out with her.

Several times she had extended invitations, only to be met with one excuse after another. This was the last straw. She could not take it anymore.

She looked around the room, the laughter and merriment feeling like a cruel mockery of her emotions. Her gaze shifted to her hired date, who was basking in the attention of the guests. He was doing his job well, but it only deepened her sense of isolation.

Cassy downed the contents of her glass, the bitter taste of beer barely registering as her thoughts churned. Inara and Zee had everything—wealthy husbands, perfect lives. They were making silly excuses to avoid her party, looking down on her, she was sure of it. They thought they were better than her just because they had managed to marry billionaires.

Her mind drifted back to an old, buried desire. She always dreamed of marrying rich, of securing a life of luxury and ease. Maybe it was time to revisit that option. If Inara and Zee had survived the dark game, maybe she could too, she thought for the umpteenth time. They hadn't been hurt by it, so why should she fear?

With a determined resolve, Cassy grabbed another glass of beer and emptied it in one gulp.

She would show them. She would play the damn game, and she would win. She would find her own billionaire, and then they would see.

The laughter and chatter around her faded into the background as she made her decision. This was her birthday, and she would take control of her destiny.

Fueled by her decision, after the festivities, Cassy got into her vehicle and drove to the abandoned shed.

She met everything as she had left it. It was dark but she was void of fear. She flashed her torchlight and found her book.

There, she chose to engage the game as she had no partner or friend to give her the dare.

Then she demanded to know what her dare was. All she heard was laughter.

Terrified for the first time, she backed off the table and hastily exited the shed. She fled back to her car but paused. She would not run like a coward.

She turned and faced the shed.

"Hi e me my dare. Now!" She said determinedly, her tone fearless.

The voice, balmy, yet malevolent, laughed again.

"The dare!" Cassy shouted.

"In due time." She heard.

Satisfied, Cassy entered her car and drove home, her expression, satisfied.

Dark Love: The Ultimate Shade - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now