Chapter 3

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I hear a voice yelling, "Cal! Cal! You ok?"

I look around to see Jeremiah running towards Callum.

A redhead turns to look at Callum. "Cal? Callum! Are you ok?" She picks up his glasses. "Here, you might need these!"

She puts them on him. "Thanks, sis." Wait... WHAT?

"Wait... What? Kieran is your sister, Cal? KIERAN?" I ask, in utter suprise.

"What? You DIDN'T know that Kieran was my sister? Kieran, meet Kristian." He gestures to me. "Kristian, meet my sister, Kieran." He gestures from me to her.

"I know who she is... She's always got some gossip in relation to her."

"Seriously, Kieran? I hope they aren't as bad as the gay rumor that passed around about me a few years ago..." See? Cannot be gay. So I'm ruined. I cannot have him... This has been going on for a long while... I might tell him soon.

Who am I kidding? I can't tell him! He's the center of most bad gossip! Everyone is like: 'Did you hear that Callum is gay?' or 'Did you hear that Callum had another breakdown in Maths? He's so easy to annoy!' or 'Did you know that Callum has been said to have had sex with his sister?'. I really hate the last one, cause that isn't him at all... It may be her, but not him.

He's changed since I first saw him... He's become more aggressive, more introverted, since the gay rumor started up. Wait... Now that I think about it, OHHHH! I get it, either he is gay and wants what little social health he has to prosper, or he's a frustrated straight. By frustrated, I don't mean sexually, I mean he's frustrated by his peers making fun of him. He could be a bit of both as well.

I don't know...

A boy in my grade comes running towards me. "Kris! I have a question!"

I hush down to a whisper. "Yes? What is it?"

The boy says it in a slightly quieter voice, but not much quieter. "Is it true?"

I whisperedly snap at him. "IS WHAT TRUE?"

He dies down to a whisper, finally. "Are you gay?"

I unnoticeably pale. "Where did you hear that? Who in their right mind told you?"

He smirks. "Just someone. Now answer the question."

"No comment."

"Do you like Callum?"

"No comment." I'm getting more irritated.

"Do you love Callum?


"Ok dude! Don't get angry!"

HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT? HOW DARE HE! I'm going to walk away before any more trouble arises.


I hear the final bell for the day.


"Did you hear that Kristian Ho likes Callum Hobrud?"

"Yeah. My boyfriend told me that... I can't believe Kris is gay!"

"Well that was expected."

I snap my head towards the conversation.

"Hey! Who told you that nonsense!" I yell at them.

"Who is- Kris! Is it true?"

"Why does this have Lawson written all over it?"

"Who's Lawson? Is he the head of the 'I don't like Callum Hobrud' club?"

"Yeah, that's the one. I don't see what Lawson has against Callum! He's a nice guy! He's just socially inept at times. It's not his fault."

"Seems like someone does like someone... Can you see that?"

What is giving me away?

"Nothing, except that last statement, and the defense against Callum."

SHIT! Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, and that too..."

Run, Kris! Run!

"You can't run forever!"

Oh fuck... I hate my life.

This is it for Kristian's POV, hope you enjoyed! Kris needs to keep his mouth shut... Doesn't he.


MeForWhoIAm: The only way I can express what is happening in my life right now is to just ruin someone else's life.

Kris: That HAD to be me now, didn't it.

MeForWhoIAm: Yes! You are the easiest to ruin! Your persona is quite, how do I put it, malleable.

Kris: Now, stop playing with me like I am putty. I am a human too!

MeForWhoIAm: Well ACTUALLY, I created you.

Kris: *brandishes sonic screwdriver*


Kris: Au revoir!

MeForWhoIAm: Fine! You can't escape me!

Sorry... I couldn't resist.

I'm going to be REALLY generous and write/upload Chapter 4 right after this. Chapter 3 was sorta cliffhanger-y, but Chapter 4 will tie up some loose ends.

Also, Someone may find out about someone else thinking of someone in a certain way.

As always,


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