Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Dahlia: Karen hangs out with me after class to have lunch with me. She always brings packed-lunch. She accompanies me to go to the nearby Carinderia inside the market to buy rice and a dish, and then go back to the school's canteen to eat our food.

That's how I learn about her new crush. Her crushes are always from higher years. This is her first time having a crush from the same year and in our classroom. Maybe because we're in the higher years now. No one is older than us. We're the Seniors now.

"Camille wants me to come with them to hang out this coming Saturday so I can be close with Jake," She's smiling from ear to ear when she tells me that.

Karen's crush, Jake Maurice Lagdameo, belongs to Camille's circle of friends. From what I know, they have been classmates since first year.

"She said Jake is really kind and caring to his friends. I agree," She continuously nods her head as she continues, "He greets me every morning. He said," She modulates her voice and speaks,

"Good morning, Karen," She immitates with a relatively low voice.

My nose flared and bit my low lip, stopping myself to stifle a laugh.

Karen looks embarrassed herself. When she shrinks and laughs, I also do the same.

"But admit it, if Timothy does it to you'll definitely feel kilig."

She slams the table and hysterically laughs. She moves as if she's electrocuted. That's how in love she is with Jake.

"Camille also told me that he never got himself a girlfriend," She adds, "I'm going to be his first!"

And another wave of her overwhelming feelings for him overflows. Her cheeks blushes and she smiles from ear to ear. She giggles and hides her face with her hands.

I know that I should be supportive of her but the first thing that comes to my head is, "Isn't it too early? It's been almost a month only since we've been classmates, why are you already eyeing him to be your boyfriend?"

"You're such a killjoy. How about you? Timothy only courted you for a week and you already made him your boyfriend."

"That's different," I answered proudly, "He was my classmate since grade 1."

"Anyways, I really don't mind. If Jake courts me, I will say yes. You can't change my mind."

I eye her seriously and my lips slowly change into a smile. Okay, I have to accept that she really likes Jake this much. I have no choice but to support her.

Brandon: Dahlia is excused for today's classes because tomorrow is their MTAP competition. The reason why I am not anticipating her usual morning greetings.

"Hi!" She says in her usual girly voice.

I glance at her. My eyes are filled with excitement and, at the same time, curious of the reason why she attends the class today.

I am not able to speak so my classmates do it for me. Not that they know that I will speak to her but they may be curious as well.

"Dahlia!" One of my classmates calls her name. They are surprised to see her too, "I thought you're excused for today's class?"

"I just thought you'll miss me," She answers teasingly.

Some of our classmates laugh and even joke with her before she is able to settle into her seat.

"Hi!" She greets me again.

She is always like this every morning. She is enthusiastic in greeting me. And I am always like this...shy, timid, and can't even look at her straight into her eyes.

I nod my head.

We sometimes talk. Sometimes! Let's put emphasis on that word. I answer her questions about seatworks or any questions that cannot be answered by simply nodding and shaking my head.

I really do not get why am I like this? It takes me a long time to warm up to people and even though I become close with her during the near end of summer vacation, I cannot seem to relive that feeling to be natural with her again. It's like I need time to warm up to her again. Add to the fact that I always get nervous when she's around. It is so frustrating. I wish I was a smooth talker. I wish I am as confident as Andres when I talk to her. I wish I could be close to her without my heart feeling like it would burst and kill me any second. It is because of this that I cannot be myself around her and it makes me want to run away and avoid any interactions with her at all cost.

She reports during our Filipino class. Honestly, I'm not being biased, she really catches everyone's attention. She asks questions putting us in the situation. If it happens to us, what are we going to do? Ian even gives her nonsense answers but she works around it and makes it a valid point to make us think.

She's telling the story as if she is there like she has seen it herself.

"Patay na ang dumukot sa pitaka niyo," She read the exact line from the book. Some of the girls are shocked and shed a tear as she already riled up their emotions for this scene.

As we also read the book as our assignment, we already knew that the woman mistakenly accused the boy who died as thief but in truth, she left her wallet at home. The reason why that scene is more painful for us.

"Kung ikaw ang nasa sitwasyon ng babae, anong mararamdaman mo?"

"Uusigin ako ng konsensiya ko habambuhay."

Sir Lopez prepares a short quiz and everyone gets a perfect score. That's how well she taught the class.

Everyone can be a teacher but not everyone can properly teach. Dahlia is born to teach. She is good at everything she does...and that's one of the wonderful things about her.

She leaves after Filipino class.

Around 8 to 9, the sun's already high up and sun rays are already hurting my eyes and it is also kind of irritating as it is hotter than usual. Our classrooms do not have air conditioning. We have four ceiling fans but only two are working so when the sun rises, it is humid and really warm. I'm already dripping in sweat.

"Hello again," She's enthusiastic again, "I'll just take the long quiz in Economics that's why I'm here."

She yawns. I only nod again to acknowledge her. Again! I am so frustrated with myself. She is used to our little interaction. She didn't even make me say more. She just rests her head on her armrest. Shortly after, she put her arms to serve as her pillow. She closes her eyes as she faces me.

The sun shines abruptly. Her eyelids flinch and closed tight. The rays are hurting her eyes. I slightly move from my chair forward, put my elbow on my desk and let the rays hit my back. I am facing her. I rest my hands on my cheeks while her eyes slowly calm and she officially dozes off. I end up watching her sleep.

It's still breaktime. Only a few of us are staying in the classroom. Camille, Karen, Leigh, and other girls in their circle go downstairs. Even Ian and our circle buy their food at the canteen.

She looks tired. She looks like she has been sleep deprived these past few days. Does her father still hurt her? I'm hesitant to bring it up and ask because what if she doesn't want to talk about it?

She abruptly opened her eyes. I'm caught off guard. She caught me watching her. I can't even lie because she's looking straight into my eyes as I do to her. Her eyes smile. She has these expressive eyes since that you'll instantly know her mood by just looking and directly observing her eyes. I like that about her.

My usual initial reaction is to tear off our eye-contact but I didn't do it. I do not know where I get the courage to stay this way. However, I want to stay this way. I want to look straight into her eyes and cherish it because...when will I get another chance to do so?

She extends my hands and taps my hair as light as someone who's petting a dog. Her hand feels like she finds me cute and her eyes tell me that she's thankful. For what? Did she know that I cover her from the sun?

At that moment, I stopped myself from breathing for a few seconds thinking that it would silence my heart.

"Are you usually this quiet? You talked a lot last summer."

So it really did happen. I was not daydreaming. I hide my smile as I slightly cock my head to face the windows. I return my gaze to her and turn my expression back to being serious and unbothered.

"So talkative," I mutter in panic while there's a lot of internal turmoil going on in my head.

Really? That's the best I could say? To be mean? It is her way to melt the huge iceberg between us.

She smiles, "I like that side better. I don't like the quiet Brandon."

Dahlia: Karen is persuading me to come to their hang-out this coming Saturday. They will watch a movie together with Camille, Leigh, Brandon, Jake, Ian, and Andres. She wants me to tag along to help her carry the conversation. She said that she can't do it alone as she is nervous with Jake around. She suddenly became shy.

After class and MTAP review, I go to an ATM machine to withdraw my allowance for next week. Daddy always puts money on my card every end of the week. When I check the remaining balance, it only has 2000 pesos. It is my savings though since last year. Maybe Daddy forgets about it this time. It doesn't bother me so I get enough money for food, fare, and movie tickets.

I hope everything goes well for Karen tomorrow.

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