Revenge ♡

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While Malenia was relaxing, Dante, on the other hand, was making everyone in the house his slave. No one was able to escape the house because of his ability.

Just after a few minutes, everyone from the baron household had become slaves of Dante except the baron himself.

Both Dante and Rick were fighting. But Dante was clearly more powerful. He was just trying his new abilities to adjust to his new powers.

Soon he defeated Rick with just his new physical abilities and made him his slave as well.

Dante, as a blood vampire, was able to make countless slaves with his blood, which worked like any normal blood slave collar.

He could also control their minds, but that's exhausting to do even with a few slaves. So most of the slaves had their own will, but if they tried anything, they would feel pain, just like Malenia.

But unlike Malenia, who had high mental strength, others would not be able to tolerate the pain. Plus, Dante could increase the amount of pain as he wished.

Right now, after completing the task, he was waiting for Malenia with every slave in the hall.

On the other hand, Rick was thinking about where this vampire came from and what animosity he had with him.

Though afraid of pain, Rick still asked, "Who are you? And why are you doing this? Don't you know who rules this kingdom? If they find out about this, you will be killed."

"Shut up, or I'll gouge your eyeball and put it in your mouth to shut you up."

Rick shivered just by looking at his eyes. He didn't say anything else and kept himself quiet. He was smart enough to see that the vampire's eyes were filled with hatred for him.


Sarah made an annoying sound, seeing how scared her husband was.

"Mom, we won't die, right?" Cedric said while trembling. He had never thought there would be a moment in his life when he would become a slave.

"Don't worry, the royal family will save us. They will surely send their knights when they get to know our situation." Sarah tried to comfort her son.



Suddenly, both Cedric and Sarah felt unimaginable pain; even for just a few seconds, it was too much for them.

"I told you to shut up," Dante said, and both son and mother nodded their heads repeatedly.

Everyone was afraid of this unknown vampire who suddenly, out of nowhere, attacked their house.

On the other hand, Malenia had finished bathing and went towards the main hall.

As she entered the hall, every gaze turned in her direction. They wondered how she hadn't become a slave yet.

Rick looked at her with surprise. 'Where did her slave collar go?'

"You dumb bitch! Why did you come here? You should have gone outside and informed others about this." Sarah couldn't control her rage when she saw this slave without a slave collar, while she's a slave herself now.

Hearing her, Malenia didn't react, as she just thought, 'What's wrong with this woman? Ever since I met her, she's always so angry with me.'

But Dante didn't let that slide, as he made Sarah feel pain beyond imagination.


"BITCH, you dare insult the master? Do you not wish to live?" Dante said. But seeing that Malenia was annoyed by this bitch's screaming voice, he stopped her pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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