Vampire Portgas D. Ace x Vampire Queen reader!

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Here read . . . .If you want.

This is copied over from my Tumblr account (That's why it looks weird)

Warnings: Fashion, dead humans, blood, Ace being called food bag.


The seawater touched his fingertips, now and then. It came, and then it disappeared down his body. His feet and shoes are soaking wet, from being completely in the water, and his upper body has some places where the sand stuck to his damp build.

A line was on his forehead. It wasn't a wound or some makeup, but it was a headache, a strong and annoying one. Moving his hand towards his head, he accidentally put sand inside his mouth. Groaning, Ace stands up and puts a finger on his tongue to brush the sand away.

He slowly and tiredly brushed the sand off his body and shorts. Using one of his feet, he takes off his wet and disgusting shoes. "Where am I?" Ace mumbles as he feels the warm sand warm up his feet. A weird gut feeling appears as his eyes wander and land on sharp-looking rocks sticking up from the water. Upon looking closer, he sees many of those rocks as far as his eyes can reach.

Settling down in the sand with a look of confusion, he glided his hand through his soft hair. What now? Behind me is a black mountain wall, and before me is the sea. Did the ship sink because of those rocks, and I got stranded here? How did I even come ashore without getting wounded by any of them?

Ace glanced to his side. The wet shoes are drying in the warm sand from the sunshine just next to him. There is just one problem with them. It's not his regular cool-looking boots but a pair of low-heel shoes.

Ace picked one up, and the more he looked, the more he remembered. Luffy! Pops! My brothers and friends! The war . . . . Akainu!? Ace felt how his body fell limp in shock. "I'm alive?" His words came out as a whisper, and he probably looked stupid in his starfish position and fish-like expression.

Ace lay in the sand for what felt like days, thought after thought rolled in and out of his mind. He was hungry, dirty, and needed a shower, but he for the most part wanted answers. The sun sank on the horizon, and all Ace could do was watch. The sky darkened, and the stars showed up. Ace stretched up his hand and tried grabbing one.

Finally moving, Ace sat up. His body was rigid, and his brain was tricking him with sounds like a city. He stood up and put his ear to the black mountain wall. Was he dreaming? Ace Qikley brushed himself clean from the sand and emptied his shoes from even more sand. As fast as they were on, he began running around the shore. After a while, he found a huge skull. The mouth was opened, and it had a black snake-like tongue rolled out. What the?

Ace walked up to the skull. It was an entrance. His eyes widened as he looked at the other side. All the people had a weird sense of fashion. Carefully, he slipped in. Sengoku revealed my bloodline to the world. If I'm not careful, an army of marines will show up.

"Hello, Food Bag. How did you get here?" Ace froze as he felt a woman's ice-cold hand on his bare shoulder. Glancing to his side, he saw sharp black fingernails that reminded him more of claws. And did she call him Food Bag? Squeezing his shoulder, she asked again."How did you get here?" But this time her voice sounded cold and somehow wicked. Ace turned around slowly. The woman had a skinny, dried-out arm along her own as an accessory, and her black hair was up in a super messy bun.

"I don't know how I got here," Ace answered, backing away from the pale woman. "Oh, are you sure, Food Bag?" She asked while crossing her arms. "My name is Ace, not Food Bag." Ace stares at the woman's smile. She had two fangs and bright red eyes with the pupils of a hunter.

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