Chapter Twelve

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Vrishsena sat bored.

He was sitting on the bed in Karna's room and Karna was seeing a map and doing God knows what!

Vrishsena grinned seeing Lakshman and Abhimanyu as well along with Drumsena. They were indicating him to come out.

Vrishsena gulped and indicated at his father being completely scared.

For a moment, even the other boys got scared.

Karna who knew about it silently chuckled and waited in amusement to see how his son escapes.

Vrishsena got up from the bed with trembling steps and tried to go through the window.

Karna grinned seeing his childhood version in his son and kept looking the other side to let him do what he wants.

Karna looked at his son.

"Alright Vrish. That's enough. Come back now", he said as Vrishsena was about to go out. He was sitting on the window with his legs on the other side.

Vrishsena bit his tongue. He turned his face towards his father and pouted.

The other three smiled sheepishly.

Karna raised his eyebrows when Vrishsena didn't move and Vrish was quickly back on the bed.

"Why don't you three also come here? If you want to roam or play, you can go in the garden of my room, I can watch on you", Karna said.

Lakshman and Drumsena stepped inside and went to Vrishsena. They sat on the bed.

Abhimanyu was going back sadly.

"Abhi. This goes for you as well", Karna said.

Abhimanyu turned around.

"Me...?" He asked nervously. "but Angraj, h-how can I? I-I am your rival's son", he said nervously.

Karna looked at him sternly. Who taught him this?

"How does it matter to you that who is whose son? Abhi", Karna asked sternly. "Who taught you this?"

"Uh... Bheem Kakashree said--" Abhimanyu went pale in fear. After seeing Karna punishing Vrishsena yesterday, he definitely was scared.

Karna sighed.

From their side it was Duryodhan and from the other side it was Bheem.

Drilling in the kids mind this nonsense enmity and all the shit.

"Abhi", Karna said gently noticing Abhimanyu was scared. "You don't need to worry about these things my child. Come inside".

Abhimanyu got happy and was about to step inside when Bheem came who looked at Abhimanyu upset and shook his head.

Abhimanyu stopped at his place.

Karna gritted his teeth in annoyance. He wanted to just smack Bheem's head.

He went at the door and held Abhimanyu's hand firmly.

Karna pulled him inside.

"There shouldn't be any enmity between kids on the basis of relationship between parents. I hope you agree with it", Karna said.

Bheem huffed but couldn't disagree so he went.

Karna left Abhimanyu who went and made space for himself on the bed to sit with the trio.

Karna smiled slightly and went back to do his work.

"Uh- Lakshman. I wished to apologise to you", Abhimanyu said sadly. Lakshman didn't say anything.

"It is our fault. We tried to tell the elders a lot of times but couldn't find courage. I guess it was a natural fear before accepting you love someone. And then I had to go to Madra to Vijaya mata and in that duration, Vatsala's marriage got fixed".

"I was just crying. That time Ghatochkach came and suggested he would disguise himself as fake Vatsala and do something so that you break the marriage but it was clear to us that marriages don't break on such small things and Balram mamashree had such a strong bond with Kakashree so the wedding would never break. Having no option left, Ghatochkach picked up Vatsala's bed when she was sleeping after crying so much. And she didn't even care she was in an unknown place, as soon as she saw me, she just jumped on me and we started crying all over again".

"I knew it was all so wrong but the fear of loosing her made every wrong right in our eyes. I know whatever we planned was super wrong and it was really insulting and heartbreaking for you. The whole fake marriage scenario which got replaced by real marriage and I am thankful to Kaurwaki for making you smile again but it was never our intention to hurt you. Honestly if I would have been at your place, I would have never even talked with those people again unlike you who is including me in every games and pretending as if nothing happened. And you even made Mamashree and mamishree forgive us. I am so thankful to you for it".

"Maybe it was an unknown fear as well. Considering what-what happened at the Dyut sabha, we all were separated. And-and I didn't know you well. I-I was already heartbroken from the thought of loosing her and this unknown fear in my heart that-that you are his son--" Abhimanyu stopped. Lakshman was crying as well by now and so was Abhimanyu.

"If-if her marriage was happening with anyone else, I would have been happy sacrificing my love to not hurt our elders but the thought of her life after marriage--I know nothing justifies it and I-I--but the fear was so much...I am sorry", Abhimanyu broke into sobs.

Karna stared with his own teary eyes. Vrishsena and Drumsena were crying by now as well.

Honestly, Karna couldn't blame Abhimanyu.

Pandavas kids stayed in broken families, away from their fathers, meeting their siblings on certain occasions rather than staying with them. And they were so traumatised after what happened with their maa in Dyut sabha.

Karna walked closer to Abhimanyu and embraced him.

"Ssh. It's ok my son", Karna cooed at crying Abhimanyu. "You are a very brave child, aren't you?"

Karna kissed on his hair.

"I don't have any problems Abhi. Surely I was heartbroken and after this would have never married. But I understand your side. Thankyou for explaining it to me. I am ok now", Lakshman assured wiping his tears.

Karna smiled proudly at Lakshman.

"Enough of all crying, sleep all of you. Tonight is the engagement and I don't want any of you sleepy. Be energetic and be happy. Everyone's attention will be on you three. But that doesn't excuse you Drumsena. You sleep as well", Karna said smiling.

Lakshman and Abhimanyu shared a hug and got joined by Drumsena and Vrishsena.

Soon all four slept cuddling with each other.

Karna chuckled slowly.

His smile fell as he saw Arjun crying and staring happily at his son.

"Being with Madhav made him love everyone despite what happened. And perhaps made him the most traumatised out of all cousins for whatever happened with Panchali. First time I saw him genuinely happy Angraj. Thank you", Arjun said.

"This is least I deserve after what happened at Dyut sabha", Karna whispered as Arjun entered inside.

Both estranged brothers were finding peace in this silence and satisfaction seeing the children together who got seperated because of them.

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