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I caught a sight of Isabel's face, her eyes fixed on me with a fierce glare. Her expression was a picture of fury and indignation , and it was clear that her anger was directed mainly at me. Her gaze was piercing, and I could sense the intensity of her emotions. It was as if her eyes were blazing with a fire that threatened to consume the whole me. It was scary but I just had to ignore and shifted my gaze back to Jacob who was just standing and also staring at Isabel with a contrite look.

"Hey asshole!!" I clicked  my fingers to signal his attention. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

The guy just ignored me and went straight to Isabel. "Babe.. I'm so sorry, it wasn't my intention, I'm promise."he said, cupping one of her hand with his two hands.

Isabel didn't even glance at his direction, her eyes remained fixed on me the entire time, blazing with anger and rage. Her gaze was unwavering, her pupils constricted in a fierce stare that seemed to bore into my very soul. It was as if she was piercing through me with her eyes, her anger was visible in the air. The intensity of her stare was unrelenting, her focus never wavering as she crossed the distance between us.

A loud sound shattered the silence, and I heard gasps from the people around me. I was so fixated on Isabel's gaze that I hadn't even noticed when they entered. My cheek throbbed as I raised my hand to rub it, tears streaming down my face. And then it hit me - Isabel had just slapped me, her hand leaving a stinging sensation on my skin. The shock and pain were momentarily disorienting, and I struggled to process what had just happened.

"Hey!!Boyfriend snatcher, this man right here...." she said, pointing her index finger at Jacob. "Is my boyfriend and he's off-limit, he's not only my boyfriend but also my soon-to-be husband."showcasing a diamond ring on her middle finger at my face.

I gazed at Isabel through tears-strained eyes , a mix of emotions swirling inside me. A part of me yearned to retaliate, to slap this bitch back and defend myself, but I know it wasn't worth the trouble. I couldn't help but acknowledged that I had brought it upon myself, ignoring the obvious sign of the ring on Jacob's finger.

I strode towards Jacob, closing the distance between us with determined steps, and delivered a sharp slap across his face. The sound of the slap echoed through the air; a stark contrast to the silence that had preceded it. My hand stung from the impact,but I didn't flinch, my eyes fixed on Jacob's stunned expression.

"Asshole" I cursed and stormed out of the room.

I felt a stinging sense of betrayal and deception. The pain I experienced was not from Isabel's slap, but from Jacob's nonchalant demeanor. He had used me for my body, and I had been blinded to his true nature. I felt like a fool ignoring the signs.

Overwhelmed with emotions, I couldn't bear to stay at the party. I went outside, opened the gate and left without a word. I didn't even have to courage to tell Angel about what happened. As I stepped out onto the street, I realized I had no way to get home-Angel had driven us both to the party in her car.

With heavy heart, I decided walk home. My house was just three streets away from Jacob's house and it was just going to take about 30 minutes to get to my place.

As I walked, the darkness seemed to thicken around me, and I sensed a presence lurking just out of sight. I froze, my heart racing, and scanned the deserted street behind me but there was no  one. The silence was oppressive, a heavy blanket that suffocated me. I resumed my pace, but the feeling only intensified.

Panic set as I frantically patted my pockets, searching for my phone. But it wasn't there, I checked again, my hands shaking with growing ease, until the dreadful realization hit me: I had left it behind at Jacob's house. The thought sent chill down my spine, leaving me utterly alone and vulnerable in the darkness.

As I gazed back into the darkness, a spectral figure materialized, its black hoodie billowing like a dark cloud. The face was a featureless void, a shadow within a shadow. My heart racing, I accelerated my pace, desperate to outrun the unseen threat. Yet, with every step, I felt the presence closing in, its footsteps echoing mine with sinister synchrony. I glanced back once more, and for an instant, the figure vanished into thin air. Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived. As I took another step forward, a hand grasped my waist from behind, and a cloth drenched in a mysterious, pungent liquid was pressed to my nose. The world around me dissolved into an inky blackness, and I succumbed to the abyss.

As I woke up  from the void of unconsciousness, my body felt heavy, weighed down by the anchors of numbness. The room was a dismal cave, shrouded in darkness, and the somber furniture seemed to absorb what little light dared to enter. My gaze fell upon a shadowy figure lounging on a sofa, its presence as ominous as a dark storm cloud. I struggled to move, but my hands were shackled to the bed, rendering me helpless. The figure rose, its movements eerily silent, and approached me with a sinister smirk playing on its lips. Yet, its face remained obscured, hidden in the shadows like a ghostly apparition.

I brought my knees closer to my chest, trying to sit up, " who are you!!"I yelled

He just kept on smiling. He then dragged my legs forcibly close to the position they were before and used some chain beside the tip of the bed to hold them down.

"Pls don't hurt me..plsss"

He loomed over me, his body suspended above mine, supported by one hand while the other traced a tantalizing path along my curves. His fingers danced across my skin as he caressed my hip and waist with a tighten grip.

His lips crashed onto my neck, his kisses were aggressively, as if claiming me as his own. His grip on my waist tighten , his fingers digging deep into my skin like a vice, holding me captive to his desire.

"Help!!help!!!" I yelled.

His gaze locked onto mine, and I was met with the intensity of his dark brown eyes, gleaming with a mischievous spark. A devilish grin spread across his face, his lips curling up with a sly, tantalizing smile.

Fortunately, he rose from my prone form, he extracted a small key from his pocket and deftly unlocked the chains that bound my hands and legs. I lay there, my gaze fixed on the ceiling, struggling to process the trauma that had just unfolded. This stranger had nearly violated me, leaving me shaken and vulnerable. I scanned the room, but he was nowhere to be seen, as if he had vanished into thin air.

I stumbled out of the basement, my heart racing and tears streaming down my face. I fled through the streets, my senses heightened, as if I was being pursued by an unseen force. I burst into my apartment, the door sliding open with a soft hiss as my fingerprint unlocked it. I slammed it shut behind me, the click of the lock echoing through the silence like a promise of safety. I leaned against the door, my chest heaving, and let the tears flow unchecked.

Chapter four loading..........🦋☺️
The present will continue from chapter four, you can read chapter one again to understand chapter four better❤️

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