somethings off?

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Y/n's pov

I was eating my dinner for the night out infront of the camp fire. But something felt off... I looked around but I couldn't see anything since I'm right next to the fire and there was so much shrubbery around me, so I could only see was was immediately around me and nothing else really and its dark. Well maybe im just nervous because I can't see much at the moment-

A small rock is thrown to my feet

I look at the rock and get scared since I was already feeling uneasy and now the rick is thrown at me. I look around but still can't see anything nor do I hear anything. And nothing else happens, maybe the rock fell from somewhere or I accidently kicked it and didn't realize.

I convince myself to go to sleep but end up waking up after a few hours. And feel a stronger seance of dread than before but don't see anything when i look outside my tent. I continue to look and listen and hear leave and branches rustle as if a animal or a person just brushed against it.

Sorry for the cliff hanger I gtg to bed. Gn!

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