Chapter 4

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Before I continue, I just wanted to ask, can anyone help with the cover? I want to change it, but I don't know where to go with it. Read on, MeForWhoIAm.


Another fucking annoying day at highschool. I fell, my sister meets my crush, and I am having confused thoughts about him. I denied being gay again today, that hurt.

I might call Kris, he seemed like he was worried about something.

One ring, Two rings, Three rings, etc.

'Hi! You have reached Kris' phone! If you are Callum, I need to talk to you, just not over the phone. Leave a message after the beep.'


That sounded fake. As if he wasn't actually on voicemail.

'Hey Kris, It's me, Callum. You said you wanted to speak to me, just not over the phone... Care to explain?'



'BEEP BEEP! Your voicemail has been sent.'

I hear the dialtone. Kris? What the fuck!

I get a SMS from none other than Kris.

'Hey! Just listened to your voicemail. Wanna Skype?'

'Sure! When?'

A few seconds later... 'Now, If you like?'

I go over to my laptop.

I click on 'Kris <3' (I cannot let him know I have him as that)

"Boop be doop be doop boop!



I hear sobbing 'Hey Cal.'

'What is wrong, Kris?'

'Wha-what do you mean?'

'You're crying.'

'Am I? I guess I might as well tell you now.'

'Tell me wha-'

'I like you.'

'I like you as well... You're a good friend!'

'I like you.'


'Cal? You there?'

A pause.


A large fit of sobbing erupts from the other side.

'I knew it. I'm sorry Callu-'

'The feeling is mutual. I lied. I fucking lied to protect myself. Where are you?'

A pause.

'Kris! Where the fuck are you? I'm coming over! Now!'

'Wait... What? Cal, Are you fucking serious. I'm-'

'If you are at home, stay there... If you aren't at home, GET HOME NOW!'

'Cal! Are you kiddi-'


I ended the call.

I am fucking ecstatic!

I need to tell Joyce!

I load up Facebook.

'Joyce! Joyce!'

'What the hell is it Cal?'

'He likes me!'

'Who? That guy?'

'No, the tooth fairy.'

'Congrats! Now you can have little magical babies! Oh wait... You were being sarcastic, weren't you.'

'Yes! Going out to meet him!'

'Good luck.'


"Mum! Can I speak to you for a sec?"

"Sure, Cals! What is it?"

"He likes me!"

She goes wide eyed.

"Fantastic! Are you going to meet him? Take the car! Is that what you are wearing? Change-"

"Thanks mum!"

"Here are the keys! Barney is asleep... How, I don't know, but he is."

"Thanks mum!"

"Go get 'im!"

Urgh! Mum embarrasses me sometimes... Scratch that... She ALWAYS embarrasses me!


I drive out of the impossibly long driveway, just a few minutes away from Kris' house.


I park right outside the door.


"You can't ground me for being gay! That's not fair!"

"You are a boy! You cannot like other boys! You CANNOT see this boy! Go to your room!"

Shit... Kris' parents are homophobes.

I blend into the shadows, and I reach what I think is Kris' window.

I peer inside, and see Kris, crying.

I tap on his window.

'KRIS! KRIS! OVER HERE!' I mouth to him.

He opens the window.

"What the fuck are you doing here! How did my parents not catch you!"

"The argument."

"Shit, you heard?"



"Noone, mother..."

"I'm going in your room to check, while your father checks around the side, OK? IF WE FIND HIM, WE WILL REPORT HIM TO THE POLICE!"

For what? Being gay isn't against the law!

"Who are you, and what are you doing on the property! I'm calling the police on you for trespassing."

Oh shit. I'm screwed.

Thanks for reading! It's been a rocky adventure, and ALOT more drama is coming!

I'm just going to write and post until my writing skills have run dry, okay?

As always,


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