Me and Evelyn sit on my bed and talk for awhile. I catch her up on things and she catches me up on things. We hear a pan drop in the kitchen. We head out to see what's going on. Keri is standing over the casserole that she just dropped. "Keri." Evelyn jokes in a whiny voice. Keri looks up at her. "OH MY GOD!! When did you get here?!" She runs up to Evelyn and gives her a hug. "A little over an hour ago." She tells Keri. "I missed you." Keri says. "You know I missed you too." Evelyn replies. "I know you're already caught up on all her drama." Keri looks at me. "Yeah, she updated me." Evelyn says. "So what do you think about Chris?" Keri asks. "I mean he sounds like he's a great guy. I mean people make mistakes, nobodies perfect. At least he's trying to make it right." Evelyn says. "Yeah, he's a great guy. And a good dad. I can't wait for you guys to meet." Keri says. "I know that's what Kamryn was saying in the back. I cant wait to meet him either." Evelyn says. "Now you two get the fuck up out my area while I work some magic." Keri says in a southern accent. We laugh. Ty walks in the door with Casey. They wipe the snow off their shoes and kick em off. Ty looks up and sees Evelyn. He just stares at her all crazy for a long time as he walks by. "Stoooop." Evelyn says as she pushes him. They laugh and hug. "What are you doing here at my house?" Ty asks jokingly. "Shuttup, I'm here to spend Thanksgiving with my sisters." She tells him. "Nope, these are my sisters." He jokes. "Hush. They love me more." She nudges him. "Did you get to meet that little angel baby yet?" He asks. "She's been sleeping. I didn't get to hold her yet." She says as she makes a sad face. "She looks too much like her daddy. Kam's got weak ass genes." He jokes. I shake my head and they all laugh. "Ahem" Casey clears her throat. "Oh Evelyn, this is my girlfriend Casey." Ty introduces them. "Hi nice to meet you." Evelyn says as she shakes Casey's hand. "Nice to meet you too." Casey says back. "You were in the Marines too?" Evelyn asks. "No, I lived on the base with my family." Casey tells Evelyn. "Ohh, that's how you two met?" Evelyn asks. "Yeah, me and Ty met at this restaurant there." She tells her. "Ohh, that's nice." Evelyn says. "Yeah, you're in the military?" Casey asks. "Mhm. Navy. I'm getting discharged in a couple weeks though, so." Evelyn tells her. "Are you now?" Ty asks. "Yep, and I'm staying here with my bitches. Aint that right?" She looks at me and Keri. We nod. Ty laughs. "Oookay. Where you sleeping?" He asks. "With Kamryn." She says. "Chris ain't coming for Christmas?" Ty looks at me. I look confused. "I'll sleep with Keri if he comes." Evelyn looks at Keri. Keri nods. Ty shrugs his shoulders and proceeds to his room, Casey follows. We sit at the table while Keri continues to cook. I hear Madeline crying. I get up to go get her and I see Ty is already bringing her out. She's stopped crying, her eyes are still watery from tears left over. Her little nose is red. He hands her over to me. "Hey baby!" I say. She wiggles and kicks excitedly. "Awww." I hear Evelyn say. "Let me hold her." She says. I hand Maddy to her. "Hi, little one!" She says to her. Maddy just stares at her. "Oh my gosh. Let me see a picture of her dad really quick. I need to see a comparison, because I don't see you at all." She tells me. I show her a picture of Chris. She laughs. "Holy crap, you look just like your daddy." She tells Maddy. Maddy smiles and touches her face. She becomes distracted and begins playing with her earrings. "She is too cute. Even though she does not look like you at all, you guys did good." She tells me. "In fact, I think she looks more cuter for not looking like you." She jokes. "Shuttup." I nudge her.
Family begins to arrive. My cousins help my auntie bring in dishes. My brother Aneeri, his wife Danielle, their 8 year old son, Daniel and 5 year old daughter, Amber come in. My brother Shane and his wife Tori come shortly after. My brother Sonny is absent once again. We all hug and greet each other. "Auntie Kamryn, can I see your baby?" My neice Amber asks. I smile at her. "Sure." I get down low to show her Maddy. "She's purty." She tells me. "Thank you." I say. Danielle asks to hold her. I hand Madeline over to her. "She's beautiful." She says. "Thank you." I tell her. My brother Aneeri walks up. "This is the little one?" He asks. I nod. "She's a little cutie." Aneeri says as he grabs her little hand. My brother Ty walks up and Evelyn is standing next to me. We all visit while the last of the dinner is being prepared and the table is set. We gather around while Aneeri says a prayer to bless the food. Then we all eat and enjoy thanksgiving dinner. Me, Evelyn, and Keri sit on the couch to make more room at the table. Maddy has gone down for a nap. A few of our cousins walk over to the living room and join us. "Kamryn, I hear your dating Star Lord." One of my cousins, Jaxon says. He's in his late teens, he's about 18 or 19. "What the heck? I don't see why people feel the need to call him Star Lord. His name is Chris. Why can't he be Owen from Jurassic World now?" I joke. "But yeah, we're together. We have a baby together, so..." I tell him. "That movie was the shit though." Jaxon says. "When are we gonna meet him?" My cousin Jacob asks. He's 17, still a kid. "Uhm, he might be here for Christmas. Are you guys joining us for Christmas?" I ask. "We are now." They both say. "So whats it like being with someone who is famous?" My other cousin Jessica asks, she's a year younger than Jacob. "It's kind of overwhelming. Random people call all the time asking to do interviews or just ask questions. That's why I like being here. It feels off the grid. And it's quiet. I mean I like California, but this is home." I tell her. "Ohh, so he's been here?" She asks. "Mhm." I reply. "That's crazy. Does he enjoy it?" She asks. "It seems like he does." I tell her. "Do you watch any of his movies?" She asks. "Yeah, every now and then. We went to the premiere of Jurassic World together. It was great." I tell her. "I can't wait to meet him. Is it okay if I bring some friends over?" She asks. "Uhm, I don't know. I'll think about it." I tell her. 'Hell no.' I'm thinking in my mind.
Thanksgiving is done, we say our good byes. We clear the table and clean the house. "They were interrogating your ass back there." Evelyn laughs. "I know, I should be used to that shit by now, but surprisingly I'm not." I tell her. We finish cleaning the house. "What do you think about Jess bringing friends over?" Keri asks. "Uhh, no." I say adamant. "Why?" She asks. "Because, its supposed to be family time. The whole point of coming home for the holidays is to escape work for a while and be with family." I tell her. "I don't know. I think you should think about it." Keri insists. "I guess. I'll see what Chris thinks." I say.
I smell Keri's damn cinnamon candles. I really don't get why she must burn cinnamon candles of all scents. I hear Keri and Evelyn in the living room making a lot of ruckace. It's a few days before Christmas. I'm still in bed, too tired to get up. Madeline has a cold, I've been up all night consoling her trying to make her comfortable and get her to sleep. I drift off back to sleep. It's not long before I hear Madeline fussing again. I wake up and see Chris standing there holding her. Rocking her back to sleep. "You scared me." I tell him. He shushes me. He gets her to go back to sleep. I lay back down. He walks over to the bed and sits down. He looks at me. "When did you get here?" I ask. "Like an hour and a half ago." He says. "You've been here that long?" I ask. "Yep. What the hell? You were talking to me the whole time I've been here." He says. "Whaaat? Shuttup." I say confused. "Yeah, you told me to give baby her medicine and to feed her." He says. "I don't remember that." I surprised. "And you said you wanted this dick." He says in a deep voice. "Shut the fuck up." I hit him in the arm. "Ouch." He laughs. "No but you really told me to give her medicine and stuff. You even told me how much to give her." He tells me. "That is weird." I say freaked out. "Did you see Keri?" I ask. "Yeah, she helped me. I also met your friend Evelyn." He says. "Ohh yeah, I wish I could've been awake to introduce you guys." I tell him. "She's your bestfriend, right? The one you played ball and did everything with?" He jokes. "Yesss. She's my twin." I tell him. "Yeah, shes pretty cool. She has no filter though." He says. "Why do you say that?" I ask. "Because when I walked in Keri introduced us, she said 'Kamryn told me everything I need to know about you. I hear you're packing a 9 incher. Good for you.'" The whole time he was telling me he acted out the way she talks and did the gestures she was making. When he's done he gives me a funny look. "I can't believe she said that!" I laugh. He smiles and shakes his head. "She's just fucking with you though. That's just who she is." I tell him. "Kinda awkward. I had to listen to someone, I don't really know, talk to me about my dick in front of your sister." He tells me. "Oh my god Keri was listening?!" I laugh. "Yes." He nods his head. "Im sorry. I'll talk to them." I say. "No its fine." He reassures me. "You sure?" I ask. He nods. "I brought presents. Went through hell at the airport. I feel like I'm forgetting something though." He sits and thinks. "I don't know, it'll come to me later." He shrugs. We head outside and I help him bring his stuff in and we put his presents under the tree. "You want to head up to the city later? I need to get a new tooth brush and stuff like that. Them fuckers at the airport lost my toiletry bag." He tells me. "Yeah, sure." I reply as we sit down on the couch. Evelyn and Keri are in the living room watching TV already. "Hey, Chris. I'm sorry about earlier. I just didn't want you to feel out of place or anything like that." Evelyn apologizes. "Ahem, yeah. Way to make me feel... In place." He jokes and gives her a thumbs up. She laughs. We sit and watch TV, Home alone is on. All of a sudden we hear Madeline crying. "I'll get her." Chris gets up to get Maddy. He comes back and sits down. Madeline is just looking at me. She still looks tired. I get up and grab her a bottle, I hand it to him and he begins feeding her. I notice Evelyn staring at us, smiling. "This is just... I still can't believe this." She says surprised and laughs. "What?" I ask. We look at her. "You.. And them. Like you guys are really a family." She says. Chris laughs. "Yeah, why is it hard for you to believe?" He asks curiously. "Because, like this is really my first time seeing Kamryn with anybody. I mean she's had a few boyfriends before and one serious relationship but she never brought them around us or nothing like that. I was really beginning to think she was a lesbian foreal." Evelyn tells him. Chris laughs hard. "That's exactly what Keri said." He tells Evelyn. We all look at Keri. She just nods proudly. "Shuttup." I say annoyed. "Let me take a picture." Evelyn insists. She gets out her phone and tries to take a picture of us. "Stooop." I say. "Kamryn. Just let it happen." Evelyn says adamantly. "You might as well take one with my phone." I throw my phone at her. She catches it. "Okay scoot closer and make baby face the camera." Evelyn directs. We do what she says. She takes a few pictures and shows us what they look like. "You like em?" Evelyn asks. "Send em to me." Chris tells me. "Oh I will." I say jokingly. He chuckles. "Foreal though, send them to me. And thank you miss photographer." He shakes Evelyns hand. "Please, sir, Ms. Travis." Evelyn jokes. Chris gives her a thumbs up. "You wanna head up to the city before it starts snowing again?" He asks. "Yeah," I reply. "Keep Maddy here though. I don't want her being stranded out there if you guys get stuck. It's too cold for her anyway." Keri says. She reaches out for Madeline, Chris gives her to Keri. We get ready and leave. We're in the car driving, Chris is checking emails on his phone. He puts it down. "So.. Whats the deal with this mysterious ex boyfriend whom you had a serious relationship with? You never told me." He asks. "I don't want to talk about it." I say. "Why? Was he secretly a girl? You were a lesbian?! That's hot!" He says. "Shuttup. No. It's just something I don't like talking about." I tell him. "Well whatever it is, your secret is safe with me." He tells me. We sit in silence for a few minutes. "Oookay?" He says awkwardly. "He was abusive." I tell him. He looks at me. "I thought he was the one. I was young and dumb then. When our relationship started he would shower me with gifts and just make me feel like I was the only girl in the world. This went on for about a few months. Then one day we were having an athletic banquet, he played varsity basketball as well, that's how we met through mutual liking in basketball , after the banquet was over a few friends invited me to come to a party they were having. I had a lot of friends, some of them were guys. Anyway, he told me to walk with him to his house so he could take his back pack home, I agreed. When we got there he told me I couldn't go, I told him he aint my dad. Then he threatened to break up with me if I went, so I stayed because I thought I was in love. He told me to stop talking to other boys, I argued to him that they were friends. He hit me and told me not to argue with him. I hit him back and he beat me as if I were a man. He apologized by giving me flowers and buying me new basketball shoes. I forgave him. This went on for two years. He would beat me then apologize and say how sorry he was and that he'd never do it again. I believed him. Every time. I thought I was in love. It got to the point to where I no longer had any friends, I distanced myself from Evelyn. I got so good at hiding my bruises that my brothers or dad never found out or knew what was going on. I wore baggy clothes all the time because I wasn't allowed to dress, basically, like a girl anymore. I didn't bother to fix myself up for fear that another guy would look at me. He would call me names like dumb ass or bitch. He'd say if we ever broke up that nobody would be with me because I was ugly. He made me feel worthless. One time he bought me a pitbull puppy we decided to name Rocky. Rocky was an apology gift of course, but I just fell in love with him instantly. He grew big and strong, I made him so that he was only nice to me. He followed me everywhere. He followed me to the bathroom, he'd sit and scratch at the door while I was in there. He layed at the foot of my bed every night. He would bark if anyone came near me and tried to bite them, of course I'd stop him before he did. Me and Rocky went to see my ex boyfriend late one night, I did something wrong that he hit me as soon as I walked in the door. I fell. Rocky retaliated by biting him and throwing himself on top of me to keep me from getting hit. My ex shot him for protecting me and made me watch. After that day I told myself I'd end it. I just got fed up with it, I gathered up courage and went to his house to tell him that I no longer wanted to be with him anymore. He beat me unconscious. When I woke up I was in his room. His parents were never home for weeks, months at a time even. He sold drugs out of his house to fend for himself. Anyway, I woke up and tried to leave but his bedroom door was locked from the outside. He locked me in his room for 3 days. On the third day I heard a knock at the front door. Then I heard my brother Ty's voice. I screamed for help. Then all of a sudden I heard banging and things falling out in the living room. Ty kicked down the door and grabbed me. I looked and seen him getting up off the floor. He was trying to run up on Ty when we were leaving. Ty turned around and hit him, he fell to the ground. We kept walking, we walked for a few minutes before he came running up again. He had Ty at gunpoint. Ty managed to knock the gun out of his hands, he grabbed the gun and turned it on him. He told him to stay away from me and that if he ever sees him trying to talk to me, let alone look in my direction, that he would kill him. Ty took the gun and threw it in the river. And that was the last time I ever seen him. Come to find out someone snitched on him for selling drugs and he spent some time in prison. I don't know where he is now though." I tell Chris. He grabs my hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. No woman should ever have to go through something like that or be treated that way. I wish I would've known you then. I would've stopped you from being with that sick fucker. I will never put hands on you or call you names or make you feel worthless. I will protect you, provide for you, make you feel beautiful for as long as I'm alive. Because that's what you are. Beautiful, Gorgeous. You're NOT worthless, you mean everything to me and Maddy. And you're smart. We'd all really be lost without you. I love you. And I will take care of you." He kisses my hand. "I think that's why Ty is so over protective of us. He kept my secret. We told everyone I took off to a friends house in the city. I didn't want Keri to know. I didn't want her to think that it's okay to be treated like that. I didn't want her to think I was weak. Anyway, I finally told her, like last month, when we were having one of our long late night talks. We cried about it. Just like how me and Ty did after everything happened. He told me he thought I was dead. I asked him why it took him so long to find me. He told me him, my other brothers, and dad were out looking for me everywhere. They had a hard time finding out where Xavier, my ex, lived. Ty finally found out from a friend. I honestly don't think I'd be alive had Ty not shown up when he did. I just remember me and Ty talking for a long time that night and I was starving. I told him never to tell anyone. He agreed under one condition, that I never allow a man or anyone to mistreat me." I tell Chris. I sigh. "I just wish I'd have left Rocky home that day. I miss him soo much. He died trying to protect me. And I got him killed. He looked at me with the saddest eyes the last time I ever seen him alive. I just wished I would have done something, anything to protect him like he did me. I feel so stupid and weak for that. I regret it. Everyday." I pause trying not to let sadness overcome me. "That's why I feel the need to fight every time someone comes at me sideways." I try to joke. I feel a lump in my throat as I think about Rocky. I begin to sob for him. "Fuck this sucks!!" I yell in anger as I try to hold back more tears from falling. "I should have been strong for him." I wipe my tears. "Crying and yelling isn't going to bring him back. All you can do is be grateful that he loved you enough to protect you from that psycho. Continue to be strong and live happy for him." Chris advises. "I know.." I wipe my tears. "Ugh, now I'm going to have nightmares about this motherfucker." I say disgusted. "I hope you dont, but if you do I'll be there for you." Chris reassures me as he rubs my back. We make it to the city safely and shop for more Christmas presents.
Christmas has come and gone. Chris is hosting a New Years Eve party in New York. He has asked us to join him. Chris' mom is watching Maddy. We get there and everything is amazing. Although, I'd never live in New York because it seems too crowded. Chris introduces us to some of his friends. We make our rounds and chat with everyone. Chris, of course, is the life of the party. I tell him that I'm going to the bar to get drinks with Evelyn, Keri, Casey and Ty. "Okay baby, I'll see you in a bit." He tells me. We kiss and go our separate ways. It's been a half an hour before Chris finds me again. "Let's stick together now, I need my kiss at midnight." He tells me. I look at the time and its 11:50. "For sure." I reply. "Keri!" He calls out to Keri at the bar. I look and she nods her head. The fuck is going on? I think to myself. Keri gathers Ty, Casey, and Evelyn. We all head out to the balcony. "Oh my god I'm just realizing how far up we are." I say in a scared voice. "It's going to be okay." Chris laughs. I notice Keri, Ty, and Evelyn are standing close by. "Ahem." Chris clears his throat. "Kamryn, I love you more than anything on this planet." He tells me. I smile. "I love you too." I reply. He gets down on one knee. I look nervously over at Keri, she's recording everything with her phone. Almost everyone at the party has crowded around us. "Kamryn Taylor, will you marry me?" Chris holds a ring out. I begin to cry. "Yes." I reply. Everyone applauses, Chris puts the ring on my finger and picks me up off the ground. We kiss. "Happiest man in the world right now!" Chris yells. Everyone is hootin and hollering. The countdown to the new year begins. Everyone counts.. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy new year!" Me and Chris kiss for the new year. As the night goes on everybody congratulates us. Keri and Casey are drunk. Casey is passed out at a table, Keri is watching her. We can't find Ty or Evelyn anywhere. "Let's just get these two back to the hotel and we'll come back and look for Ty and Evelyn." Chris suggests. I agree. Chris has his security carry Casey while Keri refuses to be carried, so we let her walk with us. "I'm so fucking happy for you guys. I love you both." Keri slurs. She acts silly the whole way. Me and Chris just go with it and joke around. We finally make it to the hotel. Me and Chris walk in the room first. We walk in on Ty and Evelyn having sex on the couch of the hotel room. We immediately run out, I jump in front of Chris and hurl myself out the door. "What the fuck was that?!?!" We both yell. "What?" Keri asks with wide eyes. "Nothing, come on." I grab her. "No, let me see." She pushes me away. "Keri, stop please." I continue to push her in a different direction. "No Kamryn YOU STOP!" She yells at me. I hold my hands up as if to surrender. She walks in the hotel room and immediately walks back out. Me and Chris look at each other and laugh. "Ewww. What the fuck Kamryn why'd you make me go in there?!" She yells at me. "Are you serious Keri? I didn't make you do nothing." I laugh. She shivers in disgust. Me and Chris look at each other and try hard to hold back our laugh. "So, what do we do with her?" Chris' security asks, still carrying Casey. "I-- don't know?" Chris says unsure. "If you just wanna run her in there and I mean really run. Take her to the room straight ahead and lay her on the bed." Chris tells the security. The security nods and hauls ass in the hotel room. We all laugh uncontrollably. "Let's go get something to eat, I guess." I suggest while we wait. We head to get a slice of pizza then head back to the room. It's dark and quiet. Evelyn is sleeping on the couch. We sneak past to our rooms. Morning comes, I wake up and Chris is still sleeping. I look and admire my engagement ring for a moment then finally get up and head to see if anyone else is awake. I come out of my room and see Keri and Evelyn eating breakfast at the table. I sit down join them. I stare at Evelyn funny the whole time watching her every move. She laughs. "Stooopp." She says annoyed. "What the fuck Ev?" I ask. "I don't know Kam, I honestly don't know how it came down to that." She tells me. "What now?" I ask. "I don't know I have to talk to Ty when he gets up. I feel bad." She replies. "You should." I joke. "Shuttup you're making it worse." She nudges me and laughs. Ty comes out of his room and quietly makes himself a plate. "Awkward." Keri says. "Ty could we talk for a minute outside?" Evelyn asks. "Sure." Ty sets his plate down and they talk outside for a few minutes. They come back inside and Ty grabs his plate and heads back to his room. We look at Evelyn. "We're going to talk with Casey and tell her what happened." She tells us.

Chris Pratt fanfiction *Sweet Bliss*
FanfictionFeel free to indulge. If you have the hots for the handsome, funny, amazing, Chris Pratt, this is a must read! :)