I Can't Go Home, Anymore.

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"I canʼt go home, anymore---no, I just canʼt go home without you."



Hey! I actually don't know what to say but I think I have to thank you for deciding to read this book. The content of this book is actually just a bunch of quotations, letters and poems that suddenly emerge in my mind while I zone out—out of nowhere, specially at midnight. The title came from my current favourite song "I canʼt go home, anymore" by PRYVT, if you have time try to listen to it. It's good. Also, I was hoping na if by chance, may time ka to comment please do leave one. I'll be glad if you talk to me in the comment section, kasi just so you know I don't have anyone to talk to because I'm currently in my friendless era. Charot! Enjoy, beautiful souls!


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