Chp - 3. Let's meet.

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We talked and talked for hours. My vibing with her was really good and she didn't judge me over all the nasty things I told her. We laughed over crazy jokes and also ended up following each other over Social media.

My mornings started with her good morning texts and ended up with her goodnight messages. Well not gonna lie, but she wasn't like other girls. She wasn't into fights and just fighting over some random mood swings. I also shared with her the trauma gifted to me by my oh so great parents, and she used to come up with solutions, she was like a safe comfort place for my overwhelming thoughts.

Even she shared how strict her parents were and always used to yell over her when she was just a scared little child. We were having a really really good bond, when one afternoon, I asked her whether she has a boyfriend.

"I do have a boyfriend but we don't talk much, he has been ignoring me after the first time I was physical with him. He beats me and just says nasty things about me every time. He is not my type but idk I am just a bit attached to him" was what she replied with.

Tears were on their way to run down my cheeks. The time I got the text was the time I felt real pain in my chest. She is beautiful, she is kind, she is innocent.
Why would anyone fucking do that to her?

While wiping my tears with my tshirt, I replied with, " It's alright, trust me if I was your boyfriend ever, the first thing I would do would be to respect you, I really don't care about my self respect or my ego, if the thing hurts you then the thing shouldn't be done. And if my girl is happy with certain things, my happiness joins with her as well, I wish you were my girl, I would have treated you the way you deserve " I wiped my face completely leaving behind no traces of the tears I had shed.

She took a pause. She was typing something but she suddenly stopped. My heart beat started beating faster and faster. It was like an as if 'SHIT, what did I even type, I just confessed that I like her, ohh my god what's gonna happen now I don't know mannn'. My thoughts were overwhelming me, it was like they started to run a marathon in my mind. Every second made my heart beat faster. I was scared as fuck.

I started writing an apology text saying, 'Hey sorry, I didn't mean that, I was just being too friendly, I know it's kinda awkward, but you kno-


"I know right, I would have surely accepted a sweet boy like you , actually you know what, you are my type, Kelix. I always craved for some sweet innocent boy who would stay loyal to me, who would put me first, who would think about me before doing anything, I wish God had sent you a bit earlier" her message popped up replying to my message.

I was so so so happy, I mean I swear to fucking god, my happiness can't be measured in any form of calculations, it was sweet, the boy inside of me cheered up with joy, the horses started to race inside me, my adrenaline was above the limits. FUCKKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSS...I screamed inside my mind.

I backspaced the apology message and started to write a new one. "It's alright, since we know each other so well, consider I am all yours". The blush over my face was visible so well.

"Yeah I do think that you are kinda my safe place", she replied with a red heart emoji.

Ever heard a solid form turn into liquid form? Ohh nvm, look at my heart right now, just melting so hard that it would soon leak out.

I chuckled and replied,"Ohh I see, if I am your safe place, then we can surely go out for some snacks and maybe talk about you being my safe place as well". I had the biggest blush over my face that I could have never imagined off.

'Ohh so someone's trying to ask me out now?'

"-ahh yeaah maybe"

'Sure then...'

It was overwhelming, I never asked any girl out, it was my first time, I didn't know what to wear, what to eat, where to go, I didn't know a single shit, it was soo confusing and-

'Meet me at the school after, we'll hangout at McD, what sayy?', she asked sliding through my thoughts.


Everything was well planned. All I had to do was to not just end up making a mess out of myself.

And the day arrived.

"Hey, remember we had a plan?", I texted her early in the morning while hanging my way through the subway.

'Getting my makeup done' she texted up.

"You don't need no make up, I would appreciate the way you are!"

'Ahh shut up Kelix, wait for me', she texted back.

Attending all my lectures physically and dreaming mentally of my first meet with her, I left the group of my boys behind. If I hung out with them, I sure would be late for my so called date.

I came out of the school building with some of my friends when I saw a beautiful girl standing near the bus stop with her.

Her baby pink dress was looking more beautiful than the cheery blossoms in the mid-April. She was near the bus stop with a purse in her hand probably waiting for someone.

My brain refreshed. Ohh wait, she looks like my date!? OH IT IS ROSÉ!!!
Or is it?

I called Rosé while staring at the girl. And certainly she was Rosé. The girl in front of me picked up the call.

"I didn't know you looked soo beautiful in real life? God you are angelic." I flirted looking at her from a distance.

"Shut up dumbo, tell me where you are", she laughed trying to find everywhere she can except in front of her.

I hung up the phone and started walking towards her. She started to look into her phone, probably wondering why I hung up in between.

I walked over her and stood in front of her. Her eyes slowly moved on from her phone to me. Everything was moving slowly except my heart beat. It was beating a million times in a fraction of seconds.

As her eyes were looking in my eyes, my stomach instantly fired a powerful beam of butterflies inside, the world wasn't normal anymore, it was soft. Her body fragrance was more than just fragrance.

"IS IT YOUUU KELIX???!!!!", she replied with joy and excitement in her eyes.

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