X. Names On My Skin

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"Names On My Skin"

I'll never forget
those who have come
and gone.
For I've carved
their name on my skin.

The more they've made it
feel like I was walking
on a rainbow,
the more I wished
I never knew them until it snowed.

The deeper the wound
that they've engraved, 
the darker and visible
their names on my skin are. 

Although it scarred me,
and those aren't so pretty,
They remind me
of the learned lessons
that taught me to live more wisely.

So to those who've made
my skin rough,
Thank you for making me
stronger and tough.



If you relate to this poem I just want to say that I'm so proud of you. Your scars are beautiful and I know you've been working so hard to heal some other wounds that you just recently got, you're doing well. I'm happy for you.

Btw, some of my poems are yet to be revised and some are already edited, so if you reread it you'll notice some changes. To those who just started reading my poems, I'd like to express my deepest gratitude, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much, your support means the world to me! ♡

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