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"Help!" I screamed as I fled through the forest's abyssal depths, my screams for help were swallowed by the darkness. Trees blurred together, a maddening procession of trunks and branches that seemed to stretch on forever. I ran with reckless abandon, my feet pounding out a frantic rhythm on the damp earth, my heart racing with every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves. For I knew I was being hunted, pursued by a presence that lurked just beyond the reach of my sight.

But my flight was short-lived. A hidden root or rock sent me tumbling to the ground, my knee striking the earth with a sickening crunch. I groaned, agony coursing through my veins like liquid fire. As I struggled to rise, my body betrayed me, heavy and numb, refusing to obey my frantic pleas. I gazed down at my knee, the blood welling up like a dark, accusing eye. And then the tears came, not just for the physical pain, but for the deeper wound that pierced my very soul. Betrayal, hurt, and fear entwined like thorns in my heart.

I tried again to stand, but my legs were leaden, unresponsive. So I dragged myself, crawling like a wounded animal, to the nearest tree. I huddled behind its trunk, my back pressed against the rough bark, my eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of my pursuer. And then, I felt it. A presence that was cold, dark, and suffocating, like a shroud that wrapped around my heart. It drew closer, and closer and closer and closer and cl-

"AhhhHHHHH!" I shrieked, my voice shattering the darkness like a fragile, crystal vase. The bed sheet was drenched with sweat, clinging to my trembling body like a damp shroud. My heart raced with a ferocity that threatened to consume me whole, pounding in my chest like a blacksmith's hammer on an anvil. It was as if I had beheld a specter from the very depths of my deepest, darkest fears.

"What manner of nightmare was this?" I wondered, my mind reeling in terror. It had felt so palpably real, so vividly alive, that I could still taste the fear on my lips like a bitter, metallic draught. I reached for the glass of water on my bedside table, my hand closing around it like a vice. I raised it to my lips and drank deeply, the cool liquid coursing down my parched throat like a lifeline.

"It was just a dream," I told myself, attempting to calm the tempest raging within. But my words fell flat, unconvincing. I checked the time on my phone, my eyes seared by the brightness of the screen. The clock glared back at me, taunting me with its icy digits: 3:00 AM.

I lay back on my bed, trying to will myself to sleep, but my mind refused to quiet. Memories of the dream lingered, haunting me like a malevolent entity. Unable to shake them off, I threw off the covers and padded downstairs, seeking solace in the mundane. I rummaged through the pantry, my fingers closing around a bag of crispy chips. I settled onto the couch, clicking the TV to life, and lost myself in the familiar world of "Stranger Things".


I was basking in the blissful oblivion of sleep on the couch, my dreams a jumbled mix of fragmented thoughts and surreal landscapes. But the sudden, jarring ring of the doorbell shattered the tranquility, leaving me disoriented and groggy. I stumbled towards the door, my mind foggy with sleep, and flung it open without hesitation.

On the threshold stood Alex, a look of mild surprise etched on his face. 'Hey, you're not dressed yet?' he asked, his voice tinged with amusement.

I blinked, my brain still struggling to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Oh" I mumbled, the words trailing off as I realized my mistake. The forgotten alarm, the neglected responsibilities, all came flooding back in a rush of panic.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about school!" I exclaimed, my voice laced with panic. "I overslept, I'm such a mess!" I added, my hands flying up to my face in distress.

MY  PSYCHOTIC STALKER☠️😈Where stories live. Discover now