Vampire Ace x Vampire Queen Reader!!!!

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This is most a wholesome date. But in the end, you find something interesting. 

Warning: Blood, animal blood, mention of making out,
"But you have made me feel so special. You have been so kind and patient to me. Queen Y/n, is it possible for you to see me as a potential partner?"

"Um, I'm. Uh, yes." You mumbled as you began blushing. "Really?" Ace asked excitedly. You nodded and felt a weird warmth on the inside. A warmth only Ace had given you. It started as a small candle, then it became a fire and grew. "So maybe a date?" Ace asked hopeful. "Sure, uh, when are we gonna go?" You wondered as what people call butterflies began swirling in your belly.

"Maybe today, right after we're done eating," Ace suggested. "Sounds good, but then I'm going to get ready now. It's not like I can go on a date as Queen Y/n." You sighed, then walked out of the dining hall. In the distance you heard Ace cheer with himself, he won. 

Fixing your hair and putting on clothes, you feel satisfied. The only time you use makeup was when you went out disguised as N/n with Ace. You didn't even use it to look more pretty, just so you had cool black marks on your face to hide. Using the lipstick Ace got you, you looked nothing like the queen, well you did. But not enough for anyone to realize. "Ace! I'm ready!" You yelled as you walked in the corridors.  A wall moved and there Ace where. "Hello, handsome." You said with a smug smile. Ace blushed clearly and hid it by looking away. 

The sky was lit up by all the city lights, so you couldn't see the stars. You and Ace walked over a bridge made of black stone. Ace ran up to the side and looked at the flowing lava under him. "This reminds me of Akainu. He's fleet Admiral now." Ace said as he looked up at the city. "Akainu is the guy who killed you, right?" You asked walking up next to him. "Yeah. He insulted Pops and I couldn't take it. So I fought back, it didn't go so well though." Ace told you as he looked at two vampires making out on a park bench. 

"Hey Ace, this is a date. Maybe we can talk about this kind of stuff another time?" You asked, taking his hands. "You're right, so what should we do first? Bloodpire is full of activities and stuff. Maybe we should go shopping in the Snake District. You suggested. "Uh, sure." Ace shrugged. Ace had never been in the Snake District before, and neither had you, but it was known for its shopping qualities. On a huge screen was one of the famous singers, from the Melody District. "Who would think vampires love, singing so much?" Ace mumbled as he took a shopping bag with a snake-like pattern on it.  "So this is why they call it the Snake District." You said as you looked at all the snake sculptures and details of snakes everywhere.  

You and Ace took a grip on the fence around the small platform. And before long the platform flew up. Once up a huge gate opened. It was a mall and around the whole place vampires roamed around. "Let's go try out clothes!" You cheered taking a grip on Ace's hand and dragged him away to a clothing store. "What about this one?" You asked wearing a black dress with white lighting marks on it. "Uh, it's good, but I believe the jacket version of it is prettier," Ace told you holding a similar jacket up. "Hmm, yeah, but I need to find matching pants if so." You huffed. "Excuse me, you two are a couple right?" A female vampire said walking up to us. She was wearing a snake as a belt and had a white silk dress. 

Ace glanced at you wanting to say yes, but maybe he would go too fast. "We are." You said happily. "Then maybe you two are interested in our couple section. "We can check it out." You said grabbing Ace's hand. "Maybe we should try these," Ace suggested. Pointing at a black pair of clothes with bat wing decoration. "I also wanna try out those." You said pointing at another pair of clothes with a beautiful pattern. The couple's clothes section had outfits for two, both being similar indicating a status of love. 

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