Sweet Slumber

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Zoe plays outside in our expansive, beautiful backyard, her laughter echoing through the lush greenery. The garden is a vibrant canvas of blooming flowers, towering trees, and neatly trimmed hedges.

Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air is filled with the scent of fresh grass and blooming roses, mingling with the soft buzz of bees and the distant chirping of birds.

The weather in Cambridge this time of year is perfect—warm with a gentle breeze that rustles the leaves and carries the sweet fragrance of summer blooms.

The city always seems to come alive in the summer, with its historic buildings standing tall under the bright blue sky, and the River Cam flowing gently through the heart of the city.

I can't help but reflect on the first time I landed in the wondrous place I'm happy to call home again. The weather then was cold and dreary, a perfect match for my somber mood. I had just suffered a loss like no other, a gaping wound in my heart that I was certain would never heal. Until I came here.

Joy felt like a distant memory, something I was convinced I would never feel again. Yet, standing here now, enveloped by warmth and beauty, I realize how far I've come, how life, despite its cruel twists, has brought me back to a place of hope and happiness.

Cambridge is the common denominator, that's not lost on me.

I stand on the veranda, a content smile on my face as I watch my daughter run around, her little legs carrying her from one corner of the garden to the other with boundless energy. The sight fills my heart with a profound sense of peace and happiness.

Her giggles are like music to my ears, each sound a testament to her joy and innocence. The garden is our haven, a place where worries seem to dissipate—not that we have any.

Turning to my side, I say with a humorous tone, "Can I stop smiling now? My cheeks hurt." My eyes twinkle with amusement as I look at my husband, who is deeply engrossed in his painting.

Olli glances up from his easel, his eyes warm and filled with love. "Yes, my love, I already know your smile by heart," he replies, his voice a soothing melody to my ears.

I blush, feeling a flutter in my chest as I watch him paint a portrait of me and Zoe. The sunlight catches his features, highlighting the focus and passion in his expression.

His hands move with a graceful certainty, no doubt capturing every detail, every nuance of our faces. I find myself staring at him, my heart swelling with affection—I missed this sight.

The way he looks at me, the intensity of his gaze, makes me feel cherished, seen.

Sensing my gaze, Olli looks up, his brow furrowing slightly in wonder. "What's on your mind?" he asks gently.

I smile softly, my eyes misting with emotion. "I'm just happy. Everything is perfect."

He stands from his chair, setting aside his brushes. He approaches me, taking my hand in his. His touch is warm, reassuring.

"Zoe, mommy and daddy will be right back. Shout if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy!" our little angel calls back sweetly, not daring to pause her playful exploration of the garden.

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