Ty and Chris continue to fight. They're both hanging in there with each other until Chris gets a good left hook on Ty's jaw. Ty grows angry and slams Chris on the ground. He stands over Chris and punches him continuously. I run outside to intervene. I hand Madeline to Keri. I run over to Ty and pull him off Chris. "Stop!" I yell. I push Ty towards the house. "Get this bastard off my property Kamryn. NOW!" He yells angrily. Casey grabs Ty and pushes him inside. I walk over to Chris and help him off the ground. His face is bloodied. I help him get to his car and make him sit in the passenger side. I run inside and wet a cloth. I come back outside and began cleaning his wounds, wiping the blood off. We remain silent for awhile as I'm cleaning him off. I accidentally hurt an open wound on his cheek. He winces. "Why are you here?" I ask pissed off. "You weren't answering my calls or texts. I wanted to see you to make things right. And because I miss you and Maddy." He replies. "I thought you said this isn't what you wanted?" I ask coldly. "I never said that I just said I needed my space. I felt like you weren't giving me that." He says. "And that's an excuse for you to go and talk to other women?" I ask. "Did Ana even cheat on you? Or were you just playing victim?" I add. "No, she did. Why are we even bringing up old shit?" he sighs. "I was just hanging out with her as a friend. I never went to see her that night or any night after. I think she was taking our friendship the wrong way." He explains. "Bullshit. Why the fuck were you leading her on? Telling her you were going to see her that night?" I ask. "Because I'm not a fucking mean person. I'll call her right now and tell her I don't want to be friends anymore." He insists. "That's mean, but no. I don't care. I'm done with your bullshit. You can see Maddy still, we'll figure something out, but I'm done with whatever this is." I say. I began to walk off and he grabs me by my arm. "Kamryn, no, please." He begs. "Stop, Chris let me go." I say trying to pull my arm free. "You're the only person who can get me mad but at the same time you're the only person who makes me really genuinely happy. We can talk all night about any and everything. We joke around about stupid shit and we're the only ones who get it. You're the last person I think about when I go to bed at night and the first person that comes in my mind when I wake up. You're my best friend. My confidant. The love of my life. The mother of my child. And hopefully, someday, my wife. We're going to have slip ups, problems, disagreements and bad days. What couple doesn't? What matters is that we get through it and let it strengthen our relationship, so we can have the best days together. And if you do decide that you don't want to be with me then I understand, I was a dumb stupid asshole who took you for granted and I will forever be sorry for that. Just know that I'll always love you. No matter what or where you are." He tells me trying to hold back tears. I look at him. He pulls me close and I put my head against his. We kiss. "I don't want to do this anymore." I begin to cry. He looks up at me. "Do what?" He asks. "This relationship." I tell him. "You hurt me, so bad." I cry as I try to pull away again. He pulls me onto his lap. I hide my face on his chest and bury it under his chin. I continue to cry. He puts his finger under my chin and makes me look up at him. He wipes my tears away. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I love you. You and Maddy are my life. I'll never let another woman come between us. I'll never hurt you like this again. I promise to love you and give you my all, but I can't promise that we won't have disagreements and bumps in the road along the way. Just know that I'll try my best to keep you happy." He tells me as he kisses me and wipes my tears away. "Will you forgive me?" He asks. I sigh and nod. We kiss. He holds me tight and we sit for a minute. "I don't know what to tell my brother. He hates you." I tell him. "Clearly." He holds up the bloodied cloth. "I think he broke my nose." He laughs. "Whatever, I deserved it though. I don't blame him for disliking me." He adds. "Hold on I'll go get Maddy so you can see her." I say. "Okay, I'll be here." He tells me. I nod. I go inside to get Maddy from Keri. "Can I take her to see Chris?" I ask trying to grab Maddy. "Why?" Keri asks. "Because he's her dad and I want him to see her." I say. "No. You're being dumb right now. I hope you didn't give in to his bullshit." Keri says angrily. "What the fuck Keri he's her dad. She needs her dad too." I say. "Ugh, you piss me off." She hands me Maddy. Ty stands in the door way. "Whats going on?" He asks. "Kamryn is taking Maddy to see that sad excuse of a man out there." Keri says annoyed. "Nope." Ty says, still blocking the door way. "Are you serious?" I say angrily. "Were you not just crying over this dude a week ago for doing you wrong?" Ty reminds me. "We talked it out. Everything is fine now." I tell him. "Just like that? Everything is fine?" Ty asks angrily. "Yeah." I say annoyed. "You sound so dumb right now." Ty says angrily. "Whatever." I say trying to get around Ty. "Nope, if he wants to see her he has to come in here and see her." He says grabbing Maddy out of my arms. I roll my eyes and walk back outside to tell Chris. "Ty said if you want to see Maddy you have to come inside to see her." I tell him. I see Ty standing on the porch. "Really?" He says annoyed. "Whatever. Alright then." He gets out of the car and we walk together to the house. We walk inside and I see Ty giving Chris a cold look as he walks past him. Watching his every move. When we get inside Casey is holding Maddy. She hands her to Chris. "Hey, baby. I missed you." He tells her. Maddy smiles at him and kicks her little legs in excitement. We laugh. "So, why'd you treat Kamryn the way you did?" Ty asks coldly. "Ahem, I was just in a bad place. I took it out on her. I told her I was sorry." He replies. "Well how do I know that you ain't gonna do some shit like that again?" He asks. "I promise, I won't." Chris says. "Nope, you promised before and look what happened. A mans only as good as his word. I took that to heart. Before my Dad left this earth I promised him I would take care of and protect his baby girls, and I'm doing just that. Did I not say I was gonna hurt you if you ever hurt my sister again?" He asks. "Yes, and I'm sorry. Please let me prove to you that I'll never hurt her again." Chris says. Ty shakes his head. "I don't know about that." He says coldly. "I lost all respect for you." Ty adds. "I won't hurt her again. If you just let me prove to you." Chris begs. "One.." Ty pauses. "One last chance you have to prove yourself. You fuck this up I'll make sure of it myself that Kamryn never sees you again." He threatens Chris. "Thank you. I won't fuck it up." Chris says. "Just know that I strongly dislike you. Don't ever cross me." Ty says. Chris nods his head. They shake hands. Ty and Casey head to their room. Me, Maddy and Chris are in the kitchen alone. "Well that was intense." Chris chuckles a little. "Definitely." I agree. Maddy has fallen asleep in his arms. We take her to her crib and lay her down. We sit down on my bed. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah, my head just hurts a little and my lip stings." He says. "You look like shit." I say jokingly. He laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "You two wanna come back to New Orleans with me?" He asks. I feel a bit of resentment. "Mmm.. Not really. I thought you wanted your space?" I ask. "I got my space.. And I didn't like it. I want you to be there when you can." He says. "I was thinking about just sticking around here, if that's alright." I say. We sit in silence for a few minutes. "Why?" He asks. "Because this is where my family is and I don't feel like going back to California to that big ass empty house." I tell him. "Then come back with me." He laughs. "No, you're going to be working all the time though." I tell him. "Do you think Keri will go back with you to California?" He asks. I look at him. "I don't think she'll want to after everything that's happened." I say. "Damn I really fucked up. Do you think we'll ever be cool again?" He asks. "I have no idea." I tell him. "Kinda sucks that your family hates me now." He tells me as he's looking at the ground contemplating. "Whose fault is that?" I joke. "Yes, I get it I fucked up. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say or do to prove myself." He says annoyed. "Just give it some time." I tell him. He looks at me. He gets up and makes his way in between my legs. He lays his head on my chest then looks up at me. "Everything I said earlier, back in my car, I meant it. Every word. I truly love you. I fall more in love with you each day that we spend together. Even on your worst days my love for you grows deeper." He tells me. "There was something I wanted to give to you when you came to New Orleans, before everything happened, but I want it to wait for awhile because I don't want it to seem like it's a last attempt to save our relationship. When it's not. I want everything to be right when I give this to you." He tells me. I smile. What? What is he talking about? Is this what I think it is? I think to myself. "Oookay.." I reply. He just looks at me like that's it? That's all you have to say? I laugh nervously. "I don't know what to say?" I add. He laughs "Just tell me you love me." He says. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you too.
Now tell me you want this dick." He says. "What the fuck?" I laugh. "Shuttup." I push him. "You know you do." He says as he kisses my neck. "Don't. I'm not on birth control or anything." I tell him. "So, I don't mind another baby. I want us to have 7 kids anyway. Besides Maddy needs someone to play with." He says as he continues to kiss my neck. I get up immediately and push him off me. "What?" He laughs. "You're crazy. I am not having 7 kids running around. And I am not going through the whole labor process that many times. I think we should just let Madeline be an only child for awhile. Maybe when she's three we can try for another." I tell him. "Okay. So practice until then?" He asks. I laugh. I kiss him and we start making out on my bed. Luckily we have condoms left over in my room. We end up making love all night.
The next morning Chris gets up with Madeline. I sleep-in for an hour or two. I wake up, as I lay there, still too tired to get up, I over hear Chris and Keri speaking in the living room.
"Yeah, I don't know, I just don't want you to hate me. You're like the coolest person I know, like when Kamryn's not there to joke around with or talk with, there's you. I'm sorry for doing what I did to Kamryn. All I can do is prove to you guys that I am. Just know that I'm sorry. Truly. If you ever need me for anything, I'm here." He tells her. Silence. I hear him walking towards the room. "Chris, wait." Keri says. His footsteps come to a halt. "I ain't gonna lie. As soon as Kamryn broke down on that plane I wanted to head back to New Orleans. Alone. And make sure she never heard from you again. But then I looked down at Maddy, I couldn't do that to her. Make her fatherless. I look at you when you hold her or watch her sleep and I could tell how much you love her. You're a good dad. And I watch how you look at my sister. I can see, feel even, how much you love her. You'll make a great husband someday. And I hope that you follow through with that. I know you guys will continue to have bad days. Nobodies perfect. I just hope you guys can continue to grow through it as well. Just don't disappoint me, I know its none of my business, but I hate seeing Kamryn hurt over your relationship. If ever it comes to that low point again, I won't forgive." She threatens. "I understand. I think I peed a little." Chris jokes. She laughs "I've always wanted to give a bad ass speech like that." She tells him. "Nailed it." He says. They laugh. "I love you like a brother. My 5th brother. The one who turns awkward situations into something hilarious. The one who can make my sister laugh like I never heard her laugh before. You've helped make me an auntie slash part time baby dad. For that I thank you. I forgive you. Just make my sister happy. And try talking her into having another baby." She laughs. "We were just talking about that last night." He laughs. "But she said not for a while." He sighs. "I also wanted to thank you for stepping up in my absence. I appreciate it. Alot." He tells her. "You're welcome. I love that baby girl as if she's my own." She says. "She's sweet now, but I'm still gonna make her a little meanie.." She jokes. "Noope. Can't have that." He laughs. "What time is it anyway?" She asks. "It's almost noon. Kamryn must have been tired. I'm gonna go bug her until she wakes up." Chris tells her. I hear him coming towards the room again. I hide under the blankets. "If she doesn't wake up just draw a dick on her face and lets see how long she has it on before we tell her its there." Keri jokes. Chris laughs. "I don't want to get beat up." He jokes. He's in the room. "Babe? Are you there?" He asks sarcastically. He tugs the blankets off of me as I pretend to sleep. He tries to climb in bed next to me and I immediately scoot to the side he's trying to lay on. He falls off the bed. "Really?" He laughs. I look down at him and lay back down. He gets up and attempts to lay down again. I lift up the blankets and welcome him to join me. He gets in excitedly. "Your... Something else." I laugh. I lay my head on his chest and he holds me. "Soo.. I talked to Keri." He tells me. "Really? How'd that go?" I ask. "Good. She doesn't hate me. We're cool now." He says. "Awesome." I reply.It's been a couple months since Chris has gone back to work. Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Me and Keri are making plans for thanksgiving dinner. We have decided to stay in Nebraska for thanksgiving. We're in the city grocery shopping. As we're in the store I get a call from Chris. "Hello?" I say. "Hey baby, what are you up to?" He asks. "Nothing, grocery shopping, getting stuff for thanksgiving. Whats up?" I ask. "Nothing I was just calling to let you know that I love you... And... I might not be able to make it for thanksgiving." He tells me. "What? Really?" I say annoyed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I really wish I could make it though. I was looking forward to Keri's turkey gravy, and seeing you guys of course." He tells me. "It's fine. I understand. I'll save you a plate." I joke. "It'll be all moldy by the time I get it." He laughs. "I know I'm joking. Well maybe we could just cook up a feast when you come home." I tell him. "Sounds awesome. Babe, I have to get back. Give Maddy a kiss for me. I love you both." He tells me. "Ok. We love you too." I reply. We get home and prep for the dinner. I make the desserts and Keri preps everything else.
The next day our family arrives. My best friend Evelyn is coming. I'm excited to see her. I haven't seen her since before I met Chris. We've been best friends since grade school. Shes like another sister. She's in the military as well. She's being honorably discharged in a few weeks. She texts to let me know she's pulled into town. I go outside and wait for her on the porch. Five minutes later I see a car pulling up to our drive way. It's her. She still looks the same, caramel skinned, green eyes, beautiful smile. I notice she's dyed her normal dark brown hair to bleach blonde with black roots. She jumps out of the car and we run to each other, screaming the whole time. She jumps on me and we fall a little. "Oh my gosh bitch I missed you!" She says as she hugs me. "I missed you too slut!" I tell her back. "You're a mom now Kamryn! Oh my gosh I can't believe it. As soon as I heard you were expecting I was like 'your fucking joking, Kamryn told me she was never having kids.' But here you are, a fucking mom. Who would have thought." She says. "You look good though, for someone who just had a baby." She adds. "Right." I laugh. "You've been with child. I really cant believe it though." She says. " I guess that's what happens when the dicks too good, you just in a rush to get down to it like: 'fuck the condom.'" I joke. We look at each other and burst into laughter. "Bitch. Quit playing." She says. "No, I'm kidding. I'm happy to have her. She's everything." I tell her. "Where is she? I want to meet her." She asks. "She's sleeping. We could go watch her." I joke. "I want to see her anyway though. I won't wake her." She says. "Okay." I reply. I take her in the back to my room. We see Maddy's crib. We walk up to it and just watch her sleep for a bit. I look at Evelyn, she's caught up in Maddy's cuteness. She smiling, she touches Maddy's cheek and runs her fingers through her short light brown hair. "She is a beauty. She's got little wavy locks." She tells me as she sits next to me. "Yeah, she looks like her daddy." I tell her. "I know I didn't see you at all when I was looking at her." She tells me. "So.. Tell me about your man. Where is he?" She asks. "He's on set? I think? I'm pretty sure. He's doing a movie with Denzel." I tell her. She gasps. "Nuh-uh. That's amazing. So when am I gonna meet the man who keeps my Kam Kam happy?" She asks. "He was supposed to come but work is keeping him." I tell her. "Ohh, that's too bad." She says in a sad voice. "Yeah, sucks." I say annoyed. "I wish I could have been there for you when you guys were going through your rough patches." She tells me. "It's fine. You're in the Navy, you guys live on a ship for months at a time. I know your ass was more miserable than me up on that bitch." I joke. "Whatever." She laughs. "I missed you though, thanks for writing." She adds. "I missed you too. And no problem, I would want you to write my lonely ship livin' ass." I joke. She scoffs. "Girrl, I was not lonely on that ship. Believe me." She tells me. We look at each other and laugh. "You're nasty." I tell her. "So you're coming back for good now?" I ask. "Yep, it'll be like I never left. So what's up with Ty?" She asks. "He's got a girlfriend." I tell her. "Not for long. He's about to have a new one." She says as she gets up off the bed. "You better not, Ev. He seems, I don't know, I never seen him act like this before." I tell her. "We'll see about that." She tells me.

Chris Pratt fanfiction *Sweet Bliss*
FanfictionFeel free to indulge. If you have the hots for the handsome, funny, amazing, Chris Pratt, this is a must read! :)