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The somber gathering fell silent as the pastor stepped up to the graveside, his eyes scanning the sea of tear-stained faces. "Dear friends and family," he began, his voice a gentle breeze on a summer's day, "we come together to bid farewell to a shining star, whose light has been extinguished far too soon." A collective sigh rippled through the crowd, a whispered secret shared among old friends.

The pastor's gaze then landed on Isabel, who stood beside the casket, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. "Isabel, would you like to share some final words about your dear friend?" He asked, his voice a gentle invitation.

"Yes," Isabel replied, her voice trembling. "Jacob... my Jacob... my heart is shattered into a million pieces without you." She paused, collecting her thoughts as the mourners held their collective breath.

"Jacob was more than just my fiancé... he was my soulmate, my confidant, my everything. He was the sunshine that brightened every day, the calm in every storm, and the safe haven where I could be myself." Her voice cracked as she struggled to hold back the tears.

"I remember the way he'd hold my hand, his touch igniting a fire that never faded. I remember our laughter, our adventures, our dreams... our forever plans." Isabel's gaze swept the crowd, meeting the eyes of friends and family who shared in her grief.

"Jacob's passing has left an unbridgeable chasm in my life, a void that can never be filled. His absence is a palpable ache, a gnawing sorrow that threatens to consume me whole." Her voice faltered, the microphone trembling in her hand.

The room fell silent, the only sound the soft sniffles and muffled sobs of the mourners. The pastor's eyes never left Isabel's face, his expression a testament to the depth of their shared sorrow.

Just then, Angel whispered to me, "Isn't that speech a tad too sentimental for someone who cheated on her with you once?"

I shot her a withering glance, my voice barely above a whisper. "Shhhhh, respect the dead, Angel. This isn't a moment for snide remarks."

Angel's grin faltered, her expression softening as she nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just hard to see her so broken over someone who... well, you know."

I nodded understandingly, my gaze drifting back to Isabel, who still clutched the microphone, her eyes brimming with tears. "I know, but let's allow her this moment of closure. Let's let her cherish the memories they shared, even if they weren't all sunshine and rainbows."

The pastor's final words offered comfort and peace, "Dear Lord, we commit Jacob's body to the earth, and his spirit to your loving care. May he rest in peace, and may his memory be a blessing to us all."

As the casket was lowered into the ground, the mourners erupted into a chorus of sobs and wails, the graveside echoing with their grief. The air was heavy with sorrow, a palpable ache that threatened to consume them all.

The graveside ceremony came to a close, the mourners made their way to the repast, a gathering to celebrate Jacob's life and offer comfort to his loved ones. The venue, a community center, was filled with an array of food, drinks, and warm conversation, a testament to the impact Jacob had on those around him.


I gazed around the crowded room, my eyes scanning the sea of unfamiliar faces. Few of them showed any signs of grief, while most were chatting and laughing like they were at a lit gathering. I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this even a funeral ceremony? Or just a fake show?"

God knows I only came here because of my parents. They had dragged me along, insisting it was important to pay our respects. But the truth was, I had no idea who had died. I was totes clueless. My parents and the parents of the deceased were business partners, and I assumed that's why we were here.

As I looked around, I thought to myself, "Do any of these people even care that someone's dead?" It didn't seem like it. They were all so caught up in their own convos, their own lives. I felt like an outsider, a stranger in a room full of people who all seemed to know each other.

The weird thing was, I found out that the deceased was someone who went to my uni. Like, we were literally in the same school, but I had never seen him before. Never even heard of him or maybe I have? I wasn't sure. I didn't even know who died. It was lowkey crazy. I felt a pang of guilt for not knowing him, but at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder, "What's the point of all this?"

My gaze then fell on my parents, who were chatting with the deceased's parents. They looked somber, their faces etched with genuine grief. Well,they were the deceased's parents after all. They had every right to be sad. I felt a pang of guilt for not feeling the same level of emotion. Maybe I was just heartless, or maybe I just didn't know the deceased at all. Which was partially true, or maybe true.

The ceremony dragged on, and I found myself zoning out, my mind wandering to all the things I would rather be doing. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see my mom giving me a stern look. "Pay attention, Ethan," she whispered. "This is important.

But I couldn't help but feel like it was all just a show, a performance to appease the expectations of others. I didn't know the deceased, and I didn't know why I was here. All I knew was that I wanted to dip out of there ASAP.

I grabbed a glass of wine to shake off the monotony of the repast, hoping the rich flavor would transport me to a more exciting place. But before I could even take a sip, I turned around and was met with a splatter of red wine all over my face and white shirt. The cool liquid seeped into my skin, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Damn hell! This day couldn't get any worse. I thought I had already reached the pinnacle of awkwardness, but apparently, I was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" a voice exclaimed, as I frantically wiped the wine from my eyes. The apology was laced with genuine remorse. The voice sounded a little bit familiar, it was a girl. The girl then looked up, "I'm so s-. Ethan!".

Emma, what are you doing here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She looked stunning, clad in a sleek black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her raven hair was styled in an elegant bun, and a delicate black veil framed her heart-shaped face.

"That's the same question I was about to ask you?" she replied.

"Great minds think alike, huh?" I said with a smirk.

"Wait! You knew the deceased?"she said confused.

"Well, I guess, I don't know. You?"I shrugged. "Apparently, we went to the same uni. But I had no idea who he was. You knew who he was?"

"Yeah I did," her voice laced with sadness

Few seconds passed before her eyes snapped back to mine, her face illuminated with remembrance. "You knew him too"

"Really? How did I manage that?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"Yeah, you remember the guy punched on the face? The black hoodie guy that pinned me to the wall?"

My eyes widened. "Oh man, that guy? I remember now. He was the one who died."

Chapter sixteen loading........♥️❤️💗
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