Chapter 11

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Someone knocks on our room's door. Chris answers, it's room service bringing in our breakfast that we ordered. We're both sitting on the bed in robes. We eat and look for something to watch on TV. "Do you wanna check out the zoo before we head back?" I ask.
"The zoo?" He sounds confused. "Yeah, its supposed to be number one in America according to 'Yahoo!'. It was like the best as a kid. I hear they have new animals and shit." I reply. He laughs. "Okay, sure. If 'Yahoo!' Says so." He says sarcastically.
"There might be hella people though."
"I'm going to have my manager call and check it out."
He calls his manager and they talk for a few minutes. He hangs up. I look at him as if to ask him what's going on. "He's going to call, find out, and give me a call back." He says.
We sit and wait for the call. 15 minutes later his phone rings. Him and his manager talk for awhile, Chris' voice begins to sound a little concerned. He hangs up. "Okay my manager called the zoo and they said that it is quite packed there today but it shouldn't be a problem and that they would lend us a few of their security as well and the security will communicate throughout the zoo to let other security know that the areas we're approaching needs to be cleared out." He tells me. I make a worried face. "It's fine we can go." He tells me. We get up and get ready. We shower, get dressed, he's wearing a white tee and black shorts with black and white nike running shoes. I decide to wear black short shorts and a light turquoise colored nike work out tank with flip flops. We repack our suitcases and check out of the hotel. He calls his manager to let him know we are on our way over to the zoo. His manager calls back and lets us know there will be security waiting for us upon our arrival.
We arrive at the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. We see a lot of people standing behind a rope watching as we pull up. The Zoo's Director and C.E.O. greets us. "Hello, Mr. Pratt, the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium is pleased to have you, your visit is on us we just ask that you return for another visit!" He shakes Chris' hand. "Thank you, sir." Chris says.
"Enjoy!" The C.E.O. responds.
They have a golf car on stand by for us. People are cheering and taking pictures as we pass by. The first attraction they take us to is the Desert Dome. We meet up with a guide at the entrance "Hello, my name is Becca and I'll be your guidde for today." and she walks us through. We make our way through the zoo. They take us to feed the sharks at the aquarium. When we're done they take us over to the Lied Jungle, we walk through and we get to feed bats as well. Chris is scared of them more than anything. I laugh as he flinches every time they fly up to get the food out of his hand. "When do we get to feed the lions and tigers?" He jokes as we leave. "Sorry but we won't be doing that today, Mr. Pratt," the guide says, "but, we can try to get something worked out for your next visit." She adds. "Yess! Put me down." He jokes. She laughs. "We can take a break if you'd like to stop for lunch here in the Durham Treetop's Restaurant, it over looks the jungle." She says. "Sure" Chris replies. We head in and they seat us. We both order gourmet burgers and a beer. "It's awesome here." He tells me. "Yeah, you're getting the special treatment and shit. I never been backstage, I didn't even know we could feed the sharks." I say. He laughs. "The perks of being with me." He puts his arm around me and squeezes. I laugh. "Shuttup I would've been totally fine just walking through the zoo amongst regular civilians." I tell him. "Totally." He replies. I just stare at him. I shake my head and we both laugh. We finish our tour through the zoo then head back. "You wanna come over for dinner?" I ask. "I'll make my sister cook." I add. He laughs. "You'll make your sister cook." He laughs again. "I'll steam the vegetables and she'll cook the rest." I say sarcastically. "Sure I'll come over but you're doing the cooking." He says with a smile. "Ok but I must say, your just asking for a case of salmonella or something." I tell him. He laughs. "You'll be fine."
We pull up to my house, I let my sister know we were coming ahead of time. We get inside and the house smells good, my sisters cooking is the best. Chris looks at me and stares at me with a "what the fuck" expression on his face. "Heyy" Keri says as she's washing her hands. "Hi, I'm Chris." He shakes her hand. "Ohh I know who you are. I'm Keri." She says. "I'm sorry to put you through the trouble of cooking and putting this dinner together, you didn't have to do that. Kamryn told me she was going to cook." He tells her. "Ha. Please, Kamryn couldn't cook a piece of toast if her life depended on it. It's fine, I don't mind." She says. He laughs. "That bad?" He asks. "Mhmm. She would not take the time to learn from Mom like I did. She was too busy running around with our brothers." She tells him. He looks at me. I look away. He bumps into me. "She's learning to cook and she is improving, I must say." She adds as she sets the table, I get up and lend a hand. "So why was she always hanging around your brother's?" He asks her, looking at me. "You see, we have four older brothers, and that's who she looked up to. And when you look up to someone you always wanna be doing what they're doing. They toughened her up, she got them hands, so if I was you I wouldn't get on her bad side. Growing up she always got in trouble for fighting. But something flipped a switch in her, she began focusing on her grades and basketball. Got us all the way to state. She didn't have time for boys then. I think she had like one serious boyfriend, but after that the rest turned out to be.. No. She was kind of losing hope. But, here you are." She tells him. "Here I am." He laughs. "She doesn't act like any of what you just said when she's with me." He adds. "Well you're the only one who gets to see that side then I guess." She tells him giving me a funny look. "I'd actually like to see that side though." He laughs. "Ohh you will." She tells him. "Ohh my-- quit talking about me like I'm not here." I say annoyed. Chris laughs and rubs my back. We finish eating, Chris and I clear the table and do the dishes together. "So.." He says. "I seen a basketball hoop outside. One on one?" He asks. "I don't know, I'm a little rusty." I tell him. "That's fine. More chance for me to beat you." He says. "Ha. We'll see about that." I say drying my hands. "Well lets do this." Chris says raising his hands in the air. I laugh and push him.
We check the ball, I let him get the ball first. "First to 10." I say. He nods. He tries to drive it in but I steal the ball and take it back behind the 3 point line we made and I make it. Swish. He catches the ball and we check it again. He attempts to shoot from the 3 point line and misses. I grab the ball and tip it in. I hand him the ball, we check it once again. He drives it in again and makes it. "Yesss!" He yells. "In your face." He gets up in my face and hands me the ball, we check it. I dribble and he tries to steal it but I pass it through my legs and behind my back, I drive it in and make it. "What was that?" I say with my hand to my ear as if to hear better. "Fuck," he says. "Rusty my ass." We check the ball and he hides it behind his back he leans down to give me a kiss then shoots it and makes it. "Fucker." I say. He laughs. We check it, I dribble and I act as if I'm going to hand him the ball, he looks at me confused, and tries to grab the ball I throw it behind my back and continue dribbling it behind my back I pump fake him and shoot it successfully. "All that height, for what?" I ask. He laughs. We check it again but he drops the ball and walks up to me, he gives me a kiss. We're making out on my homemade court. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him, he carries me to the porch before I tell him to put me down. "What're you doing?" He asks. "Seeing if my sister is still awake." I answer. She's not. I grab his hand and lead him to my room. I push him on my bed and get on top of him and begin unbuckling his belt and unbuttonning his pants. I take my shirt off, then my bra. I help him take his shirt off. He pulls his pants down and kicks his shoes off. I take my shorts and panties off, I begin to lower myself onto him. I moan as I feel him inside of me. I ride him, he flips us over so that he's on top. He puts my legs over his shoulders and I feel him go deeper, I dig my nails into his side. He goes faster. He comes, slowing his pace. We're both breathing hard. He lays down next to me and holds me, we drift off to sleep.

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