Back on Earth

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"Is there no other way to level up? There must be, right?" Malenia asked.

[Well, Mistress. There are different ways. It should be coming at any moment.]

Dante already knocked out Rave and took him to the prison cell of the dungeon. While all this was happening, little Goblin wasn't able to do anything, poor little thing.

"Coming at any moment? What is coming?" Malenia became curious.

[Congratulations for clearing the first dungeon invasion. Here are the rewards:
100 dungeon coins!
5 stat points!!
A class selection card!!! ]

"Is this the thing you were talking about?" Malenia asked the system.

[Yes, Mistress. Through a class selection card, you may find a class that doesn't necessarily need killing to level up.]

"Oh, use the class selection card then." Malenia hurriedly used the card, as she was excited to get something magical.

[Card selection used :

1. Undead dungeon : Dungeon can evolve through killing and making the dead undead loyal slaves for eternity.

2. Mistress conqueror: dungeon Mistress would need to attack other dungeons, kill those dungeons'masters, and absorb other dungeon cores to evolve.

3. Blood dungeon : the more blood the dungeons absorb, the more powerful its Mistress becomes.

4. Sex dungeon: capture whoever enters the dungeon and make them your sex slave. Having sex in the dungeon makes it powerful.

5. Breeding Mistress: become the breeder; the more kids you breed, the more powerful Mistress, and the dungeon becomes.
                                       60 seconds timer
( choose before 60 seconds or it will choose randomly. ]

"Wtf wrong with all these classes? Why are all of them weird and messed up." Malenia expressed her disgust with almost all class options.

[Mistress, you have to choose one fast, or it will randomly choose any.]

"Uhh, I don't know, all of them are bad, but maybe I can choose the last one since I always wanted a kid and I won't need to kill anyone, so that's a win-win."

Malenia clicked on the 5th option and chose the breeding Mistress.

[Congratulations for unlocking the unique f rank class (+)—breeding Mistress.
These are the abilities that come with this class :
• Massive increase in fertility!
• Pregnancy control!!
• Pregnancy acceleration!!
• Breeding shop unlock!
• Universal breeder!!! (The Mistress can breed with anyone, regardless of race, and other races attractions for the Mistress will increase by many times.)

Summons will be locked!! ]

"I don't know if I should be excited or sad to get this class. And why did summon get locked. Sigh, a lot has happened today. Getting sold to an ugly rich boss, then going to another world, becoming a dungeon Mistress, and choosing this breeding class," Malenia sighs; it was the weirdest day of her life. She wonders if all of this is just a long dream.

"Show me my status." Malenia wants to see how much her status has changed.

| (࿄•0)
Name - Malenia
Age - 32
Class - Breeding Mistress F rank
Possession: - f rank dungeon, otherworldly portal
Health condition - 110% fine
Strength - 7
Dexterity - 8
Mental strength - 7
Charm - 32
Stat points - 5
Kin = 0
Sex drive - 45% ( will keep increasing until pregnancy )
Abilities - pregnancy control, high fertility, pregnancy acceleration, universal breeder |
Shop—breeding shop ( 650 breeding coins )
Summons (Locked) ]

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