Echoes of Turmoil

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My fingers slip, causing me to accidentally hit a wrench as I'm fixing the kitchen sink, and with a clatter, it falls into the depths of the under-sink cabinet.

Cursing softly, I lean in closer, trying to fish it out. The persistent drip that's been plaguing me for days seems louder now, mocking my efforts.

A knock at the door startles me, and I almost hit my head on the sink's underside.

"Come in!" I call out, my voice echoing slightly in the enormous house.

The door creaks open, and to my surprise, Evin walks in, making me instantly regret my disheveled appearance—hair pulled back in a messy bun, grease stains on my hands and face—I must look a mess.

"Evin," I manage to say, trying to hide my surprise.

"Izzy," he replies as his eyes sweep the room, likely searching for Jess—it's the only imaginable reason that would bring him to my proximity.

He turns back to me, a mix of curiosity and concern in his gaze.

"Are you looking for Jess?" I finally ask, my voice tinged with nervousness as I wipe my hands on a nearby towel.

"Yeah, she said she'd drop by this morning."

I nod, trying to appear composed, "She's not here right now."

An awkward silence follows, the kind that makes the air heavy with unspoken words and tension. He steps further into the room, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Do you need any help?"
His voice is gentle as he studies the wreck behind me on the kitchen sink.

"No, thanks. I've got it under control," I say, even though I'm not entirely sure I do. Plumbing isn't one of my limited specialties, unfortunately, but it would be too much to ask, no?

He nods, his face stained with an unreadable expression as he now says,

"When do you think you'll be ready to come back to work?"

His question catches me off guard. This has been the elephant in the room I didn't think needed to be addressed. I thought it was obvious...

"I... I didn't know if you still wanted me there," I choose to admit as I turn to face him fully. The man has barely looked at me since Knysna, I didn't think he would want to bear my sight at his business too.

Plus, it would've hurt more to go to work and have him reject me again than if I simply chose not to go. We've already established that I'm a coward.

"I got the job because we were dating, and I assumed now that we're not..."

His expression shifts, a flicker of something passing through his eyes before it's masked again.

"Okay then, I'll start looking for a replacement," he says quietly, his voice devoid of its usual warmth.

My heart sinks and a lump forms in my throat as I take in his response. It's a pointless wish but I'd hoped he would tell me he didn't want anyone else working there, that even though we were dating at the time, he chose me for the position because he genuinely believed I would be great at it.

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