Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Dahlia: The air that blows my hair feels comforting on my face and skin despite the scorching heat of the summer or maybe because it's already past sunset? I walk to Marikina Riverpark because it's the only place I am most familiar with. This is where we held almost all of our group activities at school. I actually thought of visiting Karen's house but I suddenly hesitate because going there and asking her if she can let me sleep over means I will have to explain the situation at home.

I am scared. It's still summer so the riverpark is almost empty at night. However, this place is packed with people during the bazaars every Christmas season. There are three long lines of stalls selling different clothes, shoes, bags, toys, and of course, food. The other side of the riverpark has amusement park rides like carousel, ferris wheel, and anchor's away, and other festival games. Christmas is always fun here in Marikina.

The amount of people walking around became thinner and thinner. It's a weekday too; the restaurant bars close early as they only acquire many customers during weekends. The place is slowly becoming quiet as the night progresses. I sit on the concrete cement floor just beside the river. The river banks are elevated because the water from the river usually overflows during the rainy season. Since it is summer and it is close to El Nino; the water is almost dry.

Where should I go? Will they allow me to check-in a hotel? I doubt it. I'm only 15. Can I even afford a hotel though? I check the money the househelps gave me. One 200-peso bill, two 100-peso bills, and two 50-peso bills. How much is a hotel though? I doubt it only costs 500 pesos? It could be more.

I wish Mom was here.

At the sudden thought of my mother, I suddenly burst out crying. I wish I knew where she is so I have someone to lean on right now. I don't know who to call. Calling my grandparents on my father's side is not the solution because they will only tell me to go home. Daddy is their son, so they will favor him. They think that their son is the kindest, honest, and purest person. They think that Daddy is so kind that he lets Mom run away from responsibilities, which is me. They didn't even know that I am not my mom's child nor my daddy's serial cheatings. Will they believe me if I say that Daddy abused me physically?

My phone vibrates. What's the use of replying to anyone? I cannot even tell them that my whole world is falling apart. I cannot act like nothing's wrong. I ignore it. Another vibration.

I ignore it. And then it vibrates nonstop.

Someone's calling.

I immediately get my phone in fear that it might be Daddy. I should turn my phone off.

Brandon is calling...

I stare at my phone, wondering why he would call? He never does. Why now? I continue staring until his name fades and turns into 'one missed call'.

And then I turn off my phone.

Shortly after, I feel someone's hand on my shoulders.

My initial reaction is to raise my head. My eyes are filled with horror, thinking that Dad found me. As soon as I recognized Brandon's face, I sighed. His eyes widened when he saw me upclose. I somehow pictured what I look like right now based on the physical pain I am feeling. The bridge of my nose hurts; my lower lip sting whenever the wind blows too hard or touches my lips so I think my lip has a deep cut or something, and then my cheekbone hurts when I touch it so I guess there's visible bruises on it too.

"Who did that to you?" I never heard his voice before. I expected his voice to sound small, bubbly, and kind of high-pitched compared to other guys as I strike him as a happy and jolly person, but his voice is low but you can still feel every emotion attached to it. He is angry. Not at me, but to whoever hurt me. And his voice suddenly becomes gentle when he says, "When did this happen? Someone bullied you? Where are they?"

He asks me the most unexpected questions that I am caught off guard. A typical person would ask if I am okay first and foremost. His questions sound as if he wants to avenge me as soon as possible.

I open my mouth but no words come out of it, so I close it.

His expression immediately changed, slowly becoming gentle. The anger subsides. His face turns red like a tomato. It's like my silence suddenly allows him to feel the emotions he briefly forgets because of anger. He avoids my gaze. I remember him exactly like this when we were in Grade 6 during the graduation ball.

Maybe, he thinks that I am judging him for approaching me as if we're close. I don't really mind though. I can understand his anger; everyone will if they see my current state.

"Sorry," He mouths, "Are you okay? Do you need help? Is your phone dead? Do you need to call your parents? You can use mine."

He extends his hands with his phone to me. The only thing that I can do is to shake my head. I do not know why but I feel like pouring my heart out to him. I feel like he would understand and like he is the type of person who will really listen to me. However, I don't want to badmouth my family. It is wrong.

If I speak, I will cry. I return to focus my eyes on the waters on the river. I do not want to be rude but I cannot also tell him my problem so what will I do?

I can still feel him awkwardly standing on my back but I intentionally ignore him.

Brandon: I cannot leave her here. It is already early evening. There's not even a light from the sun or the moon. It is dangerous for a girl to roam around at night alone. More so, for teenagers like us. It is not safe. However, I feel like she doesn't want me to talk to her or even let me come near her.

It is obvious that something is wrong. Her face looks like someone beat her up. Not once, but multiple times. Her face swells. Her lips...are bleeding. It has been hours after the assault because the blood has already dried up. And her eyes...

She's hurting. Even though she's trying so hard not to show it, her eyes do not lie.

Judging by the backpack on her back that looks like it's full of some things, it looks like she ran away from home because what would be the other reason why she's carrying a huge backpack? It is summer vacation.

Dahlia: He isn't leaving. He stood there quietly, patiently waiting for me. I don't need to see it with my eyes, I can feel his presence there.

A minute passed.
Then twenty minutes. Thirty. Forty.

He finally sat next to me at a distance of one meter. He did not dare to talk to me.

And then, an hour passed...
And another hour.

I sigh and stand up. He immediately stands up as well. "Why aren't you leaving?"

He faces me but looks down. I watch his every move. His eyes are busy watching his toe and his slippers. His hand awkwardly combed his hair. His mouth starts to open. He whispers, "You left home, right? You have nowhere to go."

I am stunned, "How did you know?"

"Even a dumb person like me can figure it out, Dahlia," He whispers, and pauses, "Uh, you can stay in my room at home."


"Huh?" He repeats what I say, his whole face heats profusely that it turns red up to his ear. 

"You're a guy, Brandon!" I exclaim without a filter, just the authenticity of my thoughts.

He almost jumps with what I say but his expression turns defensive and he raises his voice as he says, "It's not what you think! I can't leave you alone here, knowing you have nowhere to go. However, my mom would kill me if I bring a girl home; we can sneak inside my room without them knowing- my room's located on the first floor so we can easily sneak in from our back door garage so...I suggested we go directly to my room."

"Oh," I can feel my face heats profusely, "You don't have to do that though."

"And leave you here?" He says, like I am saying something ridiculous.

"It's not right."

"What's not right is to leave you here...alone. It's not safe here."

"You'll get scolded by your parents if they find out."

His face looks confident as he says, "They will not find out."

He snatched my heavy backpack and put it on his back without complaint and led the way to their home.

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