Masks 🎭

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Who will you be?

Which one will you choose?

When is the right time?

Why do you choose?


So much to choose from.
So much, too much, I don't want to.
But I have to, you just got to.


Not everyone tries to understand.
So you have to.

Not everyone tries to nor wants to help.
So you just have to.

Not everyone wants to see you .
So you just have to.


So many to choose from.
No freedom to just be.
So many to choose from.
They don't want to see you, but would like to make you.


So choose which one you will be.
There are many different ones.
You can just choose it doesn't matter.


Today, tomorrow, next week, month or year.
You have to choose.
You depend on it.


Who will you be?
Be quick before yor time runs out.


So many masks
So many emotions
So many personals

Who will you be?

Choose quickly your times running out!


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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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