Isekaied-Without dying?

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'What... Where am I? Why is it so dark here?' Malenia blinked in the darkness, trying to process where this place is and how she got here.

'How did I get here? Didn't that bastard husband of mine just sell me to his boss a minute ago, and wasn't the boss about to have his way with me?' Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to piece together the events that led her here.

'Am I saved? But I still don't know where I am. Did they knock me unconscious and kidnap me? Is that why it's so dark here?'

She shivered, suddenly aware of the strange coldness that clung to the air around her. 'The air feels strange, and it's unusually cold...'

"Wait—what? Why is there ground beneath my feet? Is this not a room? Could I be in a cave or something? But how is that possible?" she murmured aloud, her voice echoing in the darkness.

As she stood there, confused, a faint bell-like sound caught her attention. Startled, Malenia watched as a glowing, floating screen appeared before her. The light from the screen was completely opposite to the darkness, blinding her eyes for a moment.

A voice came from the screen, calm and neutral.

[Greetings, Mistress. I'm a dungeon evolving system, and I can assist in making you, the Mistress of this dungeon, and your dungeon powerful.]

"What? How can a screen talk? And what's this thing that you're calling me Mistress of? A dungeon? What does that mean?" Malenia asked, her confusion only growing.

[Mistress, in this world, dungeons are common, diverse structures filled with monsters and traps. Adventurers enter to defeat monsters and claim treasures by either defeating the dungeon master or taking the dungeon core by force. Dungeons vary, including combat, maze, trial, elemental, and sex dungeons. They are filled with magic, presenting enchanted traps and environmental hazards.]

"W-what do you mean by 'in this world'? And you said dungeons are common, but I never heard about this on Earth," Malenia asked, trying to calm her racing thoughts amidst these foreign concepts.

[Mistress, that's because this isn't Earth. The world you're in right now is called Satania. It's a different world filled with magic and unbelievable things.]

"Is this really a different world? Will I be able to go back to my world? Can you tell me why I got here? Are there others from Earth who arrived here like me, or am I the only one?" Malenia's voice wavered as she spoke, anxiety creeping into her tone.

[Yes, Mistress, this is indeed a different world, and you can return to your own world anytime you wish. As for your other questions, I'm not sure if there are others from Earth or why you were chosen. I'm just a new system assistant for a dungeon mistress.]

"Oh, sigh~ that's a relief. At least I can go back to Earth. Though I don't think there's anything special about me that led to being chosen for this. Also, what am I supposed to do as a dungeon mistress?" Malenia exhaled deeply, feeling a bit calmer now that she knew she could return home. Filled with curiosity, she asked more about her role.

[Mistress, being a dungeon Mistress means you have to protect this dungeon from adventurers who may come here for the dungeon core. The dungeon core is very important as it is directly connected to your life for the time being. If anything happens to the core, your life will be in danger as well.]

"Ohhh, go on. Tell me how I can protect this dungeon from adventurers," Malenia urged, eager to learn more.

[To do that, Mistress, you will have monsters as your minions. You can also set up traps, and I have many features to assist you. You'll need to protect the dungeon and continuously enhance its power to survive.]

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