Chapter - 13

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Ravenpaw wearily padded back to camp, her eyes downcast as she slid into the clearing, assessing the damage done: Nightstem and Runningmist were gone.

"All cats old enough to catch fish gather under Highrocks for a clan meeting," Alderstar yowled, his voice echoing through the clearing. With a powerful leap, he bounded onto the highrock, his muscles tensed and his neck arched, his claws leaving deep marks on the smooth surface. "Today, we gather to honor the memory of our fallen warriors: Freckleface, Diasycloud, and Blossombird. They were steadfast and devoted members of our clan, serving with loyalty and courage until the end."

The clans dipped their heads respectfully as the queens and elders slid out from their dens with wide eyes, making sure the two-legs were really gone.

"And Oakclan has also lost some strong warriors", Alderstar mewed softly, flicking his tail at Cloverstar to continue.

Cloverstar, her voice heavy with sorrow, addressed the gathered clan, "We mourn the loss of Nightstem and Runningmist. Runningmist proved herself a dedicated warrior throughout the seasons, and Nightstem was known for their exceptional skills in battle." As Cloverstar spoke, a somber hush fell over the assembled cats.

"The real question is how we are going to get them back!" a large brown tom mewed, his fur bristling in rage.

"I don't think there is anything we can do, Marshpelt", Alderstar said softly, his words barely a whisper in the breeze.

"Nonsense", Bristlefur, a dark tom, howled, his green eyes filled with anger. "I'm not leaving Nightstem with those fox-hearts! She is my littermate! And stop saying she was a warrior, she still is!"

"I'm really sorry, Bristlefur," Cloverstar began, but her words were cut off by the sharp hiss of Marshpelt.

"I'm going after them!" the Willowclan tom mewed, and before anyone could protest, he was gone; sliding through the trees and racing off.

"Me too!" Bristlefur growled, before taking off after Marshpelt.

"Wait, stop!" Alderstar's voice filled with frustration echoed through the clearing as he swiftly leaped off Highrock. His eyes widened as he muttered under his breath, urgency evident in his every movement. "Lilyheart and Thornfur, come with me. We have to go after him."

A sleek, dark ginger she-cat with brown eyes approached Alderstar, the strong leader of Willowclan. By her side was a cream tabby, their fur shimmering in the dappled sunlight as they hurriedly chased after Marshpelt and Bristlefur, urgently calling out for them to halt.

Ravenpaw sighed, exhaustion creeping up her body as Maplesky padded up to her.

"We're going hunting today", she said, her blue eyes dull and tired.

"Don't you have a cough?" Ravenpaw asked, cocking her head.

"I'm feeling better", her mentor croaked, her voice a fragment of what it used to be.

"Okay!" Ravenpaw chirped as cheerfully as she could, trying to focus on the bright side of things. 

I am alive, Ravenstream is alive, Maplesky is alive, the leaders are alive, she chanted.

They set off into the forest, trudging through the underbrush, Ravenpaw couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung in the air like a heavy fog. The forest seemed unusually quiet, devoid of its usual lively chatter of birds and squirrels.

They stepped cautiously over fallen branches and around gnarled roots. There were no signs of recent game — no tracks, no rustling in the bushes, nothing.

"We'll have to go deeper into the woods," Maplesky said with forced optimism, though her eyes churned with disappointment.

As they ventured further, the woods grew darker and more foreboding. The silence became oppressive, broken only by the occasional creak of branches swaying in the breeze. Ravenpaw scanned the surroundings nervously, her senses on high alert.

Beyond the stars: Ripple of fire (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now