Isekai Au, 5

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Chapter 5: Fit in

Portgas D. Ace x Female Reader

Warnings: None

"So this big map isn't a map?" Ace asked, confused.

"First of, it's called a TV, I want you to sit here and watch it until I'm back." You said pointing at the couch.

"But, how is this TV gonna entertain me for, what did you say? Five hours?" Ace asks.

"Yup, five hours. I have a client who's waiting. Oh, and if you're hungry, eat something from the fridge." You said closing the door, leaving Ace behind.

He pushed the buttons of the thing you gave him, and at last, the map shined up. Oh, well, the so-called TV. On the screen, after a lot of clicking, Ace finally found some weird place with a lot of different titles. You had told him to watch something called Harry Potter. The hunch Ace had said he was in the right place, and after some scrolling, he found one of them to have Harry Potter on the front.

It didn't look interesting at all. But, oh well. He clicked on the screen and, let's just say, wow. Ace wasn't sure of what was the coolest? The story or the way he sees and hears it. When the movie had ended, Ace stretched a little. After a quick look towards the clock, he found it to be around three hours until you would get back.

How am I supposed to get home? Ace questioned in his head as he raided the fridge. He came here by saying some weird shit, but that didn't take him back. It was worry some, to say the least. And Blackbeard had said something even more frustrating. He would go after Luffy and trade him to become a warlord. Sighing Ace took something he found and placed it in the so-called microwave.

One Harry Potter Movie Later

"I'm back, sorry I'm late. I just figured you need clothes and that you probably have eaten everything from 'my' fridge." You said quite fast as you carried everything into the apartment. Ace walked up with a questioning look.

"Did you just say you bought clothes?" He asked, unsure.

"Uh, yes. People don't go around shirtless, here. And I don't feel comfortable with a shirtless pirate in my beautiful apartment." You answered, handing him two plastic bags.

"How many are there?" Ace asked as he peeked into the bag, finding both to have quite some weight.

"Uh, I dunno. I bought a lot, though, so don't worry." But that was what worried Ace. He didn't wanna be a burden to you.

"Now go change." You smiled, pushing him into the bathroom. Not long after, Ace came out wearing a nice black T-shirt and black pants.

"Ha, now you fit in more. What do you think?" You asked while filling in the fridge.

"It's really comfortable, but um, why did you buy so many clothes?" Ace asked, placing his hand on the neck.

"How many did I buy?" You asked, closing the fridge.

"Around twenty-five. I think. Also, was it necessary to buy two more pairs of shoes for me?" Ace asks, placing down the bag.

"No, but it was fun. We're going out for dinner, so put on the more fancy clothes I bought for you." You said, walking into your own room, before Ace could respond.

Ace put on the suit. He had once again black pants, but these felt different. And a nice patterned light blue vest. And under was a comfortable white shirt. Although the blue doesn't match the marines, it still crosses his mind. If Grandpa was here he be either laughing or telling him to become a marine. Ace walked out of the bathroom holding a tie. He had never ever worn anything like this and wondered if nobles feel like this all the time. After a minute you came out wearing quite beautiful clothes too.

"You look good. Hmm, you need help with the tie?" You asked, walking up to him.

"Uh yes, I've never really been on the fancy side. It's really new to me. Also, Y/n, I hope you know you don't have to do all of this." Ace says unsure, after all, he didn't wanna be ungrateful. And for the matter of facts, you two had known each other for maybe two days now. Ace fellt his cheeks warm up, as he feels your hands fix it.


Sorry it took so long to write. I'm a bit sick. 🤧 It's just a cold, though.

Also, ignore the fact that we shouldn't know what Ace sizes is. Cause if I wrote a reason that would make sense, we turn into a real creep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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Portgas D  Ace x Reader  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now