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I hate wasted potential,
that shit crushes your spirit
It really does,
it crushes your soul

I hate wasted potential, that shit crushes your spiritIt really does, it crushes your soul

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WARNING: throuple.

*italics are the central narrator

midnight before the final match

                     Isadora wakes up to the caressing of her hair, thinking is Art just to open her eyes and find Patrick admiring her sleeping form. Turning around she notices the absence of the blond man, quickly shoving Patrick's hand away.

Sitting down on the bed and giving him a dead look, "Where were you?"

He opens his mouth to respond, "Don't lie to me." She says in an authoritative tone, all sleep gone away from her face.

A crestfallen expression in Patrick's face appeared, "I— I didn't know she wanted to meet to convince to let Art win, had I known I wouldn't have gone but I..."

Patrick was couldn't even pretend to lie to Isadora, not to her, she was too smart to be lied to. He was also trying his best not to create any conflict that could push her away, but he was failing at the moment.

"So you were with Tashi? You know what? I don't care— If you guys fucked or not, is not my business."

Isadora wanted to scream into her pillow, it felt like it was her business.

"We didn't." Patrick quickly responded, sitting down close to her, trying to touch her arm, Isadora moving a bit away out of pride, an incredulous look on her face, "Are you lying to me?"

"What? No!" He exclaimed, a scared expression in his face, "Isadora I swear, nothing happened okay? She texted me in the morning and I went, just out of curiosity— She begged me to let Art win, and I said no. When I said no... she tried to kiss me, but I moved away, that made her mad and she punched me out of frustration." He said showing a brown bruise forming on his arm, a sad look on his eyes. He knew he needed to gain her trust back, but he wasn't aware it would be this hard, her doubting of his honesty, hurt.

Isadora looked unsure, slowly nodding, "You should have told me, I would have accompanied you— I'm sorry I doubted you." She said in a small voice, truth is, she wasn't entirely sure, if to believe his words, but observing his broken look, and how her words affected him made her want to believe in him.

Patrick shakes his head, "It doesn't matter anymore. We should talk about the fact I encountered Art in the hallway, leaving, our hotel room." He shrugged, a smirk appearing on his face, "He just stared at me, but by his disheveled hair and lack of wedding ring, I guess he came begging on his knees for you—"
He teased, body leaning towards hers.

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