8|| A Promise To Remember

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Hello hello ^-^! 

Welcome to the second and last update of today ^-^! 

Make sure that you didn't skip the previous chapter >~<~! 


This chapter contains death of a parent, funeral scene and emotional pain! 

If you don't like it, or uncomfortable with these kinds of content, please don't read the chapter! 

I won't tolerate any hate comments or insults! 

You, of course, can criticise me, and you, of course, don't have to like my story, but respect is the key! 

Chapter song: Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton. 

Note: He wrote this song for his 4 years old son who died after falling from a 53rd floor window... So it's an accurate choice... 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Osamu's heart ached as he looked at his mother's lifeless body. She looked so peaceful, as if she was only sleeping. He couldn't believe she was gone. He turned to his father, Tamaki, who stood next to him, tears in his eyes.

"I can't believe she is gone," Osamu said, his voice shaking.

Tamaki put a comforting hand on Osamu's shoulder. "I know, son. I know. But she is not in pain anymore. She is at peace."

Osamu nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He knew his father was right, but it didn't make the loss any easier. He looked over at his younger siblings, Yami, Shima, and Marcela, who were all crying.

"We should say something," Osamu said, turning back to Tamaki. "She deserves that much."

Tamaki nodded in agreement. "You are right. I will go first."

Tamaki stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Shian, my dear wife, we have been through so much together. Good times and bad. And even though we couldn't make it work in the end, I will always be grateful for the time we had. You were an amazing mother to our children, and I will make sure they never forget that. Rest in peace, my love."

Next, it was Osamu's turn to speak. He stepped forward, took a deep breath, and began.

"Mom, I don't even know where to begin. You were my rock, my confidant, my best friend. You were always there for me, no matter what. And even when things were tough, you never gave up on me. I will always be grateful for that. I promise to take care of Yami, Shima, and Marcela, and make sure they never forget you. I love you, Mom."

One by one, Osamu's siblings stepped forward to say their goodbyes. Yami, the oldest after Osamu, fought back tears as he said, "Mom, I will always remember the stories you used to read to me and the way you would make me laugh. I love you."

Shima, the middle child, smiled through her tears as she said, "Mom, I will never forget the way you would always make time for me, no matter how busy you were. I love you and I will miss you."

Marcela, the youngest, choked back her tears as she said, "Mom, you were my role model, my guiding light. I promise to make you proud and to take care of my siblings. I love you."

As they all stepped back, Osamu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and sadness. He knew his father would be proud of them, but he also knew she would be missed dearly. He looked at his family, and knew they would get through this together, just like they always had. The funeral came to an end, and they all went home, with heavy hearts but also with the memories of their beloved mother and wife.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

"So here is my story," Dazai said as he looked at the sky, tears were streaming down his face after he told about his mother's funeral.

Chuuya, caught off guard by the sudden turn in the conversation, reached out and placed a comforting hand on Dazai's shoulder. He didn't say anything, knowing that sometimes words were not necessary.

Dazai took a deep shuddering breath, gathering himself together. "I'm sorry," he said, wiping at his face with the back of his hand. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm your therapist, I'm supposed to be the one helping you."

Chuuya shook his head. "It's okay, Dazai. You don't have to apologize. I'm here for you too."

Dazai let out a small laugh. "Thank you, Chuuya. I don't know what I would do without you." He took another deep breath and continued. "My mother's funeral was the hardest day of my life. I was only sixteen, so I was old enough to know that she was never coming back. I felt so alone in the world, even with my father and siblings by my side. I started acting out, getting into trouble, doing anything I could do to distract myself from the pain. And that was when I started writing."

Chuuya listened intently as Dazai spoke, his own thoughts and feelings taking a back seat to his friend's story. "Writing became my escape. It was the only thing that made me feel better. I could create my own world, my own characters, and for a little while, I could forget about the pain and loneliness that consumed me. I wrote and wrote, and eventually, I started to get better. I started to heal."

Dazai turned to look at Chuuya, a small smile on his face. "And now, I want to help other people heal too. That's why I became therapist. To help people find their own escape, their own way to heal."

Chuuya smiled back, feeling a deep sense of respect and admiration for Dazai. "You are an amazing person, Dazai. I'm glad that I could be here for you today, and I will be here for you in the future too."

Dazai nodded, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Thank you, Chuuya. I know that I can always count on you."

The two friends sat in silence for a few moments, watching the clouds roll by overhead. They knew that they would always be there for each other, through the good times and the bad. Together, they would continue to heal, grow, and strive to make the world a better place. 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the field, Dazai turned to Chuuya with a serious look in his eyes. "Chuuya, I want you to promise me something."

Chuuya raised an eyebrow, a little caught off guard by the sudden seriousness in Dazai's voice. "What is it, Dazai?"

Dazai took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Promise me that you will always take care of yourself. That you will always make sure that you are okay. I know that we are here for each other, but I don't want you to ever forget about taking care of yourself too."

Chuuya nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. He knew how important self-care was, and he appreciated Dazai's concern. "I promise, Dazai. I will always make sure that I take care of myself."

Dazai smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Chuuya. I'm glad that I can count on you to keep that promise." 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

I will update the last two chapters tomorrow and then I will disappear again lol! 

The last 2 chapters are like bonus chapters, more like snack chapters for me lol! 

Maybe for more than a month! 

I have two upcoming exams... So I will be busy with studying... 

I love you all ^-^! 

See you in the next chapters >~<~! 

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