The Cheater: O8

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-This site can't show my damn pictures for nothing!

-August in the MM, hope it shows

:Christopher Maurice Brown:

Royalty fell asleep in my lap and I was watching some old episodes of SpongeBob. Feeling my phone vibrate, I answered it.


"Chris," Nevaeh sighed "I know I should've done this before, but.. Can I stay at your house for a while? I really don't want to be here anymore"

"What happened?" I asked

"Just know I did something I shouldn't have done. I don't want to deal with Michael until he makes his damn mind up- so for now, I'll just be doing me" She huffed "So can I stay?"

"Yeah sure, you got the key to the house right?"

"Mhm, I'll see you in the morning"

"A'ight, night sugar foot" I smiled

"Night corn feet"

Before I could say anything, she quickly hung up. Chuckling a bit, I put my phone down and picked Roy up. Taking her to her room down the hall, I tucked her in bed. This girl is such a blessing. I'm happy to have her as a daughter, she's basically the highlight of my day. She always mean though- I don't know where she got that from. Maybe her rude ass mother, but whatever. One thing about Royalty is that she likes to see me happy and always wanted a decent mother.

She doesn't like her own mom for some reason, she hates Karrueche- always has. Royalty just doesn't like any girl I've been with and/or dated, except one.

"Where you goin', daddy?" Roy woke up instantly when I stepped on a creaking spot

"I'm going to bed, bug. What's wrong?"

"I want you to stay here" She pouted "Pwease?"

"Your bed makes my back ache"


"Just cruel"

She squealed in excitement, scooting over. Getting beside her, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I kissed her forehead, messing with her hair.

"Hair nappy like that momma at the park"

"No it not, stop lyin'" She poked my eye

"Ow, Roy!"

"Boohoo, cry baby" She smacked my forehead

I rubbed my eye, squeezing it shut. Looking at her, she started laughing.

"You look like the rapper who raps Trap Queen" She snickered

"You trynna wet on my friend now?"

"No" She shrugged "I luh you"

"Luh you too, munchkin"

She smiled and cuddled on my chest, instantly falling asleep.

:August Anthony Alsina Jr.:

I laid in bed, smoking a little blunt. My chest was still hurting and so was my throat- but I guess I can manage.

Yeah, I can admit I fucked up. But seriously, I love Tati with all my heart- nothing can change that. No, I haven't had sex with other girls, they're just always on me and it's a lot of effort to take them bitches off of my skinny body. I be exhausted when I get back to the house, and when I'm exhausted, I forget some shit. But, I didn't know she felt this way. Everything she said was right, except that having sex with other girls part. She can assume that because I do be smelling like different types of perfumes and having hickies when I get back to the house.

I can't help it. Them bitches are leeches, trynna suck the blood out of my skin.

Groaning, I sipped on some Hennessy as I called my mom.

"August, whatcha won't, boy?" Momma answered "Is it 'bout dat Tati girl?"

"Yeah, how ya know?"

"She called"

Sighing, I put my head on my pillow.

"Why ya bein' mean ta ha, Aug?" She asked "I know I ain't raise ya ta be slappin' girls, eh?"

"Ma, I'm sorry"

"Ya slapped ha after she said she was pregnant? I should beat ya ass. She luh ya, Aug. Y'all been togetha fa how long?"

"3 years" I tucked my bottom lip in to stop myself from crying

"I want ya ta come down hea"

"I'an trynna go all da way down thea, ma"

"I'an in New Orleans. I'm in NYC"


"Mhm and Tati in da guest room asleep- come down hea tomma mawnin'"


"Gudnight, baybeh"

"Night, ma"

Hanging up the phone, I got under the covers. I didn't know what to do and I was legit clueless. All I know is that I want my baby back. It hasn't been 24 hours and I miss her.

The next morning,

:Nevaeh M. Parker-Stevenson:

Getting up, I didn't bother to go downstairs. I guess what happened last night had my mind twisted- and the fact that I kind of had needs, I just let him do that to me. I'm stupid, I know, but to be honest... I'm kind of lonely and I have no sex toys.

I just had to get out of here.

I got dressed, putting on some black leggings, a buttoned up jean jacket, and my brown Uggs. Having my hair down, it was messed up and fuzzy.

I started to pack my bags, ready to leave this place.

And I wasn't surprised when Michael walked in.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Leaving" I said bluntly, making sure I got everything. I went to get my other pair of sneakers, putting them in the suitcase "Because you're fucking with my feelings"

"Baby, I'm sorry-"

"Michael, can you stop?!" I cut him off, packing up my leftover things.

He grabbed my wrists, backing me up against the wall "What the hell?"

"Nevaeh, I miss you, please.. You know I still love you- don't leave me" Michael pleaded

"But yet, you left me in the hospital even though we were still married and got engaged with someone else?! Oh shut up, Michael, get a grip" I scoffed

"I thought you was dead, Nevaeh! You knew I had to leave one day, it wasn't like you could do anything" Michael retorted

"Y'know what," I pushed him off of me and went to zip up my suitcase "That was just the answer I needed. Goodbye, Michael" I took the suitcase, walking out the bedroom door.

Hearing him chase after me- hot on my tail, Kobe ran to me, "Mommy where you going?"

"I'mma be leaving for a while. Spend some time with your daddy, okay?"

Kobe nodded and gave me a hug, "Ion want you to leave me again, be safe please"

"I will, baby" I pecked his cheeks. I looked up "Yeah, I still love you, Michael. But I don't need or want to be with you no more. Leave me alone"

I took my ring off my ring finger, tossing it on the floor. Picking my suitcase up, I walked out the door.

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