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Ethan's POV

I'd been walking for twenty-five minutes, my feet aching and my phone's battery dwindling. I'd been trying to hail an Uber for what felt like an eternity, but every driver seemed to be canceling on me. I'd bet I was at least a mile away from Emma's house by now, and the darkness of the night seemed to be closing in around me. It was 12:25 am, and the streets were deserted. I was starting to lose hope. Just as I was staring at my phone in frustration, a figure emerged from the shadows. We collided, and my phone went flying.I picked up my phone and  I looked up to see a black mask staring back at me - a plain, black mask that obscured the face of the stranger who'd bumped into me.

"Oh, sorry!"I exclaimed, still on my knee, phone in hand. "I wasn't looking, I was buried in my phone..."But before I could finish my apology, the figure simply turned and walked away, ignoring me completely. I shrugged it off and continued my mission to find an Uber. But after a few more minutes of failed attempts, I decided to call Mike for help. I dialed his number and he answered on the first ring. "Hey, need a ride?" he asked, already knowing the answer. I gratefully accepted and waited for him to arrive. When he pulled up, I hopped in and we headed home.

Emma's POV

I watched Angel as she stirred in her slumber, her serene form rising and falling with each gentle undulation. My best friend, my confidante, my partner in crime - Angel was all these and more. But as I gazed at her, I couldn't shake off the wakefulness that had taken hold of me, like a persistent whisper in my ear. Despite the exhilarating walk and fun I had with Ethan, my mind remained restless, refusing to let me succumb to the allure of sleep.

I had come home, showered, and continued my ruminations, my mind still folding with a multitude of thoughts. The other night's enigmatic encounter, Jacob's bizarre behavior, the cryptic letter - jeez, they were sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't understand why these events were haunting me.

I took my phone from the side bed and checked the time; it was 6:45 am. I looked at Angel, who was enjoying her sleep beside me with a sleeping position that could only be described as delightfully awkward. Her legs were tangled in a knot, her arms splayed out like a starfish, and her mouth was open in a gentle snore. I took my phone and got down from the bed, standing a little far from the bed to capture the moment. I took some pictures, giggling to myself as I clicked away, the soft snick of the shutter a symphony of amusement. I was going to show them to her later, and I knew she would laugh too.

I went to the window side to breathe in some fresh air, feeling the crisp morning breeze on my face, like a gentle caress. It was good, really good. The sun was slowly rising, casting a warm glow over everything, like a master painter at work. The world outside seemed full of promise, full of possibilities, a blank canvas waiting to be filled. I took a deep breath, feeling invigorated.

I stepped into the bathroom, enveloped by the cool, calming ambiance, and indulged in a long, cold shower that was nothing short of exhilarating. The icy water poured down my skin, revitalizing my senses and washing away the lingering fatigue. I felt refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the day ahead.

I wrapped myself in a plush towel and slipped into some new clothes, discarding the old ones into the laundry basket with a sense of liberation. The soft fabric caressed my skin, imbuing me with a sense of comfort and confidence.

I padded over to the bed, where Angel lay sleeping, her peaceful form a testament to the serenity of the moment. Her chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, her eyelids fluttering ever so slightly as she chased the whispers of her dreams. I sat down beside her, my movements quiet, so as not to disturb her slumber.

I reached for my phone, intending to indulge in a quick scroll through Instagram, but my attention was hijacked by the sight of two missed calls from Mrs. Rachael. A spark of curiosity ignited within me - perhaps she had unearthed some crucial information about the case. I dialed her number once more, my heart beating with anticipation. After two rings, she answered, her voice piercing the line with an air of urgency. "Hey Emma, we have a problem!!" she exclaimed.

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