Chapter 2

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Yahoo lil old chapteerr twooo :) just letting everyone who reads know that when I am done I will go over every chapter to fix it up and what not have fun ^3^

Elise P.O.V

It was dark and the only thing that came to my attention was that my head was pounding. "Where am I? What happened?" I looked around frantically trying to get a clue as to what happened. The only thing I remembered was that someone had ripped off my necklace, my hand quickly went to my neck to find that it was still there resting however this time it seemed to slightly thrum in my hand. I got up and turned on the bedside lamp to realize that I was in my bed at the pack house. I got up and started to walk towards my dad's office only to hear voices inside. I lean slightly towards the door and stress my ears to hear only to notice that they are back to my normal human ears. I panic slightly but realize that I can hear my father and a mysterious woman talking.

"They'll come for her if she doesn't learn to control the power fluxes that will come at her John."

"I know that! I know... Why can't you stay? Teach her? Must you go again?"

"I'm sorry it'll look suspicious enough that I took time off to go to Earth, just... give her the book dear." I felt my body heat up and something shot out of my back.

"What the..."

"Elise language! I know you're out there you might as well come in." I walked in to see dad sitting on the lounge with his head in his hands. "Now before you make any assumptions that was your mother, yes I am telling the truth, no I can't tell you where she went just yet."

"I have nothing to remember her by dad why should I care."

"Don't give me that tone she has done what she has to keep you safe! Now take that book and go read through it. And Elise, calm down or else the whole pack will see you aren't exactly all wolf."

"Whatever." After some deep breathing I calmed down enough so that this tail that shot out of me went away. I could feel it still there just not in sight for everyone to see it was... strange. Stomping back to my room in the pack house as it was late I slumped on my bed and threw the book to my bedside table. A piece of paper fell onto my lap, after thirty minutes of panning on whether to just shred the letter or read it I decided to just read it. After all it might explain why I can't hear my wolf anymore.

Dear Elise

I know you probably don't want to hear this from me much less hear it at all, but I do love you. My dear daughter I left in hopes that you would never have to face the possible path that being my daughter will take you, the necklace you are wearing around your neck has been through the Ravenlore generations for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately the fact that you are reading this letter means you or someone else took it off. I know you wish you had me in your life and I know that no matter how much I apologizing for the many dates and questions you had for a mother and yet she never showed. One of the few things I can help you with now is the reason why your wolf is not showing, my DNA is a lot stronger and takes a bit to get control of. It will take a while to get the succubus in you under control for long enough to let your wolf back through, whether you can combine them or choose one is up to you just know your father and I will always be here for you. Don't go and take out your frustrations on your father he has had it rough. Before I finish this letter I just wanted you to know that you are greatly loved you have many family members people you haven't met since you were a baby waiting for the time where you will visit, you are a lot like me in many ways even if you wish it weren't true. I wish you good luck and health in your future.

Lots of love

Queen Diane (your mother)

"Mums a queen... I'm a succubus..." I whispered to no one in particular as I fiddled with my necklace. I guess that would explain the memory of me taking the life force out of everything around me, including Walter. "Shit!" I scrambled to get my phone and texted Effie to ask her what happened to school and if Walter was okay. After putting the letter away in a drawer and grabbing the book to put in my bag for when I go home I heard the song Smack That go off.

"Yo Effie seriously? You changed your ringtone again?"

"What that song is great!! Are you saying you wouldn't smack me I'm fabulous."

"Of course you are..."

"Don't roll your eyes at me, and look about your text... I don't know what you are talking about. You finished the game and then we all went home, why the sudden interest in Walter eh?"

"Effie I'm not trying to win him back it's over for good you know that. So since I won that must mean I'll see you in drag at school next HAHAHAHA see you later!" I hung up quickly and stared at my ceiling. "She doesn't remember, why she doesn't remember..." My new found tail decided it was time to come out I stared at it as it slowly patted my quilt as if telling me to get in. I snuggled under my blankets and closed my eyes. Just as I was falling asleep I heard a whisper go through my mind.

"Make him pay, make him suffer!"  I drifted off wondering about the voice and where my mother really was.

"It's so pretty here." I said as I walked towards the waterfall and dipped my feet in it. I could hear the wind move past my hair. "I know I'm only dreaming but I wish this place was real..." Three seconds after I said that I heard a loud purring until a large cat barrelled into me. "Hello kitty." I smiled and started to scratch the cat under its chin for a bit. I decided to go take a plunge into the pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

I woke up sweating, my body felt as if it were on fire like something was trying to break out of me. I slowly lifted my hand and touched the stone on my neck, I turned my head to stare at my bag where I placed the book. "Today, today I will get answers."

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