Portgas D. Ace x Demon Reader

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Read at you're own risk!!!

Ace jogged to reach the little house. The rain and wind made the ground muddy. Thunder echoed through the island and Ace saw lighting crash down in the distance. Holding his hat he speeds up. As he reached the little house he found it abandoned as it had many cracks and seemed broken. Ace opened the door, forgiving his ears as they had to listen to its horrible squeaks. As Ace was inside he brushed himself off to make him less wet. He squeezed his clothes to get the water out and sighed. 

Looking around the small house he found a bathroom and bedroom, and the kitchen and living room seemed the same. So three rooms. Ace walked up to an old coach and settled down in it. The green fabric was dirty and had holes here and there. 

Ace pov: 

What now? My mission is done, but this thunder makes it dangerous to leave on the Striker. Maybe something is interesting here? 

Standing up he walked to the bedroom and looked into the closet—some old clothes. Opening a drawer he found something more interesting. It was a box with beautiful patterns. Ace took it to the couch and looked at it. For some reason, he found it to have an aura. It gave off a feeling of unease and it felt heavy to hold it. Trying to open it anyway Ace realizes it's tighter shut than expected. But with his strength, he managed to tear it up. The contents ended up around him and he dropped the box on the table. 

Crouching down Ace picked up one of the stuff in it. Realizing what it was he looked at the other human teeth. There were so many of them, and all of them seemed to be the same kind, premolar. That means every tooth was from different people, but it was at least over a hundred maybe even two hundred. Ace stood up and his eyes landed on the box he dropped. It stood on its corner, in other words, an impossible angle, without support. 

Reaching out with his hands he moved the box and felt around where it had been. His hand got in a strike of pain and began bleeding. Swearing Ace looked at a cut. His blood had dropped down on the table and with widening eyes, Ace watched as a knife and a paper showed itself. The knife had his blood on it. The blood had ended up on the paper where you were supposed to write a name. Picking up the knife, this time on the handle Ace moved it and looked at the text of the paper, a contract. That he had signed with blood. 

Your pov:

Your one eye stared at the small demons called imps as they opened your cell, letting you out. Your black blob-like form slipped out and your eye glared around the other cells. And you slowly changed into a form looking like an imp. "Where's the portal?" You smiled sending a shiver down everyone's spines. The two imps began to lead the way through hell to the only opening back. An elder demon stood at the gate. "If you have a contract that somebody has signed then the portal will let you through and if not you burn and end up in your cell again." He said, fumbling a little with his hands. 

It was extremely rare for a demon like Y/n to be let out. Since a demon contract is invisible until signed and very hard to create. You shifted into your black blob form and went into the portal. Amused you opened someone's eyes. Scanning around you found yourself in your old home. On the floor laid your collection of teeth from all of the victims you killed. Reaching out to the box you realized it was a dude's body and that he was bleeding. Healing his hand and removing the blood with your abilities you took the box and levitated all the teeth in. 

After placing it down in the drawer you looked at your room's mirror. The guy you controlled for the moment had adorable freckles on his cheeks. Blushing at his freckles you moved on finding him to have a strong build. Holding up his hand you made some flames. How practical. You thought. Going into your consciousness, you found him sleeping. You moved around him and made a bed since he would be asleep for a while. On a wall hung the contract. Both of you could summon it at will, but not break it. Sticking out your snake-like tongue you touched his forehead and saw all of his memories.  

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