Chapter Three options of options

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Water, Earth, Air, and Fire

Nothing was the same after my mother Avatar Alice's death, but everything changed forever when the Shadow War started. But I believe the new avatar has returned, and they will have a fire Bender in the Starlights; everyone thinks that my mother was the worst avatar, and everyone feels the avatar cycle ended because my mother died in the avatar state.

(Recap) of chapter Two

What happened with Abbie and why is Kitty upset with Sam, What's the significance of Sam being in bed and not having an "actual job", What led to the tension between Kitty and Sam regarding Abbie's well-being, What happened to Abbie and why is Kitty blaming Sam, What caused the conflict between Kitty and Sam, What will happen next with the characters, What happened with Abbie at the hospital, What led to Kitty's reaction to Sam having a job, What prompted Lin to declare Sam's office as his, What happened to Abbie, and why was Kitty upset about Sam's statement, What led to the tension between Sam and Kitty regarding employment, What was the reason for the hospital call and the plea for help from Sam and Kitty, we'll find out

{Kitty's lying in bed} "Kitty, you going cry in bed all day," said Lin sadly. "Leave me alone." Said, Kitty " Kya, is healing her," said Lin {Kitty berries their head on the pillow} "Kitty," said Lin censored {Lin walked over to Kitty} "Sam's at work ain't she," said Kitty in a soft voice "Yeah," said Lin "You okay," said kya

Three Minutes later,
"Lin," said Kitty. "Yes, Kitty," said Lin. " Lin, she hurt me," said Kitty {Kitty moved her hair from her eye} "Kitty!" Yelled Lin "Chief did it a long time ago," said Kitty "Spirits you okay," said Lin weekly

In Sam's office,
{Lin drags Kitty into Sam's office} "Sam," said Lin "Yes," said Sam "You do know what happened to Kitty's eye," said Lin "Kitty what the hèll is wrong with you KItty," said Sam "Kitty," said Lin {Kitty's eyes full of tears} "Kitty I'm sorry," said Sam, " No!" Cried, Kitty "Kitty Hey," said Lin "Kitty get out of my office," said Sam "Kitty it's okay," said Lin "Let's go back to the apartment," said Kitty "Okay," said Lin {They jumped in the car} "Kitty you okay," said Lin {Lin grabbed Kitty's hand} "Your okay," said Lin "Lin," said Kitty "huh," said Lin "How's Kya at my apartment," said Kitty " Sam and Abbie gave her a key," said Lin

In the apartment,
{As everyone is at Kitty's apartment} "Kitty you awake," said Lin "It's Sam's birthday," said Katelin "Mhm," hummed Kitty, "Kitty get out of bed," said Lin {Kitty gets out of bed} "Sam," said Kitty "I'm sorry about earlier," said Sam angrily "And you're still mad at me," said Kitty "Spirits sake Kitty I'm not mad," said Sam "Sam, please let me help you," said Kitty [ring] [ring] "Hello, this is Kitty Starlight," said Kitty "Hello Jason from the hospital," said Jason "Why are you calling me!" yelled Kitty "Abbie woke up from her coma" said Jason "oh thank you spirits!" yelled, Kitty [hangs up the phone] "Abbie woke up," said Kitty "That's great" said Lin {everyone in their cars and heads to the hospital} "Kitty," said Lin "yeah," said Kitty " you sure she's going remember you" said Lin "sure she will," said Kitty {they get the hospital} " Abbie," said Kitty.

In the hospital room, "Who are you" said Abbie "It's me Kitty your Girlfriend" cried Kitty "I don't remember you don't bring anything to me and I don't have a girlfriend" said Abbie {Kitty had tears in her eyes} "Kitty!" yelled Lin {Kitty ran out to the car} "Kitty," said Korra "Korra," said Kitty "Hi Kitty," said Korra "You should cry on Lin" said Genji "thank guys" said Kitty Sadly {Lin runs after Kitty sees them crying in the car} "Oh Kitty," said Lin "I know you told me Lin" said, Kitty "Kitty it's okay," said Lin {Kitty cries them asleep} "their you go," said Lin

In Lin's house, "Is Kitty okay" said Kya "Yeah she's fine" said Lin "You sure she's okay I was just in their room," said Kya "Oh spirits," said Lin {Kitty was crying in the bed} "Kitty you okay," said Lin "leave me alone Lin," said Kitty "Kitty we're here to help," said Kya {it makes Kitty cry more} "Hey, it's okay," said Lin "Kitty," said Kya sadly {Kitty laid back on their pillow} "You want anything," said Lin and Kya "No, But can you stay in here," said Kitty "Kitty," said Lin "You need your sleep" said Kya "I know" said Kitty

The next day later, {Kitty's still in bed} "Kitty we're going out you need anything," said Lin "Can I go with you guys please," said Kitty "Yeah," said Kya "Come on," said Lin "Okay," said Kitty "Why do you look tired," said Lin "I couldn't sleep last night," said Kitty {Kitty's stairs out the window of the car tearing up} " Kitty," asked Kya "Kitty you okay," said Lin "no!" Cried, Kitty {Kya climbed into the backseat} "Kitty it's okay," said Kya {Kitty cries} "Kitty it's okay," said Lin

At the cafe, {Kitty stopped crying} "Kitty you want some tea," said Lin "Yeah," said kitty "cuz we're going to Zaofu after the cafe" said Lin "Okay can by my apartment so I pick my things," said Kitty "Yeah," said Lin "Thx," said Kitty "No problem," said Lin "So you feel better," said Kya

An hour later, "Come on kitty get on the airship," said Lin "Why do I feel like we're being chased down," said Kitty "Cuz we are being chased" said Lin "Someone call Su and her we're late" said Kitty "I wouldn't go out there," said Lin "It's my ex-brother-in-law I don't know what he wants but he's with Kuvira's daughter and her granddaughter," said Kitty "Nightmare Shadow what do you want," said Lin "I wanted to ask Kitty something," said Nightmare "come on," said Lin "Hey what's up I heard you had something to ask," said Kitty "Kitty your moms took land from my Mother-in-law," said Nightmare "shadow you wanna fight about cuz she ain't getting at land back," said Kitty {Kitty bends a rock at shadow} "Hey take outside," said Lin "Kitty I didn't want you to fight," said Shadow "Is Kuvira with you," said Kitty "Yeah," said Shadow "KITTY GET OUT HERE!" yelled Kuvira "Oh no," said Kitty "What do you want Kuvira," said Lin {Su pulls up to the airship} "Kitty," said Su "Su," said Kitty.

Eleven minutes later at Zaofu, "Kitty if we didn't get you out of there would've been done/cooked" said Suyin {Kitty hit her head against a wall} "Yeah," said Kitty "You okay," said Kya "Kitty you doing okay," said Lin "yeah I'm good," said Kitty "is Abbie okay she always comes with you," said Suyin "she had an accident and then into a coma," said Kitty "I'm sorry Ki-," said Suyin "and doesn't remember me," cried out Kitty "Kitty," said Lin "Come here," said Suyin {Kitty cries} "Kitty she'll remember you," said Suyin "you sure cuz it sounded like she broke up with me," cried Kitty {Kitty's asleep} "Is she okay now," said Lin "Yeah, she's okay," said Suyin "Uh oh Kuvira's here," said Opal "Kitty Is asleep," said Lin "Opal and bolin get Kitty somewhere safe," said Suyin "We'll hold them off," said Lin "Okay," said Bolin {Opal and Bolin Runs to Kitty room} "Mako need to help your brother and my daughter with Kitty get her out of here," said Suyin "they got Kitty already," said Bolin "Opal you know did bring her Argentavis right," said Lin "what's an Argentavis mom," said Opal "let's go outside to to see," said Suyin "Okay?" said Opal "that's cas the Argentavis Opal," said Lin {Opal see yellow, red and black big bird} "she pretty," said Opal "Isn't she tho," said Suyin "Wheres her saddle," said Opal "well Kitty goes ber back," said Lin "but the saddle is in the airship," said Kya "

Back in the apartment in Republic City, "I'm home Kitty, Abbie," said Kitty

(Sam's pov) where is Kitty and why isn't Abbie not home? "Sam," said Abbie "Hi Abbie," said Sam "Where's Kitty," said Sam "Who's Kitty," said Abbie "Kitty's your girlfriend, Abbie," said Sam "No she's not girlfriend!" yelled Abbie "what's is wrong with you Abbie!" yelled Sam "I'm sorry if I hurt their feeling!" yelled Abbie "Do remember your children Abbie!" yelled Sam "No I don't!" cried Abbie

Back in Zaofu, {Opal flying after Kitty on cas} "I see their jeep do copy Opal," said Lin "I'm going in," said Opal "Opal not go in yet," said Suyin "Opal!" yelled Lin and Suyin "Yes got them," said Opal "Thank the spirits," said Suyin {Kitty's waking up} "I save you, Kitty," said Opal "Thank you?" said Kitty "You okay after all that," said Lin {Cas lands on the ground needing to rest} "that's a girl Cas" said, Kitty {Grace shows up out of nowhere} "Hi Mom," said Kitty "Queen Grace," said Suyin "Is Kuvira chasing my stepdaughter," said Grace "Yes," said Lin "That unspirited woman," said Grace "Kitty's going to bed," said Opal "Opal you should be in bed to" said Suyin "Sam and Abbie is on the way here," said from of the guards "Why is Abbie coming here," said Suyin "I don't know but I know it bad," said Lin {the guard shows Abbie and Sam around to the living room} "HI guys" said, Sam "Why did you Abbie with you chief" said Lin "Cuz she don't remember Kitty," said Sam "Sam you're going to make Kitty cry," said Opal {Kitty walks into the living room} "Abbie I that you," said Kitty "Are you Kitty S. Starlight" said Abbie "Yeah," said Kitty "Sam said I'm your girlfriend," said Abbie "You remember me now," said Kitty "Yeah yelled your name at me," said Abbie {Kitty cries in happyness} "Thank spirits your most back," said Kitty.

(I told y'all it would be longer than the other)

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