Isekai Au, 1

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Chapter 1: The beginning

Portgas D. Ace x Female Reader

Warnings: um, Ace fighting.
Ace fought Black Beard with all his might. Refusing to back down. Though, after big attacks from both, Ace collapses in pain. Black Beards laughs and grabs him at the neck. "Men chain him, we give him to the navy, and then I become a war lord!" Blackbeard laughs.

Ace groaned in pain, and then some words an old lady said to say if he ever needs escape. She was a kind old lady, so he would do it, even though it was embarrassing. "%^~'°$%>♤£¥!?&÷/×%=+." Blackbeard laughed at him again as expected. "I didn't hear that, mind repeating?" He asked, squeezing Ace's neck.

"I don't . . . . . " Blackbeard watched, surprised as Ace disappeared in front of his eyes. "What the?" He let out as Ace disappeared completely.

Ace opened his eyes and took in his soroundings. It was dark and dusty. On both of his sides, high towering walls stood. Ace slowly crawled in pain and leaned on one. "Where am I?" He whispered. In one direction, he found a lot of people walking past. And on the other more people walked past. Could he ask one for help? What other choice does he have?

"Hey, lady. Could you perhaps lend a hand?" He mumbled out to a woman walking past. As expected, she didn't hear. Ace frowns in disapair, though he couldn't blame her. "Huh?" Ace glanced up at the woman, now standing before him. "I'm slow, sorry. Do you need help?" She asked, concerned. "Yeah, you wouldn't mind?" He asked, his voice low and scratchy. "I call an ambulance." She said, holding up a flat weird thing. "Don't I just need food and a long nap, then I be fine." Ace mumbled again.

"Oh, okay. You can come with me, I guess. Can you walk?" She asked. Ace very slowly stood up. Losing balance, the lady grabbed him and then allowed him to lean on her. "It's not far." She states.

"The names Ace, Portgas D. Ace." He introduced himself. "I'm Y/n." You see that building. It's the place." You told pointing at a tall skyscraper. After quite a long time, they made it into the building. Ace tried to make them change direction to the stairs, but instead, they ended up going into a small room with a weird door. "Your place is quite small. It's nice, though." Ace states, but she just looked super weird at him. "I don't live in an elevator." You answered, pushing some buttons.

Ace felt so motion sick. As he could feel the room move. He grabbed a pole that hung on the side and practically clung to Omin. After a short while, the room stopped, and the doors opened. Ace stumbled out with you. And then you got out a key and opened the door before him.

Soon laying down on a couch. Ace finally relaxed his body and fell asleep. You, on the other hand, started to cook. Glancing now and then at the sleeping man.

Why did you take him in? What if he's a criminal? If he is, he will regret messing with you. After all, you're a lawyer.

End of chapter 1.

Portgas D  Ace x Reader  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now