Chapter - 14

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Ravenpaw watched the moon glow brightly in the sky, sending shafts of light through the trees onto the traveling cats' pelts. They padded through the soft, muddy ground as rain dripped over their pelts, making them sleek shadows in the dark: Ravenpaw shivered, feeling cold air creep up her spine as her mother neared her, brushing her pelt with her daughter's affectionately.

Unfortunately, it had started raining at moon-high, making the clan cats even more miserable as they trudged through the forest, watching the trees thin out until they were in open moorland, cold air brushing their pelts. 

Ravenpaw tilted her head upwards, letting the breeze brush around her as she watched the sparkling silverpelt with round eyes; it was beautiful to see the stars, shining without a care in the world. Please let us be safe Starclan, Ravenpaw prayed. The air tasted of rabbits and heather, and something musky and faint that Ravenpaw could barely recognise through the stench of Breezeclan.

"Everything will be okay", Ravenstream said to her.

"I never said it wouldn't be! Everything is wonderful!" Ravenpaw mewed, forcing cheeriness into her voice.

Ravenstream sighed, clearly looking right through her fake emotion.

"You don't have to pretend everything is alright", Ravenstream said gently, licking between Ravenpaw's ears affectionately.

"But everything is fine", she said. "Things could be worse".

Ravenpaw had always thought like that; no matter what happened, she always told herself that things could be worse, maybe it was bad to think like that, but she did anyway.

As they continued their journey through the moorland, Ravenpaw couldn't shake off the unease gnawing at her. The rain had turned the ground soggy and slippery, making every step a struggle. Their fur clung damply to their bodies, chilling them to the bone despite their best efforts to keep moving and generate warmth.

Ravenstream, her mother, kept a watchful eye on Ravenpaw, sensing her daughter's anxiety despite the brave face she tried to maintain. They rushed through a valley, more anxious to reach the camp than ever as they moved through the sodden grass.

They finally reached the heart of the camp, which was dead silent except for the light snoring from the dens and the pitter-patter of the rain against the ground. Alderstar let out a loud yowl, signaling to the cats that they were there as Breezeclan cats started to spill from the dens, eyeing the newcomers warily; Ashclan cats also joined them,  their fur fluffed up in the chilly wind.

Cheetahstar slid out of her den, her fierce green eyes flickering around the Oakclan-Willowclan cats as she crept forward, claws barely sheathed, while Sootstar emerged from the crowd of the cats, letting out a guttural growl as she eyed Cloverstar.

"Greetings, Cheetahstar", Alderstar yowled, dipping his head. "We have come to seek refuge; two-legs have invaded our territory, and we fear that they may return. They have already taken some of our cats".

"I see... Cloverstar? What are you doing here?" Cheetahstar mewed, her rosetted pelt dappled in the fresh moonlight.

"Our home has burned down in the same fire that wrecked Ashclan territory, we have been taking shelter in WillowClan until the two-legs attacked us".

"We share our condolences. You may shelter here tonight; we will talk tomorrow morning", Cheetahstar mewed.

Ravenpaw, her fur still damp and chilled to the bone, huddled close to her mother, Ravenstream, seeking warmth and reassurance amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

Cloverstar, the leader of OakClan, nodded solemnly at Cheetahstar's words, gratitude flickering briefly in her eyes before exhaustion claimed her features once more. "Thank you, Cheetahstar," Cloverstar murmured, her voice tinged with weariness. "We are grateful for your hospitality in these troubled times."

Beyond the stars: Ripple of fire (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now