Chapter 18

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"Oh my gosh!" The nurse exclaims as she sees Chris holding the baby. "I'm so sorry." The doctor is in the room. They cut the umbilical cord, weigh and measure the baby. She's still crying. They began cleaning her off. Chris is furious that the doctor and nurses weren't there to help deliver the baby. They keep apologizing. He continues to threaten them. I don't blame him. After awhile he finally calms down. They hand him the baby. I watch as he holds her. He's in love with her. "You did it Kamryn." Keri says. "All by yourself, literally." She adds. I laugh. Chris brings the baby over. I finally get a good look at her. She has light skin, light brown hair, her face is all scrunched up I can't see her eyes. She's beautiful. I began to cry. I look at Chris and he's crying too.
They move us into our suite. I get some much needed sleep. Keri goes home to get rest as well. Chris is awake with the baby. We've had a few visitors while I was sleeping. There are balloons and gifts everywhere when I wake up. "Hey." Chris says. I smile. "How you feeling?" He asks. "Fine. I was just really tired." I say. "I would be too if I was in labor for 17 hours." He laughs. "Who was here?" I ask. "Some friends and family. My mom. Your brother called. He said he'd call back." He tells me. I nod. "Where is baby?" I ask. "Nursery, their doing tests on her hearing and stuff like that." He tells me. "Yesterday was crazy. I can't believe I did it all natural." I say. "Yeah, I told all our visitors what happened. They said you're tough." He laughs. "I guess." I laugh. "Zoe wants to know if its okay if she comes up to visit?" He says. "Sure." I smile. We name our baby Madeline Jade Pratt.
We hear a knock at the door. "Knock knock." Someone says. They come in. It's Zoe. She brought her husband and Dave Bautista as well. "Hey." Chris gets up and greets them. "Congratulations!" Zoe laughs as she gives Chris a hug. "Congratulations, your gonna be a good dad." Dave tells him. "Congratulations." Zoe's husband tells Chris as he gives him a hug. "Congrats, you did it! So how did everything go? You doing okay?" Zoe asks me. "Thanks. Yeah, I feel fine." I reply. "I delivered the baby." Chris says. "Whaaat?!?!" They all say in disbelief. "Yeah, the fucking doctor was taking her sweet ass time. Kamryn couldn't hold it in anymore. Next thing you know there's a baby in my hands." Chris tells them. "Oh my gosh that's soo crazy." Zoe says. "Right" Dave agrees. "Well at least you got to deliver your first baby. That's kinda cool." Zoe says. "Yeah, you're right, I never thought of it like that. I was sitting here pissed off the whole time." He laughs. "Home birth next time. I'm delivering." He points at me. We all laugh. "Where's the baby?" Zoe asks. "She should be coming back soon. They took her to check her hearing and stuff like that." Chris tells her. And as soon as he says it they bring her in. She's in her little crib with wheels on it. "Ohh my gosh." Zoe says excitedly. They all look at her. They're all admiring her cute tinyness. "Can I hold her?" Zoe asks. I smile and nod my head. She picks her up. "She's soo tiny. I haven't held a tiny baby in forever." She says. Dave puts his finger in her little hand and she grasps. They laugh. "So cute." Dave says. "Can we have a baby? Please?" Zoe asks her husband. He just smiles. "I got baby fever now." She says. We laugh. They visit for about an hour or so then leave. Madeline begins to get fussy. Chris hands her to me and I feed her.
We stay another night in the hospital. The nurses teach us the basics like diaper changing, bathing, and swaddling Madeline. It's time to go home. "Wish we could take the nurses with us." I say. "Yeah, they were a huge help." Chris agrees. We get home and get adjusted to parenting on our own. The first night we took turns getting up with Madeline. It was hard but we got through it. We continued working as a team. One morning Chris wakes up to an email saying he's scheduled to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel show. He has to leave for the day to appear on the show. Later that night Keri and I tune in to the show and watch his interview. "Hey, Chris, thanks for coming out tonight." Jimmy says. "Yeah, sure no problem." Chris says. "How is life treating you?" Jimmy asks. "Good, I was in the new Jurassic World movie." Chris says. Everyone applauses. "And I also hear you just welcomed your first child recently. Congratulations."Jimmy adds. Everyone applauses again. "Thank you." Chris replies. "How's that going for you?" Jimmy asks. "Well I actually delivered my baby." Chris laughs. "No way. What happened? You just wanted to deliver your baby yourself or?" Jimmy asks. "Yeah, its my profession." Chris jokes. The crowd laughs. "No, Uhm... What happened was the doctor was taking her sweet time getting to our room and by that time my girlfriend was feeling the strong urge to push so she was just like 'whatever I'm pushing' and after a few pushes I was holding a tiny baby in my hands." Chris tells him. "That is amazing. Congratulations to you and your girlfriend." Jimmy says and they start talking about Chris' upcoming events and projects.
Chris has to leave for Louisiana in a few days to film 'Magnificent Seven'. It'll be my first time taking care of Madeline alone. He reassures me that I'll be fine and he'll send for us to come see him when he can. By the time he gets to come home Madeline will probably be crawling.
We drop him off at the airport. We say our good byes. I cry, not knowing for sure when I get to see him again. He gives us a kiss and boards the plane.
It has already been a couple months since Chris has gone. We facetime each other when we can. I show him how much Madeline has grown. She can already hold her head up. She's very aware of her surroundings. My sister has been helping me to take care of her, so much so that we sleep in the same bed and take turns getting up with her. Chris' mom comes over every other weekend to see her. She has offered to take her for the night and give me and Keri a break. We agree and decide to go out for dinner and a few drinks. We arrive at the restaurant and wait for our food. "I'm your baby's dad." She says. "What the fuck Keri your so fucking random." I reply. "Well I'm just saying. It's kind of awesome." She says. "I guess. It kind of is. Thanks for helping me and just being there. I really appreciate it." I tell her. "Anything for little Maddy." She says. Some friends meet up with us and we get a little drunk. I wake up the next day with a hangover. I hear my phone ringing. It's Chris. I answer. "Hey." He says. "Whats up?" I ask. "Nothing just got a little free time. I wanted to see what you were doing." He replies. "Nothing. I just woke up." I say. "Ohh where's Maddy?" He asks. "She's with your mom. She stayed the night with her." I reply. "Ohh, that's nice. Go get her. Now." He says in a concerned voice. "What?" I reply worried. "No I'm just kidding she's in good hands." He says. "Don't fucking do that!" I yell. "I'm sorry." He apologizes while laughing. "When can I come see you?" I ask. "Soon." He replies. "I wish you could just give me a straight answer for once." I say annoyed. He laughs. "Show me some boob." He says. "Fuck no. Show me some dick." I say. He laughs and all of a sudden he stands up and shows me his penis. "Oh my god are you serious?" I say laughing. "Your turn." He says. "Nope. I gotta go. Maddy's crying." I lie. "Bullshit." He laughs. "Please." He asks. "I'm lonely here." He adds. "Well send for me and I'll be there in a matter of hours." I say. He laughs. "Soon." He reminds me. "I gotta go they're calling me out." He tells me. "Ok." I say. "Alright I'll see you soon. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I reply.
Me, Keri, and Maddy are boarding a plane to Louisiana. It's Maddy's first plane ride. We're kind of iffy about it. We don't know how she'll react. We get on and the plane begins to ascend. Maddy seems fine so far. She's cooing and observing her surroundings. It doesn't take long for her to grow fussy. We think her ears might need to pop. We give her a binky and she's fine the rest of the plane ride.
Chris picks us up at the airport. He's excited to see Maddy. Maddy seems to remember him. I notice Chris seems kind of distant. He's not really talking much, which is weird. He takes us to check into our hotel. "Soo, Whats going on?" I ask. "Nothing I got to get back to work." He replies nonchalantly. I give him a weird look. "Oookay..." I say. Keri jumps in. "I'll take baby tonight so you two can have alone time." She says. "Sure." Chris says. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and heads back to work. "Whats wrong with him?" Keri asks. "I honestly have no clue." I reply. We go out and explore for the day. We stop for beignets and something to eat before we head back to the hotel.
Chris is at the door knocking. I open it and invite him in. He walks up to Maddy. She's sleeping. He watches her sleep for a minute and leans down and gives her a kiss. We leave for our night out together. The car ride is kind of quiet. I attempt to make a conversation more than once, but get nowhere. I sit and try to figure out what's wrong. He tells me he forgot to grab something back on set. We head over, he gets off the car and heads inside. His phone rings, he left it. It's a text message. I look down and see an unknown number.

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