Yandere Portgas D. Ace ,1

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Chapter 1: The beginning.

Female reader

Warnings: none. Oh, wait, one swear word.

You smiled at the man in front of you. He had always been there. He had always been kind, and now the two of you had been dating for three months. "Look at the guy over there he eats like a monster." Your boyfriend stated, pointing at a shirtless man sitting at the table next to yours.

Ace heard the man's complaint and ignored it. I don't care. He simply thought, but the word monster might have hit a nerve. "Babe, he's not a monster. Just a hungry human, let him eat alone." You said calmly. Ace listened to your conversation while eating.  "You're right, sorry for my behavior. But he's loud, and he causes ruckus every time he falls asleep." You're dear commented.

"Please, Honey, it's already been cleared that he has narcolepsy. That's something he can't help, so don't be rude about it." You answered with a smile. Yup, Ace has decided to like you, such a nice person. He thought. It was weird cause the two of you kept talking about him, you're guy said something means, and you protected him.

So, being the curious guy he was, he changed direction to the waiter and ordered more food. Since he had turned around, he knew that the two of you could see his Whitebeard tattoo. "Ah! Look, Sweetie, he's a pirate!" Your boyfriend yelled and whispered, making it hard for Ace to hear. But since his focus was on you two, he didn't miss a word. "Ga, we need to get out of here." Your dude added.

"Please, dear, he hasn't caused any more trouble than falling asleep. Don't panic." You cleared as you ate your tasty food. "But he's a pirate and a Whitebeard one at that!" He panicked. "And? Both you and I have seen how polite he is with the waiter. I believe he's a nice guy." You smiled. "But." Your boyfriend began. "Oh, please, people like that don't kill for no reason. We're safe." You interrupted.

The lunch went on smoothly after that. And other conversations came between you and your man. Ace was still listening, though. "Honey, I love you very much. But are you sure about us? I mean, I'm from a poor family, and my father is a janitor. You're a rich noble, and your father is a respected man." Your boyfriend asked. It was quite often he complained about others. But you knew it was because he was an insecure, scared man.

"You could be Gold Roger's son, and my love for you still wouldn't change." That sentence made Ace choke on his food. Fuck what was this feeling?

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