I look at the ground far below us, I begin to feel sick. I tell Keri to trade me seats and she does. We land an hour later. I call Chris and let him know. He tells me we can shop for all new furniture for the house. We look around the city for hours before we decide to just hire an interior designer. She tells us to meet up with her at the house tomorrow. We check into a hotel for the night.
The designer is already waiting for us at the house. She steps out of her car and greets us. "Hello, nice to finally meet you, I'm Nicole Miller." Shes a brunette, her eyes brown with a warm smile. She's dressed casually, although, she looks like she means business. We head into the house and we give her a walk through. We give her our perspective on how we'd like the house to look. "Ok, I'll try my absolute best to meet your perspective. The house should be done in a matter of 2 weeks and then you can begin the move in process. I'll keep you updated." She says. "Thank you Mrs. Miller. We really appreciate it! We're excited to see the outcome. Again, thanks." I tell her and we go our separate ways. I call Chris to let him know. "Awesome, what about a nursery?" He asks. "Yeah, she said since we don't know the gender yet she'll leave us to paint the room whenever we find out." I say. "Ok, cool. I got to get back to work babe, I love you." He tells me. "Ok, I love you too." I reply.
We're back in Nebraska finishing up last minute errands before our move. I realise it's 5 days till my next appointment. I call Chris. "Are you gonna be able to make it out for the next appointment?" I ask. "No, I'm sorry baby. I can't leave any time soon. We're almost done filming. After we wrap the cast has to go out on the road to do interviews and promote the movie. I was trying to call to let you know but I couldn't get through." He tells me. I began to feel a little sad and annoyed at the same time. I sigh. "Ok. I'll just keep you updated." I say. "Ok. I really want to be there though. Sad that I can't be. You'll be okay. Just know you and baby are constantly on my mind. And all this is for you. I love you." He tells me. I can't help but smile. "Ok. I love you too." We talk a bit more until he has to get back to work.
It's been three months. I'm excited to finally find out the sex of our baby this week. We're all moved into the new house. Me and Keri are still trying to get adjusted to living in California. Everything has been smooth so far. We check in with our brothers every now and then. Chris is still on the road. He's not sure when he'll be home, he always replies with, "any day now.", when ever I ask. I walk over to the guest house to see Keri. We eat breakfast and visit. "I like it here. I just wish I had friends or something." She tells me. "Well lets go make some!" I say sarcastically excited. "Where? Who's going to want to hang out with a pregnant lady?" She asks. "Fuck you." I say. We laugh. We get ready and catch a cab to the city. We explore and shop around. Keri manages to make a few friends. They invite her to a party tonight. We head back home so she can get ready. "I'm kind of excited to finally get out of the house." She tells me. "Yeah, go out and have fun, enjoy yourself." I say. "Are you going to be okay being home alone?" She asks. "Yeah, I'll be fine. After all I'm not really alone." I rub my belly. "Aww, I wish you could go." She makes a frowny face. "Have fun. I'll be fine." I reassure her.
Keri is gone so I decide to head to bed early. I began to miss Chris so I watch "Parks and Rec" until I fall asleep. It's about 7 in the morning when I hear footsteps and something drop. I walk to my door and peak out. It's Chris. He's sitting at the island counter taking his shoes off. "Hey." I whisper. He looks up and I hide. He starts walking towards the door. I run and hide in our walk in closet. I see him getting close. I jump out and scare him. He laughs and grabs me. "Aughh! I fucking missed you!" He hugs me tightly. He looks at me. "Whoa, I was going to pick you up, good thing I didn't." He puts his hand on my stomach. "This is making me realise how long I've been gone, you were so small the last time I seen you." He rubs my belly. "Baby was just moving before I woke up. That's what actually woke me, then I heard you making noise in the kitchen." I tell him. "Man, I want to feel baby move." He says. "Well baby likes to move when I'm eating. Sooo, maybe you should cook us breakfast." I say. "Of course." He replies. We head out to the kitchen and he makes breakfast. He made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. We sit at the island and eat. "Like clock work, baby is moving." I say. Chris puts his hand on my stomach. His eyes get big and he looks surprised. "Wow that's amazing. I never felt anything like that before." He says smiling. Keri walks in the house. "Whaaat?!" She says laughing. She walks up and gives Chris a hug. "When did you get here fucker?" She asks. "I just got in a couple hours ago. Our flight was supposed to leave later tonight but I was like 'fuuck that, I need to get home to my girl asap' so I got on the next flight here and here I am." He tells her. "Aww, so sweet." She says sarcastically. "So how do you like the house?" She asks. "Ohh yeaah. I love it. It's nice. You guys did good." He tells us. Keri gives a thumbs up. "So big day tomorrow. You came just in time. We find out the gender of the baby!" She tells him. "For sure. I can't wait." He says as he hugs me. "We're hoping for a girl." Keri says. "Noooo. I need a boy. I can't be the only guy stuck with you two crazies." He says. We laugh. "Shuttup." We both say. I head to the shower. I hear the door open. I look out and Chris is standing there naked. "Remember this?" He asks. I laugh. He gets in with me. I put my arms over his shoulders. We start making out. I look at his body and it turns me on. I grab him down there. He's hard. He kisses me everywhere. He goes down on me. I moan, realising how much my body has been aching for his touch. He bends me over and soon he's inside of me. I feel him deep. I gasp as he begans thrusting himself into me. I moan loudly. "Shh." He tells me in my ear and begans kissing me on my neck down to my shoulder. I can't help but moan. He laughs a little and continues to thrust. He starts going faster and harder. It feels good, but I can't take it anymore so I push him out of me. "You Ok baby?" He asks. "Yeah, you were just too deep." I say. He laughs. "Ohh, I'm sorry. You wanna do it on the bed?" He asks. I laugh. "Ok." I reply. We head to the bed. I lay down. He puts it back in. I gasp. "You Ok? Let me know if I'm hurting you." I nod. He continues thrusting. He goes faster. Harder. I moan louder. He groans as he comes in me. All of a sudden we hear Keri "You guys are nasty!" She yells. He lays his head on my chest and laughs. "That was awesome." He says. I laugh. "Go run us some bath water now." I say. We lay there for a bit then he finally gets up and gets bath water started. He calls me in. He helps me in the tub. I sit down and he gets in behind me. "This feels good." I say. I lie back on him. He kisses my neck. "I love you." He tells me. "I love you too." I reply. "You want me to wash your hair?" He asks. I nod. He begans washing my hair. After awhile of relaxing we get out and he helps me get dressed. He dries my hair.
We lay down and watch Netflix. He sees the history of what was being previously watched. "You were watching 'Parks and Rec'?" He laughs. "Yeah, I missed you and I couldn't sleep." I tell him. "Aww." He makes a sad face. We laugh. We decide to watch "Insidious". He turns the volume up loud. "Ugh, I hate the music." I tell him. "The music is the best." He says. I manage to get tired enough to block out the loud scary music. I fall asleep in his arms. Before I do I feel him kiss me on the forehead. "I love you, Kamryn." He tells me. I'm too tired to say it back. I drift off into a deep sleep.
We arrive at my new doctor's office. We get checked in and head into the back. We sit and wait for the doctor. A woman walks in. "Hello, Mrs. Taylor. I'm doctor Carter. I'll be delivering your baby. Is this your first?" She asks. "Yes." I reply. "Congratulations. Is this dad?" She shakes Chris' hand. "Yes ma'am." He replies. "Congratulations to you both." She says. "Thank you." We both say. "Ok, your blood work and urine came back fine. You're 25 weeks. We're going to send you over to our ultrasound tech and check on baby. Make sure everything is going good in there and hopefully we get to find out the gender as well. Sound good?" She asks. "Sounds great." I reply. "Ok." She says. She takes us to the ultrasound technician. We get started. She squirts the warm jelly on my stomach and moves her device around on it. Me and Chris are looking at the screen. She does her work, typing notes and things on the computer screen. Pointing out the head and little feet along the way. "Everything looks good. Now we can find out the gender." She says as she moves the device around more. "Looks like your having a girl." She says. I smile. "What? I'm in a house full of women." Chris says. We all laugh. "I can't wait to meet her though." He adds.
We meet up with Chris' mom for dinner and tell her. She's excited. We'd already worked out our differences when I first arrived. Chris set up a lunch. Anyway, we head home and tell Keri the news. "Yeesss! Your sperm totally betrayed you. Now you're stuck with us meanies. I'm going to make her mean." She tells Chris. "Bullshit. She's going to be the sweetest." He tells her. "We shall see." She does an evil laugh. "Babe please. Make her a tomboy so we can go to ball games together." He says. "Shuttup." I push him. We all laugh.
It's going on the third week of June and I'm 3 days past my due date. Chris got all his interviews done early so he could be here when baby came. He's sitting on the bed googling how to jump start labor. We do everything Google advises, but still, nothing. We decide to get take out. We watch a couple movies and get ready for bed. Soon enough we are in a deep sleep. Around 3 in the morning I feel a dribble of what feels like pee come out of my vagina so I run to the bathroom, but as I'm running it continues to come out then soon it just spills out before I even make it. I look and Chris is watching. "What just happened?" He asks, laughing. "I think my water broke." I reply. He gets up. "Where's the hospital bag?" He asks. "In the closet. I want to take a shower." I say. "Are you serious? Do you have time?" He asks. "I don't know but I'm going to anyway." I reply. "Okay, Im right out here if you need anything." He tells me. I nod. I get in the shower. I get ready and we head to the hospital. We check in and they take us to our room. They ask me questions and get me started on an I.V. They test my fluids to make sure my water really broke. They find out it has. They check my cervix and its dialated at a 3. A nurse comes in with papers for me to sign. "This is for pain medication, we need you to sign if you're getting any." She says. "No I want to do it natural, I don't want my baby to be drugged up." I say. "Are you sure? You could still sign if you change your mind later. Most women do." She tells me. "No I'm positive." I say adamant. The nurse nods. "You're not feeling anything yet? No cramping or anything?" She asks. I shake my head. "Okay, I'll be in to check on you in an hour or so to check your progress." She says. I nod. I look at Chris. He smiles. He's sitting on a chair next to the bed.
A few hours pass and the nurse has come and gone. I am now dialated at a 6. I feel the contractions. They have grown strong. I lay on the bed trying to get comfortable. "Ugh, talk to me. Get my mind off this pain." I tell Chris. He begans talking. After a few minutes I notice the contractions got stronger. "Nevermind shut up, its not working." I say. Chris laughs. "Don't laugh. I hate you." I say. "Im sorry." He says. I look at him and he's trying not to laugh. "You're a fucking asshole. I hate you." I say. He looks surprised. "Im sorry." He just says. The nurse comes in again. Still a 6. Keri arrives and joins us. A few more hours of agonizing pain go by. It's been 15 hours of labor but it feels like forever. A new nurse comes in. "Nooo. Please." I say. "I have to check how much you've progressed." She says. Chris hands me his hand, I grab it and squeeze as the nurse checks my cervix. "Okay you're at an 8 now." She tells me. "That's it? Can I speed it up somehow?" I ask. "You can walk around or I can bring the ball in." She says. I feel a strong contraction. "No. Can I have the medicine, please?" I beg as I began to cry. "Im sorry it's too late." She tells me. "Can't I sign the paper after?" I beg. "No, you can't. I'm sorry." She says. Another contraction. I let out a loud cry. Chris rushes to my side. He tries to comfort me. "Come on baby just try to walk maybe it'll make you feel a little better." He says. He rubs my hair. "Come on, sit up." He helps me sit up. Keri comes over and helps. I just want to lay back down. They send a doula in to give us some tips. She tells me to stand up and use Chris for support and rock back and forth as if we're slow dancing. I get a strong contraction and cry. She tells me to focus on my breathing and I do. "Thanks for your help." Chris tells the doula. "No problem, you're doing good dad." She praises Chris. A nurse comes in and puts baby blankets, a little diaper, and a snot sucker thingy on the little baby bed and turns the light on above it. She leaves the room. I look at Chris and he gives me a nervous smile. Our doctor comes in and greets us and stands by as the nurse comes back in and tells me to lay back down to check my cervix once again. It's a 9. "Push the nurse call button if you begin to feel pressure on your bottom or the urge to push. It'll feel like you have to poop." She tells me. I nod. They leave. I begin to cry again. "I'm scared." I say. Chris grabs my hand. "It'll be okay baby." He kisses me on the head and runs his fingers through my hair. Keri rubs my shoulder. "You can do this." She tells me. I nod. And all of a sudden it feels like I have to poop badly. I tell Chris and he pushes the nurses button. The nurse comes in to check. She lifts the blanket off me. She runs out. "Dr. Carter. We need you in here, the patient is crowning." We hear her say. I began crying and Chris comforts me. The nurse comes back in with a cart and goes back out. I strongly feel the urge. "Ugh, I gotta push I can't help it." I say. "No, baby wait the nurse and doctor will be here any minute." He says. "I can't." I begin to push. "Fuck. Keri go get the doctor." Chris tells her. She runs out. I push again. And again. Chris runs over and grabs one of the blankets. I push once more.. Then all of a sudden I hear a cry. I look down and Chris is holding her. I lay back. Tired. Exhausted.

Chris Pratt fanfiction *Sweet Bliss*
FanfictionFeel free to indulge. If you have the hots for the handsome, funny, amazing, Chris Pratt, this is a must read! :)