im still alive?

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3rd pov

Y/n hesitate as they see the creature that seemed to be most likely dead by now to them. It's been a month and that thing had no food or water.

After 2 days y/n would get the courage to open the car for the first time in a month as the creature hasn't moved at all.

Y/n's pov

I had removed the tarp and the straps I used to make it so the thing couldn't get out. I was hesitant to unlock and open the door. I look at the creature again to make sure it harder move... It hadn't....

"Come on y/n it's most likely dead just open the freaking car-"

I unlock it and keep an eye on the creature even as I open the door.


I try to get a better look without getting in the car and I see it's grey-ish blue eyes open and look right at me-

I try to move to close the door but suddenly I couldn't close the door. It had its claw on the door not letting me close it. All I could think about is run but if I did id turn my back and if this thing is hostile as it seems I'd be dead if I turn its back. Especially since that thing is probably starving-

I back away as I face it still. I try to find my way to the door to get inside the house without taking my eyes of the creature. The creature gets out of the car on all fours and looks at me. It was about 5 ft on all fours... It scared me. I notice scares on it and notice a bullet shot in the skull it wore.

I find the door knob and try to open it and dash in closing the door but I get knocked to the ground when I turn away to dash in. The creature growls while looking down at me. I frantically try to see if I had anything I could use in defence when suddenly the creature kinda just moves away from me and collapses...?

I thought I was going to be eaten alive by a monster but it just decides to not eat me despite being starved....?

One part of me wanted to flee inside another felt bad and curious about this creature and why it didn't eat me and what the hell it was...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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